The speed of Shenzhou is not unpleasant. After a day, they finally came to a place not far from Tianyun Prefecture. On the way, they also passed many cities, dozens of them. This is only Tianyuan. It was only a small part of the state, and there were thousands of cities like Xiangtianlei City, and each city could accommodate tens of millions of people.

That is to say, there are more than 10 billion people in Tianhe Prefecture alone, and there must be many places like Xiangtianyun Prefecture in the entire Western God Territory, not to mention that the entire Eternal God Realm is divided into nine regions. What is the population? I'm afraid it's hard to figure it out for a while.

However, this has nothing to do with Haotian. At this time, Haotian and his party took the Shenzhou slowly towards the direction of Tianhe Mansion. Along the way, many people flying took the initiative to give way, because they knew very well, Those who can own Shenzhou are either rich or expensive, and they are not easily offended.

Of course, not only Haotian and his party owned Shenzhou along the way. There are also many people who ride on Shenzhou. Some of these Shenzhou are not even worse than the Shenzhou that Haotian rides, or even better. Of course, there are only a few in total. Most of them are ordinary Shenzhou, but even if In this way, the people inside also have a certain amount of financial resources, otherwise they cannot drive the Shenzhou at all.

Judging from the fourth-order Shenzhou that Haotian rides, they all need **** stones to drive, and the low-grade gods can't be driven, and the middle-grade gods must be used to drive them. Just this one time will consume 3 million. A mid-grade divine stone, because this thing is definitely not something that ordinary people can afford to play with. Fortunately, Haotian has enough divine stones in his hands to drive this divine boat.

At this time, Shenzhou was about to arrive outside Tianyun Prefecture, and there were also a lot of people gathered. As a prefecture city, although it is also a city, neither the population nor the scale can be compared to Tianlei City, at least in Haotian's view. , just looking at the scale of Tianyun Prefecture City, it can stand up to hundreds of Tianlei City.

It can also be said that the scale of Tianlei City is less than 1% of Tianyun Prefecture City. As for the number of powerhouses in it, it is naturally incomparable, but fortunately, before he came, he had read the information about Tianhe Mansion. , I know that the pattern of Tianhe Mansion is similar to that of Tianlei City.

The Palace Master of Tianyun Palace is a super powerhouse at the level of a **** emperor! In addition to Tianyun Mansion, there are also four powerful families. These four families are the Xu family, the Lin family, the Ye family, and the Chu family.

These four families also have Divine Sovereign powerhouses, and the number is not clear. In addition to these five major forces, they are the Divine Alchemist Guild, the Divine Artifactist Guild, the Eternal Chamber of Commerce Branch, and the Shadow Building Branch, at least on the bright side. These are the only ones who have the power of the emperor, and it is impossible to say who else has it in the dark.

These forces are generally called first-rate forces, and there are second-rate forces and third-rate forces below them. To reach the level of second-rate forces, the conditions must not only have sufficient financial resources and influence, but also have at least one family or sect. God-king-level powerhouses must be in charge, and third-rate forces must also have a god-king-level powerhouse in charge.

In addition to these, there are also a large number of forces that are not in the class. The strongest of these forces is only the peak of the Divine Origin Realm. Because they can't get on the stage, they are classified as the forces that are not in the class, and their fate is mostly dependent on Third-rate forces, very few are directly attached to second-rate forces, and make offerings every year.

However, these third-rate forces are generally dependent on second-rate forces. Of course, there are also some third-rate forces that do not depend on any force. The same is true for second-rate forces. Most of them are attached to first-rate forces, and some remain independent, but the number is not very large. .

In Tianyun Prefecture City, low-grade divine stones are not very circulated. The basic currency is middle-grade divine stones and high-grade divine stones. Fortunately, before that, he had already exchanged the low-grade divine stones in his hands and Yaochi's hands for middle-grade divine stones. Divine Stone, although it suffers a bit, it is still better than keeping it in hand and not using it.

Therefore, in their hands at this time, the sum of all the mid-grade **** stones is definitely not a small number, at least they don't need to be exchanged for a short time, unless they want to buy a lot of things, otherwise, it is still enough.

At this moment, Shenzhou suddenly stopped. It turned out that they had already arrived outside Tianyun Mansion. Everyone had to pay the city fee, and everyone had to pay a middle-grade divine stone. After all, Tianyun Mansion was not a small city like Tianlei City. In places, the entry fee to pay is naturally much higher.

Haotian didn't mind this, and after bringing Yaochi and others down, he took out seven middle-grade divine stones and handed them over to the guard. After checking, the guard said: "Okay, everyone, welcome to come Tianhefu! Please put away the Shenzhou!"

Haotian nodded slightly, put the Shenzhou in his hand into the storage ring, and then brought Yaochi and his group into Tianyun Mansion.

It has to be said that compared to Tianlei City, Tianyun Mansion is a hundred times more imposing. The general strength of people coming and going is in the realm of gods and men. As for the guards outside the gate, all of them are in the realm of gods and spirits. Lei Cheng can already serve as a divine general, but here he is just a gatekeeper.

It can be seen from this that the comprehensive strength of the army of Tianyun Mansion is higher than the army of Tianlei City by a whole realm, not to mention that it can defeat a hundred with one, but it is not a problem to deal with dozens of soldiers of Tianlei City, presumably this is also One of the forces of Tianhe Prefecture to deter major cities.

"It's really lively here!" Nuwa said, looking at the crowd of people coming and going.

Yao Chi nodded in agreement, the liveliness here is indeed not comparable to a small town like Tianlei City, and Yun Yi, who is on the side, looked at Haotian and said, "Master, what should we do next?"

Haotian heard the words and said, "Let's find a place to live here for two days, and then find a suitable place to buy it. The scale of Tianyun Prefecture is not small, and there should be places like the Secret Realm of the Small World."

Yun Yi nodded, and then followed Haotian and Yaochi to a tavern, ready to have a good meal there. By the way, he would inquire about the situation of Tianyunzhou City and see where there is a suitable place in the small world. Secret mansion.

At this time, the guy outside the restaurant saw Haotian and his party coming, and immediately said: "A few guest officers, please, don't know what you want?"

Haotian heard the words and said: "Prepare a private box, and also bring the best dishes from your side, and a bottle of top wine."

"Everyone, please wait a moment!" The guy said after hearing it, and then left here, preparing to let the people in the kitchen cook the dishes, while Haotian and his party slowly tasted some melons, fruits and tea, while quietly waiting for dishes.

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