After a period of time, Haotian and his party finally came to the end of the chaos. Although Haochen only had the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, but because of the blessings of many treasures, he could avoid the attack of the chaotic airflow.

However, although he came to the end of chaos, Haotian did not rush to take out the key of eternity, but based on the memory of the Devil God of Destruction, he found the old nest of the Devil God of Destruction here.

This is a small world that the Demon God of Destruction opened up by himself, and the strong men under his command were all selected from various worlds when he was traveling in the chaos. .

According to the memory of the Demon God of Destruction, there are not only the chaotic spiritual material and chaotic elixir that he has been searching for for many years, but also the corpse of a strong man from the Eternal God Realm.

And why this strong man became a corpse Haotian doesn't know anything, because part of the memory of the Destruction Demon God dissipated, he only got most of the memories, no matter how good the memory of this place has not dissipated, otherwise If so, he wouldn't be able to come here.

After coming to a secret room according to memory, Haotian quickly found the corpse, but although it was just a corpse, it did not rot in the slightest.

The corpse was wearing a set of silver armor, with a silver spear shoved next to it, and an exquisite ring on his hand, which seemed to be a storage ring.

However, at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred, and I saw a burst of silver light suddenly emitting from the corpse, and then a phantom appeared here. Looking at this phantom, Haotian's surprise from the beginning has gradually gradually disappeared. Calm down, because this phantom is very similar to this corpse, and it should be the obsession of this corpse.

Before Haotian could speak, the phantom of the corpse said, "I can sense the aura of destroying that guy from you, if my guess is correct, you have played against him, and you should have the upper hand. "

However, what this phantom didn't expect was that Haotian shook his head and said, "It's not as simple as taking the upper hand. There is no such person as the Destroyer Demon God in this world."

Xu Ying was a little shocked when he heard it, obviously he didn't expect Haotian to be able to kill the Demon God of Destruction, and after a long time he smiled bitterly: "It seems that there are many talents in this Chaos, I thought that the talent of the Demon God of Destruction was already very good, but I didn't expect it. To be able to come out with a more talented one, if I guessed correctly, you should have obtained the memory of the Destroyer Demon God and came here."

After hearing this, Haotian said, "That's right! I did get most of the memories of the Demon God of Destruction, but I'm not very clear about some of your memories."

The young man smiled bitterly after hearing it: "In fact, even if I don't say it, you should know that I am not a person in chaos, but from the Eternal God Realm."

"Then why did you fall? Is it related to the destruction of the Demon God?" Haotian asked after hearing the words.

After hearing this, the young man nodded and said: "You are right, it is indeed related to the destruction of the demon god. When I left the family to experience, I inadvertently encountered the rare eternal storm in the legend, which took me out of the eternal gods. When I came to Chaos, I lost my eyesight at that time, I happened to meet the Demon God of Destruction, and told him some things about the God Realm, but I didn’t expect that he would attack me with the thought of killing people and stealing treasures.”

Hearing the other party's words, Haotian was a little speechless. Did this guy really come from the God Realm? How can you be so naive? But everyone is like this, he didn't want to say anything, but asked: "You see me coming over and suddenly appearing, there must be something wrong."

After hearing this, the young man said: "I do have something I want to ask your Excellency for help. I hope that if you go to the Eternal God Realm in the future, you can send my body to the family."

Haotian was silent for a while after hearing this, and finally nodded and said: "I do plan to go to the legendary Eternal God Realm to see, since I'm on the way, I can take your body there, but you have to tell me yours first. name."

After hearing this, the young man said: "My name is Feng Yin, and I am a member of the Feng family. Your Excellency will find out when you go to the Eternal God Realm. In addition, there are some materials and divine stones in my ring, which are useless to me, so that's all. Send it to you."

Haotian nodded slightly, and then asked: "Can you briefly tell me about the situation of the Eternal God Realm?"

After hearing Feng Yin's phantom, he immediately told Haotian some things about the Eternal God Realm. It turned out that this Eternal God Realm was the world opened up by the Eternal Lord. Of course, some people call it the Eternal God Lord because he is the entire Eternal God Realm. The only supreme powerhouse who has reached the level of God Lord!

Below him are some super-powerhouses at the God Emperor level! And the power of the **** emperor level has already surpassed him. According to the realm in the chaos, he is already a powerhouse in the realm of the Dao. The existence of this level, and there are eight strongmen of this level on the bright side. As for whether there are still in the dark, even Feng Yin can't tell, so he can only tell Haotian some other things that he knows.

Although it is not clear how many **** emperor powerhouses there are in the Eternal God Realm, the other information about the Eternal God Realm mentioned by Feng Yin is enough for him. Shadow said: "Thank you for the information about the Eternal God Realm. I will send your body back to the Feng family."

Feng Yin cupped his hands gratefully when he heard it, and then disappeared, and Haotian took a meaningful look at Feng Yin's body and put it away, but the ring was removed, and this There is actually a restriction on the ring, so it is no wonder that the Devil God of Destruction did not take it away, but this restriction does not seem to be undefended by itself, it seems that it should be a gift from Feng Yin.

He was not in a hurry to look at what was in the ring, because there would be time in the future. After he came to other treasure houses to put away the collection of the Demon God of Destruction, Haotian left here with the people from Yaochi.

After coming to the end of the chaos, Haotian took out the key of eternity directly, and then the key of eternity emitted a burst of golden light, and then a channel slowly opened.

Seeing this, Haotian breathed a sigh of relief, and then took Yaochi and his group into it. However, not long after entering this passage, a storm suddenly appeared in the passage. Haotian saw a change in color behind him, and at the same time he was a little helpless. Thinking of the eternal storm that has rarely appeared in the Eternal God Realm for countless years, it has appeared again, and it just happened to appear in the passage.

In desperation, Haotian could only do his best to form multiple shields to wrap everyone together, but in the face of the mysterious and unpredictable eternal storm, he was still involved in it and disappeared.

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