After all, he had promised Duguyun that he would refine medicine pills to treat his sister, so naturally he would not break his promise. After arriving at the door of the Eternal Chamber of Commerce, Haotian looked at Duguyun and said, "Let's go! Come back with me, I'll give it to your sister. Refining medicine pills."

Dugu Yun looked happy when he heard the words, and then left with Dugu Xue and Haotian. The group returned to the mansion without much effort. Yao Chi looked at the two behind Haotian and said suspiciously, "Haotian, these two Who is it?"

Haotian heard the words and said, "These are my two new servants. You can arrange a place for them to rest. I'll make some medicinal pills first."

Yao Chi nodded, and then arranged for the two to find two rooms to rest, while Haotian directly entered the alchemy room and took out some magical medicines from the storage ring. All these magical medicines arrived at once. Fourth rank, not only those that improve their cultivation, but also those that temporarily explode their strength, as well as those that restore mana and heal wounds. In short, there are all kinds of magic medicines.

As for Duguxue's situation, he is also clear, because there is no other disease in his body, it is cold poison. If you want to restrain this kind of disease, you must use fire-attribute magic medicine to make medicinal pills to burn poison, of course not any fire. All attribute magic medicines can be used, first of all, it must be a fourth-grade fire attribute magic medicine, and secondly, the fire quality in it should not be too violent, otherwise it will easily hurt the body, so it has the fire attribute, but it is easy to control the fire spirit fruit. preferred.

After taking out another fire spirit fruit, Haotian slowly smashed it with a pestle, then added some other medicinal materials, put it into his Chaos Cauldron, and then refined it into Chaos Beads. .

Because the Chaos Orb can greatly reduce the time, he didn't want to waste too much time refining medicinal pills, but in a room, Duguxue looked at his brother and said, "Brother, you are too reckless, how can you make that out? What kind of oath?"

After Duguyun heard it, he lovingly touched his sister's head and said, "As long as you can be cured, it's no big deal to find that kind of oath."

"Then are you sure that person can cure me?" Duguxue said with some dissatisfaction.

Hearing his sister's words, Dugu Yun was silent for a while, and then said: "I think he can cure your disease, this is a feeling in my heart, although I can't say why? But I feel that he will definitely be cured. your illness."

Duguxue fell into silence when she heard the words. She knew that her illness made her brother very worried. The reason why her brother chose to be a killer was because he could earn a lot of divine stones, but when they obtained a lot of divine stones and sought treatment from alchemists , but no one can heal, even Xu Yang, the president of the Alchemist Guild, is powerless.

That is to say, from then on, Duguxue was desperate. She didn't want to drag her brother down any more. She tried to commit suicide several times and was found by her brother. Apologize and comfort yourself.

Over time, Duguxue no longer thought about suicide, but also chose to become a killer to help his brother share some of the things within his power. Fortunately, both brothers and sisters have good talents, but in 200 years, they broke through to the level of a **** and became a king. One of the top killers in the Shadow Building, until I received such a list yesterday, I thought it was a matter of hand, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

But she no longer gave up hope about whether she could get rid of the cold poison, because even the president of the Alchemist Guild couldn't do anything, so who else could save her?

It's just that Duguxue didn't know what Haotian did in the Alchemist Guild. If he knew, he wouldn't necessarily think so.

And Duguyun seemed to be worried that his sister would think again, so he pulled his sister to tell some interesting things about her childhood one by one, making Duguxue giggled and forgot her troubles for a while.

And time passed by in the blink of an eye. When two hours passed, the door of the alchemy room suddenly opened, and then Haotian came out of it and came to the place where Dugu brothers and sisters were. After entering the room, he found Dugu Yun I was teasing my sister, but soon, the two brothers and sisters reacted, and at the same time they were a little cautious.

Haotian smiled and said, "The medicinal pill has been refined, come and give it to your sister."

Hearing this, Dugu Yun took the medicinal pill excitedly, and then handed it over to his sister. Looking at his brother's hopeful eyes, Dugu Yue took the medicinal pill after hesitating for a while.

However, just after taking it for a while, Duguxue seemed to be hugging her tightly, and her face was also ashen. Seeing this, Duguyun looked shocked and said, "Sister, what's wrong with you? Don't scare brother!"

"Brother, I'm cold! It's really cold!" Duguxue said in pain.

Seeing this, Haotian said, "There's no need to worry too much, this is because the cold air in your sister's body was forced out."

Duguyun nodded, but he was still nervous, because he couldn't stand his sister's appearance.

Seeing Duguyun's nervous appearance, Haotian sighed lightly, then waved his sleeve robe, and a burst of golden mana hit Duguxue's body directly, making Duguxue less painful, but the chill on his body was still there. There was a steady stream of leaks, and the entire room was like an iceberg. Ordinary people in the realm of gods, even people in the realm of gods, would be frozen into ice sculptures once they entered it.

Even people who have reached the Divine Origin Realm will tremble when they enter it. If it is me who has not broken through before, it will be a little tricky if I don't use my backhand, but now there is no need to worry.

However, Haotian also keenly discovered that there is indeed a lot of cold energy in Duguxue's body. If it erupts with all its strength, even a powerhouse at the peak level of the god-monarch will have to shy away. It is really unpredictable to let people at the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm retreat.

Thinking of this, Haotian looked at Dugu Yun and said, "Why is there so much coldness in your sister's body? This is definitely not what a normal person should have. There must be some reason."

Dugu Yun hesitated for a while after hearing this, and finally raised his head and said: "Actually, we are not natives of Tianlei City, but came here because of some accidents. As for the coldness in my sister's body, she has been there since she was a child. As for why I don't know if that will happen."

After hearing this, Haotian nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the other party and said, "You can just let your sister have a good rest, and you don't need to do anything else."

Duguyun responded after hearing it, and then watched Haotian leave.

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