Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 402: Yang Feng's invitation

Even if he said that all this was a coincidence, I am afraid the other party would not believe it. Thinking of this, Haotian was somewhat helpless, why did the trouble always find him? In other words, since he came to the Eternal God Realm, the trouble has not stopped.

However, Haotian didn't blame others. Although it was a lot of trouble, it also gained a lot. After seeing Yang Feng's gaze, Haotian didn't answer immediately because he was thinking about the pros and cons.

Why did the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace tell him these things? Do you really just think that you have something to do with the Ling family? If it's just like this, it doesn't have to be like this, and the other party doesn't seem to want to do it. If the Palace Master of Tianyun Mansion takes action in person, although he can get away with his current strength, the area covered by Tianhe Mansion Definitely can't wait.

Or if he reported the news to the Shenzun family that perished the Ling family, and if this family dispatched people to deal with him, even if he had the system in hand, he would not have much confidence to escape, let alone bring Yaochi and them.

It was just after a brief exchange that Haotian discovered that Palace Master Yang had no intention in this regard, but he was not very clear on what the other party was thinking.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Haotian looked at Yang Feng and said, "Actually, Palace Master, your guess is correct, but it's not that I have anything to do with the Ling family, but that the disciples I accepted were descendants of the Ling family. ."

This time it was Yang Feng's turn to be shocked, and he said after a long time, "It is said that there were direct descendants of the Ling family who survived the disaster, and in the end they disappeared mysteriously and their whereabouts are unknown. It surprised me a bit."

Seeing this, Haotian asked: "Then what does the Palace Master mean? Arrest us, or notify the Divine Venerable Family, or pretend to know nothing."

Yang Feng laughed when he heard the words: "Actually, Xiaoyou Lin doesn't have to worry about me being unfavorable to you. If I want to be unfavorable to you, there is no need to wait until now. Whether it is to do it in person or notify the godly family, I can get it. The benefits are not small, but I will not do it. Anyway, I had a good relationship with Ling Xiaotian, the patriarch of the Ling family. If I cut off the last bloodline of the Ling family just for a little benefit, then I What face is there to hold the position of this mansion master? What face is there to face the people under the rule?"

After hearing Yang Feng's personal promise, Haotian also let down his guard. He was not worried that Yang Feng would go back on his promises. People who have reached this level take their own words very seriously, and will never do anything that goes back on their promises. , otherwise, he will lose his qualifications for further progress. Although he does not understand the situation of the Eternal God Realm very well, he always believes that no top powerhouse has grown up through treachery. Yang Feng will not fail to understand this truth. .

Thinking of this, Haotian asked, "So what else does Palace Master Yang have to do with me this time?"

Yang Feng said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal, except for what I said to Lin Xiaoyou before, I just want to ask if Xiaoyou is interested in joining my Tianyun Mansion? If you are willing to join, other things Not to mention, at least the Yu family will never dare to trouble the little friend again, even the forces behind it will not easily do it, because it is only a second-rate force."

Haotian was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Yang Feng wanted to win him into the Tianyun Mansion. If it were someone else, he would definitely be flattered, because this is the win of a god-king-level powerhouse, and even a god-king powerhouse would be very moved. Yes, although the difference between the two is only one big realm, the gap is not the same, so most people will definitely choose to join.

But Haotian did not agree immediately, but began to consider whether to join Tianyun Palace? Because joining it has advantages and disadvantages, the advantage is naturally that you don't have to worry about the Yu family looking for trouble. It is not that he is afraid of the Yu family, but because the forces behind the Yu family have many **** kings after all, and his current situation counts as combat power. Fully open, at most it is only against a mid-stage God King powerhouse. In this case, joining Tianhe Mansion is a good choice.

Haotian naturally wouldn't be so proud that he was once the master of the prehistoric wasteland, so he refused an olive branch from any other power. , The arrogant and conceited rejection of the goodwill from other forces will not only make this force dissatisfied, but also give people a sense of arrogance and boundless arrogance. More importantly, if you offend other forces, no one will give them. helpful.

Of course, if you join Tianyun Mansion, you will be subject to control, because even the powerful gods and emperors are subject to control. No one can change this, but Haotian does not like this kind of control very much, because some He also has to do things in secret.

Thinking of this, Haotian looked at Yang Feng and said, "Thank you for the invitation of Palace Master Yang. I thought about it and I can join Tianyun Palace."

After Yang Feng heard this, Haotian's senses became a lot better, because in his impression, geniuses who leapfrog battles like this are crazy and boundless. Of course, such people usually don't go very long, and they tend to offend. The more powerful forces thus died, because they paid the price for their ego, obviously Haotian was not such a person.

But soon Haotian said again: "But I don't want to be controlled, and I ask Palace Master Yang to forgive me!"

Hearing this, Yang Feng was a little dissatisfied, because if he joined the Tianyun Mansion and did not accept the control, it would obviously be a violation of the rules. This opening cannot be opened easily. If it is opened easily, it will have a very bad impact, so he immediately prepared to say no. .

But at this moment, Haotian said: "I know this condition will make Palace Master Yang very embarrassed, but if Tianyun Palace needs it, I will do my best to help, and I can also provide some medicinal herbs to Tianyun Mansion."

Hearing Haotian's words, Yang Feng was a little surprised. He found that Haotian was really not simple. Not only was he able to leapfrog in the divine way, he also had a fifth-order divine weapon in his hand, and he was actually proficient in the alchemy way. He is a genius but a monster. I just don't know how much Haotian's alchemy skills are, but it doesn't seem to be too high. At best, he is a first- or second-grade alchemist, because the cultivation of alchemy is no worse than that of the gods, and even has Even worse, in the case of dual-mindedness, the level of Dan Dao would not be too high.

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