But even so, they still want to give it a try. After all, they still have some confidence in their financial resources. Although they can't compare with the power of the **** emperor, they are definitely the top among the **** king forces.

One of the owners of the box on the second floor said directly: "I will give out 20 million middle-grade divine stones."

Another patriarch sneered when he heard the words: "20 million is too beautiful to want to get this group of medicinal pills, I will give 25 million."

As the man's words fell, no one in the box on the second floor chose to bid, but the person who bid 25 million did not relax at all, because he knew that the person in the box on the third floor had not spoken.

Sure enough, a patriarch in the box on the third floor said lightly, "I have 30 million top-grade divine stones at the beginning of the year, and I hope you all show some respect."

After hearing this, the owner of the other box said, "It's not that we don't give you face, but that we all need these pills, so I'm sorry, I'll pay 32 million."

His words seemed to open the door. The price of the first group of medicinal pills rose rapidly and gradually increased to the level of 40 million, but this trend still did not decline. In a box, a sweet and quiet girl was in After pondering for a while, he said directly: "I bid 48 million high-grade divine stones."

As the girl's words fell, many people in the box on the third floor had already chosen to quit. After all, this was already three times the starting price, even if it was a danwen pill, not to mention the origin of the girl herself. It's not easy, so try not to offend if you can. Anyway, there are three groups of medicinal pills behind, so many people choose to give up.

Zi Qian below heard it and said, "Miss Shui bid 48 million, is there anyone else raising the price? If not, I will announce 48 million once, 48 million twice, 48 million three times, and the deal will be done."

Haotian, who is also located in the box, was somewhat surprised. I didn't expect that the auctioneer was actually Shui Linglong, the granddaughter of the palace owner of Sihai Prefecture. However, I thought that this auction was also attended by the Eternal Chamber of Commerce of Sihai Prefecture. Shui Linglong came to participate. It is also a very normal thing. Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to the auction area below.

With the official sale of the first group of medicinal pills, the next three groups of lamps will be tantamount to more intense competition. The starting price of the second group of medicinal pills is still 16 million high-grade divine stones, but the people in the box on the second floor are very lost. I didn't participate, because this auction method can only be played by those in the box on the third floor.

As a person from a mythical family in the box on the third floor raised the price to 20 million, the fierce bidding officially began. It was sold for 48 million by the person who bought it.

As for the remaining two groups of medicinal pills, the competition is even fiercer, and they were sold for 60 million and 64 million successively, which also made Zhou Xu, the chairman of the Eternal Chamber of Commerce very happy, because it really made him a lot of money. After all, although the Eternal Chamber of Commerce has a large amount of divine stones, there are not many of them that really belong to him. All the family properties add up to only a few hundred million high-grade divine stones. The profit of the 10,000-grade stone is not a small number for him.

As for those who auctioned the medicinal pills, although they would have some heartache, these medicinal pills were indeed worth the money, so they gritted their teeth and accepted it.

With the completion of the auction of the four groups of medicinal pills, many new auction items have been brought up. Some may not be as good as one set of medicinal pills, but some are even more valuable than these medicinal pills. Those who are interested in these things People are naturally bidding frantically, but Haotian doesn't have much interest, just quietly waiting for other auction items to appear.

Maybe a coincidence or something else? After auctioning off dozens of items, there was finally one item that caught Haotian's interest, and the old man took out a small bottle and gave it to Ziqian.

After watching for a while, Ziqian said, "Everyone, this bottle contains Eternal Divine Water, there are only ten drops in it, but it can dissolve most of the poisons in the Eternal Divine Realm. Simply taking it can also speed up the cultivation speed. In addition, it can also be used for various functions such as attack and defense, so the starting price is 60 million high-grade sacred stones, and each increase in price shall not be less than 1 million top-grade sacred stones."

Haotian in the box has already taken some interest in this Shenshui. In his opinion, if Chaos Shenshui is an advanced version of Sanguang Shenshui, then this Eternal Shenshui is an advanced version of Chaos Shenshui. Yes, he Still has some effect.

However, he was interested, and other people were naturally also interested. I saw a person in the box on the third floor shouting, "I will give you 64 million top-grade divine stones."

"I gave out 70 million top-grade divine stones," said another person from the third-floor box.

As these two people competed to bid, others also increased their prices. After some fierce competition, the price of this bottle of divine water also soared to 128 million top-grade divine stones. At this level, not many people are choosing to bid. After all, Although this divine water is of extraordinary use to the powerful **** emperors, the quantity is a bit small, and the price is a bit outrageous, because this number has exceeded the total worth of the ordinary **** emperor powerhouses.

Haotian, who had never spoken, saw the stalemate in the scene and said directly: "I will issue 160 million top-grade divine stones."

With a one-time price increase of 32 million, Haotian's purpose is to suppress these people. In his opinion, these people will definitely increase the price for this bottle of divine water. "

That's the truth. Although the effect of this bottle of divine water is really good, it is not worth their efforts to seize it, so they all chose to give up the bidding, and this bottle of divine water also fell into Haotian. hands.

After the auction of this bottle of divine water was completed, the next auction item was also ready to be put on the stage. I saw an old man who asked someone to put something similar to a cloud bed and said something in Ziqian's ear? Then I saw Zi Qian say: "Everyone, this auction item is the fourth auction item from the bottom, called Jiutian Yun Bed, which is specially used for the cultivation of God-Emperor-level powerhouses. If its cultivation speed is blessed by other similar magic weapons, it will be It will make it more effective with half the effort, so the starting price is set at 80 million top-grade gems, and each increase shall not be less than 1 million top-grade gems.”

This thing also aroused Haotian's interest. Although the Chaos Orb, as a sixth-order magic weapon, also has the ability to enhance the progress of cultivation, he can feel that if it cooperates with this nine-day cloud bed, cultivation is not only as simple as getting twice the result with half the effort, but also It is possible to double, as if this thing was originally prepared for him.

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