Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 409: Brave the mountain of knives

As for why there is no medicine pill? That's because all the medicinal pills inside were broken. Otherwise, the value was still higher than the previous one. Yun Yi knew that the owner of this ring must have been dead for many years, otherwise the medicinal pills inside would not have been spoiled.

After taking out the contents, Yun Yi began to look through them one by one. After spending an hour, Yun Yi finally completed the inventory of the dozens of storage equipment, and the harvest was also great. Yun Yi was a little surprised, although there were not many items in a single piece of storage equipment, it couldn't hold up a lot!

Just the things in these storage equipment, there are hundreds of millions of low-grade **** stones alone, and millions of middle-grade **** stones. He even found thousands of them in a storage belt, a storage ring and a storage bracelet. In addition to these top-grade **** stones, there are also medicinal pills of similar value, as well as refining materials and so on.

Among them, the refining materials account for a large part, and the proportion of medicinal pills is not much, but it is not too small. If all things add up, it will not be less than 20 million middle-grade **** stones. Although the number is quite large, it is not enough for Yun Yilai It's not a big deal, because he has 100,000 top-grade **** stones and 10 million top-grade **** stones in his own storage ring.

In comparison, 20 million mid-grade divine stones were nothing, but Yun Yi still put them away, he picked them up anyway, so don't give them up for nothing.

After packing up these things, Yun Yi continued to go to the distance, and there are some people like him who have broken through to the first level. Of course, there are also many people who lost their lives on the first level, and their storage equipment also It also stayed here, which is why in the first level, there will always be a steady stream of corpses and storage equipment left here.

But all of this has nothing to do with Yun Yi. I saw that he had flown all the way to the second level. There were also some people who passed the first level here, but when they saw Yun Yi, they also Some of them are surprised, to know that these people are the weakest in the middle stage of the gods, and there are many people in the late stage and the peak of the gods, but Yunyi is the only one in the early stage of the gods.

But they didn't care too much. In their opinion, Yun Yi was just lucky enough to pass the first hurdle. In this case, he should retreat in spite of the difficulties. Why didn't he come here?

Yun Yi is somewhat aware of the thoughts of these people, but he doesn't want to argue, he just looks at the second level, which is different from the corpses in the passage of the first level. The second level doesn't have any corpses, just a big mountain In front of them, I don't know what the purpose is.

One of the mid-level Divine Sovereign powerhouses said with disdain after seeing it: "It's just a mountain, I'll fly up to wait for you first."

The words fell, and the powerhouse in the middle stage of the monarch soared up. Seeing that there was nothing to do with the mountain that was about to reach the top, this also made some people excited. After a while, several powerhouses in the middle stage of the monarch flew towards the top. There is a god, and the powerhouse in the later stage can't help but fly up.

However, just at this moment, a huge flame suddenly appeared at the mountain peak, and it quickly fell from the air. The mid-level Divine Sovereign who was closest to the mountain peak only had time to let out a scream, and was immediately swallowed up by the flames. No body was left.

The expressions of the powerhouses below changed, and it was too late when they wanted to fly back. They didn't even have time to take out their defensive weapons and were swallowed by flames. This scene made the gods who didn't fly up secretly said good Risk, fortunately they are not too anxious, otherwise they will die.

However, after seeing that Yun Yi didn't fly up, some people became interested in Yun Yi. With such great endurance, the person in front of him probably didn't pass the first level just by luck.

This is also the reason why the number of corpses in the first level has not decreased. During this period, it was not that no one took away the storage equipment of the previous corpses, but there were always some people behind who did not pass the first level and became new corpses.

At this time, on the mysterious high mountain, there were also several big words. These words are the prohibition of flying. As for the consequences of flying, they already know. This is to let them step down from the mountain step by step. Climb up.

Fortunately, although this mountain is very high, it is still possible to enter it with the physical strength of their gods, but is it really as simple as they think? At least Yun Yi didn't think so, so he didn't climb the mountain.

But if he doesn't climb the mountain, it doesn't mean that others don't climb the mountain. I only saw that several strong men in the late stage of the gods and the middle stage of the gods have already started climbing first, and the people behind them are constantly following up. One of the gods, the mid-term strong men said while climbing: "Isn't it just not allowed to fly? It looks very simple!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sound of piercing the flesh suddenly sounded, followed by a sharp pain, the Divine Sovereign powerhouse lowered his head in disbelief, because a thorn actually pierced his body, and also Absorb the divine power in his body continuously.

He is a powerful god! How could a mere thorn pierce his body, even a Tier 3 magic weapon couldn't do it!

It's just that he was destined to get no answer, because there were several sharp thorns in the mountain that pierced his body with lightning speed.

He was only the first one. After a while, several more unlucky ghosts were stabbed, and finally fell from the air of the mountaineering, and another was simply hung on the mountain by the spikes.

Some of the surviving Divine Sovereigns saw this scene and their scalps were numb, and at the same time they no longer dared to underestimate this unremarkable mountain. They not only formed a divine shield on themselves, but also possessed defensive divine soldiers. Soldiers took it out.

Yun Yi also placed the 12th-grade white lotus on top of his head. This scene also attracted the attention of many people. In some people's eyes, a hint of greed flashed. This is a top-grade fourth-order product. The magic weapon, and it is also a defensive magic weapon, which is very helpful for them to pass the next level.

Even the powerhouses at the peak of the gods were a little excited, but they quickly suppressed the greed in their hearts, because they themselves did not lack the best defense weapons. If they participated in the competition, they would not only lose face, but also lose face. It may not be possible to keep the secret, because no matter who gets the defense, other people will be jealous, and it will inevitably spread the news.

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