Although he knew that these medicinal pills were expensive, Haotian was still a little surprised after hearing Zhou Xu say it himself. Even Nangong Wen and Yang Feng, who had a big family, were moved.

150,000,000 top-grade **** stones, even for their first-class strength, is not a small number. Take Tianyunfu as an example, various industries and wealth add up to billions of top-grade **** stones, but it is impossible to take them all out. , At least half of them are all kinds of real estate, and the rest are divided into various magical weapons, magical medicines, medicinal pills, refining materials and other things. There are not many pure high-grade magical stones, and they all add up to only one or two. It is only 100 million, and the rest are all middle-grade **** stones, so 150 million top-grade **** stones will make them move.

Not to mention them, even Zhou Xu, who had handled countless divine stones, was also surprised. Although there were countless divine stones in his hands, it was difficult for him to take out 150 million top-grade divine stones at one time.

After being silent for a while, Zhou Xu said: "According to the previous cooperation, Lin Xiaoyou can get 40% of the total profit, but it will be handed over to Xiaoyou after the sale."

Haotian nodded and said: "I don't have any opinion on this, but I hope that all those profits can be exchanged for high-grade divine stones, or even top-grade divine stones."

Hearing this, the three of them smiled bitterly, and Zhou Xu said helplessly: "If you want a high-grade **** stone, we can still find a way to exchange it, but there is really no good way to do it, because the Eternal God Realm is big. , but the top-quality divine veins are rare, and most of them are controlled by the power behind the **** emperor, and a few are also controlled by some extremely powerful god-respected families. It is estimated that Tianyuan Prefecture will not be able to find many top-quality divine stones."

Hearing this, Haotian was somewhat disappointed, but after thinking about it, the possibility of having a top-grade divine vein here is too low, so after being silent for a while, he looked at the crowd and said, "Then let's exchange it for high-grade divine stone."

Zhou Xu heard the words and said, "I will try my best to make high-grade gems for my little friends, because we mainly circulate middle-grade gems here. It will take some time to exchange for high-grade gems."

Haotian nodded slightly after hearing this, then looked at a few people and said, "Since that's the case, I'll go back to the mansion first, and I'll find an opportunity to refine some medicinal pills for you later."

At this moment, Yang Feng seemed to think of something? Then he asked, "I wonder if Lin Xiaoyou can refine the sixth-grade pill now?"

Haotian was silent for a while when he heard the words, and finally raised his head and said: "I can only refine dozens of sixth-grade divine pills in the same amount of time now, and I may not be able to have pill patterns, but I plan to rest for a while later. Therefore, it can only provide more than a dozen sixth-grade pills at most, and this is still in the situation where the refining of fifth-grade pills is stopped, but if you break through the god-king level, it will be a lot easier."

After hearing this, Yang Feng was silent for a while, and then took out a token and handed it to Hao Tiandao: "I believe that Xiaoyou Lin can do this. This is the token of my honorary guest of Tianyun Mansion. You have the right to mobilize most of my Tianyun Mansion, and you can even form your own forces, everything is up to you to decide."

Looking at Yang Feng's actions, Haotian was a little surprised but still put away the token, because this token is still very useful to him in Tianyuan Mansion, at least it can save a lot of trouble.

When Nangong Wen and Zhou Xu saw this scene, they secretly scolded the old fox. They are both old and sophisticated guys. How could they not see that Yang Feng was intending to win over Haotian. After all, they also understood that with Haotian's help Talent and strength are not destined to stay in Tianyun Prefecture for too long. If Haotian can grow into a peerless powerhouse in the future, then what Tianyun Mansion is doing today will definitely be profitable. Of course, this kind of thing They will do it too.

I saw Zhou Xu smiled and said: "Little friend Lin, I have a green diamond VIP card here. In the future, little friend will enjoy a 20% discount on purchases at the Eternal Chamber of Commerce in any place. This is my greatest privilege."

Haotian heard the words and said: "If this is the case, I would like to thank President Zhou. I just want to buy some Shenzhou from the Eternal Chamber of Commerce. I wonder if the Eternal Chamber of Commerce will have it in stock?"

Zhou Xu said immediately after hearing it: "Of course, we have Shenzhou below the sixth rank in stock, and we can temporarily manufacture the ones that reach the sixth rank. I don't know if the little friend wants the fifth or sixth rank."

Haotian was silent for a while when he heard the words: "I plan to buy a sixth-order Shenzhou. As for the specific requirements, I have to go back and discuss it. If it is negotiated, I will come to President Zhou."

Zhou Xu nodded, while Nangong Wen on the side took out a jade pendant and said, "Little friend, this jade pendant is a token of my Nangong family, because I will be transferred back to the Southern God Territory in a few hundred years. If a little friend comes to the Southern God Territory, you can come to me with this jade pendant, my Nangong family still has some influence in the Southern God Territory."

Zhou Xu and Yang Feng on the side couldn't help but secretly complained when they heard it, do you have some influence? You are clearly a tyrant in the Southern God Territory!

Looking at Zhou Xu and Yang Feng's secretly complaining, Nangong Wen was also a little proud, because his previous words were indeed a little modest. The Nangong family is not a little influential in the Southern God Territory, but a great influence. There are three in the family. Divine Emperor powerhouses are prestige existences in the entire Southern God Territory.

However, Haotian didn't know this at this time, but after listening to Nangong's tone, Haotian knew that the Nangong family was definitely not simple, at least it was also the family of the gods, and even the family of the gods might not be impossible, but all this would have to wait until the south God's Domain will be discussed later.

Therefore, after collecting the things, Haotian bowed his hands and said: "Thank you a few people, then I will go back first."

Yang Feng and the three nodded. After Haotian left, everyone began to discuss how to distribute these medicinal pills. Anyway, they would not sell all of these medicinal pills, at most half of them, and the rest would be Leave it for their own use in order to cultivate more powerful gods.

After a lot of fighting, the distribution of talents was completed. A total of 4,800 five-grade gods of different grades were divided into 2,400 for sale, and the rest were divided up by their three forces. On average, each force can get 800 five-grade gods. .

Such a distribution is also acceptable to Tianyuan Mansion, the Eternal Chamber of Commerce and the Divine Alchemist Guild, at least none of the three forces have more.

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