Yun Yi, who fell to the ground, said, "You mean there may be heavy treasures nearby, or something else?"

Yang Chen nodded and said, "I think there must be something. Otherwise, there won't be so many monsters gathered here. How about it? Are you interested in taking a look with me after a while?"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Yun Yi said after hesitating for a while, "Then let's go and have a look, but I have to recover from my injury first."

Yang Chen nodded, and then started to protect Yun Yi outside, and after seeing it, Yun Yi was relieved to take out the medicinal pill and began to recover. He was not worried that Yang Chen would do something to him, not to mention that his master is now Tianyun. People from the palace, just when their master was in retreat, the friendship that he forged with him was also very strong.

After swallowing a healing elixir, Yun Yi began to use divine power and began to recover his own trauma and internal injuries. With the blessing of this elixir, Yun Yi had already recovered seven or seven in just one stick of incense. Eighty-eight, and the rest will automatically recover even if they are not recovering.

Therefore, after almost recovering, Yun Yi looked at Yang Chen and said, "Let's go and see, why is this area worth gathering so many monsters."

Yang Chen nodded after hearing this, and then followed Yun Yi to the front. Perhaps it was his hard work. It didn't take long for them to see a cave. A sense of crisis, but they don't know what this sense of crisis is? But they soon found out.

I saw a sudden roar of beasts, followed by a huge monster like an orangutan rushing out of the cave, and looked at Yun Yi and Yang Chen viciously, obviously not welcoming these two uninvited guests.

And Yang Chen and Yun Yi finally know why there are so many monsters here, because there are monsters of the **** king level here! At the same time, they also knew that they might have broken into a hornet's nest.

That's exactly what happened. I saw this gorilla-like monster roared, and then quickly rushed towards Yang Chen and Yun Yi. Don't look at its huge size and think it's slow, but in fact the speed of this monster is very fast. It's not slow, but in the blink of an eye, he came to Yun Yi and Yang Chen, and swung out a claw to grab them.

Fortunately, the two's reaction ability was not slow. They quickly evaded the attack and launched a counterattack. I saw the flying cloud gun in the hand of the spirit flying to the sky made a burst of wind and stabbed it fiercely. On the arm of this demon beast, the severe pain caused the beast to roar, and then controlled the tail behind him and slammed it towards Yun Yi fiercely.

Although Yun Yi summoned Zhu Tianqingyun, he was still thrown upside down by the tail. Yang Chen on the other side seized the opportunity and slashed the other arm of this beast with a sword, and then his body was violent. Retreat, which also made this Warcraft lose its attack target.

Although the attack of the two caused some damage to the beast, it didn't seem to be a serious problem, and they could see the wound on the beast, which was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, which made the two very helpless.

The beast that was slowly recovering from the wound suddenly rushed towards Yang Chen after a roar, and shot a magic light from his eyes to hit him. Yang Chen, who was caught off guard, was directly hit, and finally spewed a mouthful of blood and flew out. .

But this is not the end, I saw that this beast is still not giving up, the sharp claws directly hit Yang Chen, who flew out, obviously planning to solve this first, and then deal with the other one, Yun Yi, who was behind, saw the color behind him. After a change, he finally gritted his teeth and took out a rune and activated it.

Immediately afterwards, a real dragon phantom appeared here. This rune was naturally given to Yun Yi by Haotian's eldest apprentice, Ao Chen, and also possessed the attack power of a **** king.

I saw that the real dragon phantom uttered a long roar, and then rushed towards the huge monster with lightning speed. The monster who felt the danger stopped attacking Yang Chen and rushed towards the real dragon phantom. , followed by a violent explosion, and the ferocious flames devoured all the huge beasts and real dragon phantoms.

And Yang Chen, who had been photographed flying, barely stabilized his figure, and finally flew to Yun Yi's side and said, "Thank you a lot this time, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be really bad."

After hearing this, Yun Yi said, "Didn't you help me before? So there's no need to say thank you."

Yang Chen smiled bitterly after hearing this, because this is not the same thing at all, even if he hadn't helped Yun Yi before, he could have solved it, but if Yun Yi hadn't done anything before, he really had nothing to do.

Although Yang Chen's father, Yang Feng, was a powerful **** emperor, he also underestimated the threat of this relic. Although many people walked out of the relic alive, they all stopped at the fifth level, and few people could If you pass the fifth level, even if you can pass it, you will not be able to come out alive.

Knowing that the level of danger was so high, he should have asked his father for a few runes, but now he can't ask for them, after recovering from his injuries? Yang Chen looked at Yun Yi and said, "Yun Yi, let's go in and have a look. There must be some good things in places that can be guarded by dozens of gods, beasts, and a god-king beast."

Yun Yi nodded in agreement. In fact, he thought so too. After the two looked at each other, they entered the cave, but they were shocked as soon as they entered! Because the divine power in here is really too abundant, enough to make people ridiculous!

After all, Yang Chen is well-informed. Looking at this cave, he said in a trembling tone, "I think I know what's in this cave?"

After hearing this, Yun Yi asked, "What exactly is inside?"

After hearing this, Yang Chen said, "If my guess is correct, there should be a very high-quality divine stone vein in it."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Yi was a little shocked. Although he was not from the Eternal God Realm, he also made up for some situations related to the Eternal God Realm. Of course, he knew what the divine stone ore veins meant? Seeing that what the mysterious old man said was true, and that the divine stone ore veins could really be found in it, does that mean that divine medicine fields, fifth-order and sixth-order divine weapons can also be found?

After the two went deeper, they found that there were some divine stones inlaid on the walls of this cave. The quality was actually high-grade divine stones, and the aura in them was definitely not comparable to that of small ore veins. Although it was not comparable to large ore veins, it should also be a Medium ore veins.

According to the division of the Eternal God Realm, the reserves of small ore veins are about 1 million **** stones, the medium sized ore veins are 10 million, and the large ore veins are 100 million. It is said that there are super-large ore veins, but it is impossible to see them here.

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