As they thought, not long after they left, some people rushed here and fought because of the uneven distribution of the spoils, because the value of the corpse of the dragon beast itself is also extraordinary, if you can go out alive to sell these things, It is also possible to obtain a large amount of divine stone, as for the final result, naturally some stronger people get it.

As for those who didn't get it, they were either killed or fled, fearing that they would be the next unlucky person.

But all of this has nothing to do with Yun Yi and his party. At this time, they are partnering to besiege a group of god-level monsters. There are a full 30 of them, but the strongest are only two god-monarch peaks. Below, it didn't take long to be annihilated.

After digging out the magic core above, everyone went to other places, and what did Yun Yi seem to have thought of? Then he took Bao Cheng's ring out and said, "I almost forgot, there is this guy's storage ring, why don't we tap it and distribute it."

Unexpectedly, Murong Wan'er shook her head and said, "I don't want what's in this ring. If it wasn't for the two of you to help, my sisters and I would have been tainted by this guy long ago."

When the other girls heard it, they all nodded in agreement. Yun Yi and Yang Chen didn't ask for it anymore after hearing it, but started to count them a little earlier.

However, just after the inventory, the two were shocked, because this guy had millions of high-grade **** stones in his ring. In addition, there were tens of millions of middle-grade **** stones, as well as a large number of refining materials and magical medicines. As well as Shendan, etc., in addition to this, there are a large number of magic cores, among which many are at the peak of the gods.

Whether it is Yun Yi or Yang Chen, he doesn't believe that these things are obtained by his own efforts. There must be a lot of this guy who got it through various methods, but they don't care, no matter what method this guy uses. He got it, anyway, now that he has died, these things are naturally theirs.

Poor Bao Cheng tried his best to create so many things through various shady methods such as cheating, but because of his own missteps, he not only lost these things, but even his own life was not saved. Said that it was entirely for Yun Yi and Yang Chenbai to make wedding dresses,

However, the two of them shared Bao Cheng's things with peace of mind, because this guy is not a good thing in itself, and if he dies, he will die in vain.

After some inventory and distribution, the two took out all the things in the ring. As for the ring, it belonged to Yun Yi. After the distribution, Murong Wan'er came over and said, "Where should we go now? ?"

As soon as Murong Wan'er's words fell, an old voice suddenly sounded, and the voice said indifferently: "The trial is over, everyone will be sent to the starting point, and the magic core and ranking will be counted, and those who are eliminated will be eliminated. Teleport to outside the secret realm, and those who advance will continue to stay."

The words fell, and before Yun Yi and the others could react from it, they felt that the world was spinning for a while. When they came back to their senses, they found that they had returned to the starting point, but here, in addition to an old man, there was another one with a pair of white White cat with wings.

Although it seems that this white cat is ordinary, but no one dares to look down on this cat, who can stand with the old man, even if it is a cat, it is definitely a cat with supernatural powers, and it must not be underestimated. .

Just as they guessed, the white cat meowed: "You can survive for so long, which is enough to prove your talent, strength and luck are not bad, but as the old man said before, only the former Only 100 people can get in, and the rest will be eliminated."

As soon as these words came out, many people present looked a little ugly. They were all people who felt that they might not be able to make it to the top 100, because there were more than 300 people present. If only the top 100 were needed, it meant that There were more than 200 people who were eliminated. Obviously, everyone was unwilling to be the one who was eliminated, but this kind of thing was definitely not decided by their will.

The white-robed old man on the side followed closely and said, "Now hand over all the magic cores you have collected. We will rank them according to the size of these magic cores and the energy they contain."

Everyone present took out the magic core from the storage ring. After a while, a large number of magic cores were divided into hundreds of parts, but what people did not expect was that Yun Yi's side had the largest and most magic cores. , As for why Yun Yi was ranked first? Naturally, I would like to thank Bao Cheng. Bao Cheng cheated a lot of people in the beginning, but with his death, the things he got by cheating and abducting him made things cheaper for Yang Chen and Yun Yi.

Otherwise, the two of them would be in the top ten at most, and with Bao Cheng's things, these two would naturally be in the top three. Among them, Yun Yi was the first, Yang Chen was the second, and Murong Wan'er didn't. Third, but also into fifth place, in addition to other people have also entered the top 100.

Most of the families and forces behind these people have powerful gods and emperors, and some of them have powerful gods. Only a few of the families behind them are not strong, and the strongest in the clan is only the peak of the gods. , Of course, because the forces behind them are not strong, the level of magic weapons they hold is naturally not high, so the rankings are relatively low, but at least they all broke into the top 100 dangerously.

Because even some family members with powerful gods and kings lost their lives during this experience. Among them, Bao Chengcheng is a typical example. Behind him is the gods’ royal family. Didn’t they still lose their lives? There are also brothers from the Pei family and others. They either offended people who shouldn't have offended or were killed by the god-king beasts. In short, they didn't have a good end. In contrast, the remaining people at least survived.

Thinking of this, even those who have been eliminated are in a much better mood. That's how people are. Seeing others unlucky always makes them feel better, especially seeing those who are stronger than themselves unlucky, or even losing their lives. This is the case, this kind of inferiority is not only found in the Great Wasteland, but also exists in various worlds and even the Eternal God Realm, but this kind of inferiority is difficult to eradicate, even if it is stronger than the Eternal God Lord, I am afraid that it cannot do this. Otherwise, the Eternal God There will not be so many disputes in the world, nor will countless people die every day because of this.

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