Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 400: Yang Feng's story

After the Yu family left in embarrassment, Jiuxiao looked at Haotian again and said, "This son, the palace master wants to see you, please come with us, son."

Haotian was a little surprised when he heard the words, but he immediately reacted. It should be that the palace lord noticed the previous battle, and he probably also knew about his suppression of the treasure level, but he was not very concerned about this. Worrying about it, he just said that he was using a fifth-order magic weapon.

At least in his opinion, there is a systematic cover up. The Palace Master of Tianhe Palace can never see that his Haotian Mirror will be a sixth-order divine weapon. Therefore, Haotian thought about it for a while after hearing Jiuxiao's words. He said, "Of course you can, but can you let me sort it out here?"

Jiuxiao nodded and didn't express any objection. After all, this place is messed up like this, and it should be sorted out. At first, he was a little worried that the other party would not want to force himself, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

And Haotian also took Yaochi and his party back to the small world. After entering the mansion, Yaochi said with some worry: "Haotian, there won't be any danger for you to go like this, right?"

Haotian said with a smile: "It probably won't. If they really want to do it, there is absolutely no need to make so many twists and turns, not to mention that I don't have any means at all."

Hearing this, Yaochi and Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief, and then watched Haotian leave the place. After coming to the outside of the mansion, Haotian looked at Jiuxiao in front of him and said, "It's sorted out, I can go with you now. ."

Jiuxiao nodded after hearing this, and then left with Haotian, and the previous battle also spread around. There is no doubt that this time the Yu family definitely lost a lot of face! I'm afraid I can't look up for a long time.

Some families and forces that have old grudges with the Yu family have no misfortune, and are also considering whether or not to flatter Haotian. For them, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Haotian has made the Yu family lose a lot of face. Of course it's worth their friendship.

And some families and forces that are friends with the Yu family also secretly shook their heads and sighed. After all, this time it was indeed the Yu family who did not take care of it, so it was inevitable to lose face. Although they sympathized with the Yu family, no force planned to do anything for the Yu family. Yu family came out.

Just kidding, even the backers behind the Yu family didn't say anything, why are they worrying about eating radishes? After all, even the Yu family has suffered a lot, so if they mix it in, they will be able to win it, right? Not to mention that the group of people from Tianyun Mansion took that person away in person. There must be some motive. Don't be this early bird until you figure it out. If you offend Tianyun Mansion, it's no joke.

Not to mention the thoughts of the major forces and families, at this time outside the Yang mansion, Haotian had been brought into the mansion by Jiuxiao, and after entering the hall, he saw a middle-aged man.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Haotian knew very well that this should be the Palace Master of Tianyun Mansion, because the aura of the other party's **** emperor level could not deceive people, and he was not an ordinary **** emperor level powerhouse, at least he was a **** The middle stage of the emperor was even higher, and the endless chaos in the prehistoric realm was equivalent to Luo Jinxian of the Primordial Profound Realm. This realm was also the realm when Haotian did not enter the Eternal God Realm.

Although he was facing a god-king-level powerhouse, Haotian did not feel frightened. He actually knew very well in his heart that since the other party was willing to call him, it proved that the other party had no malicious intentions. Otherwise, he could just do it directly. That's why I have the confidence to comfort Yaochi and Nuwa.

Just as Haotian thought, Yang Feng smiled and said, "I already know about the conflict between Xiaoyou and the Yu family. Logically speaking, I don't need to care about this conflict, it's just that I found the one you used. The treasure has completely exceeded the level of the fourth-order magic weapon, if I can't guess it, it should be a incomplete fifth-order magic weapon, or even a complete fifth-order magic weapon?"

Haotian was not surprised that Yang Feng was able to guess the quality of the Clear Sky Mirror. He had prepared it when he took out the Clear Sky Mirror before, but it seemed that there was a systematic cover up, so Yang Feng didn't completely guess it correctly. It is a sixth-order magic weapon, and it is also a sixth-rank middle-grade magic weapon. From this, it can be seen that the cover-up work of the system is still good.

Therefore, after hearing Yang Feng's words, Haotian readily admitted: "As the Palace Master guessed, this is indeed a fifth-order divine weapon, and it is also a fifth-order mid-rank divine weapon."

Yang Feng was a little confused. He didn't expect Haotian to admit it so readily. He thought Haotian would panic, or make excuses, or simply deny it, but he never thought that Haotian would admit it directly. He was caught off guard directly, making him a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, Yang Feng has been the man who has served as the Palace Master for countless years. After being embarrassed for a while, he quickly adjusted his mood and asked, "Little friend is really a cheerful person, I didn't expect to admit it so generously. To be honest, I was really caught off guard, but isn't my little friend worried that I will suppress you and take the opportunity to take this treasure?"

After hearing this, Haotian still said: "If the palace lord didn't say the words before, maybe I would still be a little worried, but since the palace lord you said this sentence now, then I won't be worried."

"Why is this?" Yang Feng looked at Hao Tian with great interest.

Seeing this, Haotian smiled and said, "Because you are the palace lord of Tianyun Mansion, a powerhouse at the level of a **** emperor, you definitely won't kill someone for a fifth-order divine weapon, because it's not worth it at all, I think The huge fifth-order divine soldier of Tianyun Mansion will kill you? If it spreads out, the reputation of Tianyun Mansion will be completely lost."

After hearing this, Yang Feng laughed and said, "Little friend is really interesting. You said it so straightforwardly, aren't you afraid that I will become angry and attack you directly?"

Hearing this, Haotian shook his head, obviously not worried about Yang Feng doing this, and Yang Feng also smiled and said, "Although my little friend is not very strong, this kind of temperament is rare. "

Haotian heard the words and said, "If the Palace Master is willing, just call me Lin Hao."

After hearing this, Yang Feng said, "If that's the case, then I'll call you Lin Xiaoyou. I like your character Lin Xiaoyou very much, so I also want to remind you, do you know whose mansion you live in?"

When Haotian heard the words, he pretended to be puzzled and said, "Please tell the palace master who this mansion belongs to? Is there any problem?"

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