Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 471: Go to the Murong Family

Yang Chen snorted softly: "Don't be too confident, it's not certain who will surpass who."

Yun Yi smiled when he heard it, and didn't argue with Yang Chen. At this moment, the subordinates of Nangong Wen and others also brought the prepared storage ring, and then Nangong Wen and others directly handed them over. He gave it to Haotian, and Haotian didn't do any more inspections, because he knew that Nangong Wen and others would not do this kind of cutting corners, so he put away the storage ring directly.

After putting away the storage ring, Haotian looked at the crowd and said, "It's almost time, we should leave here too. We will take care of you during this period, thank you!"

Yang Feng said with a smile: "It should be, we are thankful to Mr. Lin. If it wasn't for the pill-patterned elixir refined by Mr. Lin, we would not have cultivated a large number of strong people."

Haotian just smiled when he heard the words, but didn't take it seriously. After all, those medicinal pills were also exchanged by them with real **** stones. He was a little busy, but on the contrary, he left the refining method of Divine King Pill, which was considered to be a repayment of favor.

Therefore, after chatting for a while, Haotian watched everyone leave. Among them, Yang Chen and Yun Yi also made an agreement that when they returned in the future, they would have to do another battle to decide the winner.

After everyone left, Haotian looked at the old housekeeper Fu Bo and said, "Fu Bo, after I leave, you will take care of this small world. If there is anything important, you can also contact me through the interrogation. I, in the future, I will also arrange for someone to send some medicinal herbs back to improve the overall strength of Lingxiao Palace, you just need to pay attention when that time comes."

After hearing this, Uncle Fu respectfully responded, and then left here, and Haotian also directly took out a Shenzhou from the storage ring. This Shenzhou was the sixth-order magical weapon that he had customized at the Eternal Chamber of Commerce. The overall offensive and defensive ability is equivalent to the sixth-order low-grade divine weapon. Although it is relatively ordinary for the current self, even if it is strengthened now, it is too late. It is better to wait until the capital of the gods.

Thinking of this, Haotian took everyone into the Shenzhou directly. I have to say that this Shenzhou is much better than the Shenzhou at the time. The interior decoration is also more luxurious, and it also gathers some divine power for people to practice. At the same time, it has autonomy. The ability to absorb divine power for enhancement is limited, whether it is absorption or enhancement, but even so, it is very beneficial to the powerful gods, and it also has some effects on the powerful gods, but it has no effect on the gods.

Haotian didn't mind this, because he didn't expect Shenzhou to bring him much benefit, but it was just more convenient when traveling.

After taking out another geographical map, Haotian decided to go to the Four Seas Prefecture first. After all, there was still a batch of medicinal pills that had not been given to the Murong family. In addition, he also wanted to find out the details about the capital of the God's Domain.

Thinking of this, Haotian immediately controlled the Shenzhou and injected a large amount of divine stones into it, and then the Shenzhou suddenly emitted bursts of brilliance, and then a small passage appeared in front of it. Obviously, this is the passage that comes with the sixth-order Shenzhou, which requires a lot of money. The price can only be opened, and the number of times of use is limited. When Haotian rushes to the Four Seas Prefecture as soon as possible, he will ignore these.

Anyway, he is not short of divine stones now. The high-grade divine stones obtained from the sale of the first batch of medicinal pills were as high as 35 billion. If the original number of divine stones is counted, it is more than 40 billion, which is far more than that of ordinary divine stones. Respect the powerhouse, even the wealth possessed by the powerhouse who has reached the pinnacle of divine respect may not be comparable to himself.

Of course, this kind of wealth refers to personal wealth, not the collective wealth of family power and sects. Just like Yang Feng and the others bought medicinal pills before, they used the wealth of the family. Otherwise, their personal wealth really couldn’t buy much. Even the wealthy Nangong Wen and others were no exception.

After all, as long as the gap is not too big, the wealth owned by individuals is absolutely incomparable to the collective wealth, at least in the same realm, but although there are more than 40 billion **** stones, Haotian is also very clear in his heart that these **** stones will sooner or later be the same. There is a day of use, so after arriving at the capital of God’s Domain, we still have to open up new sources of money, but all of this will not be discussed for the time being.

For Haotian, the top priority is to go to the Four Seas Prefecture first. After all, the Ouyang family is the only one who is most familiar with the situation in the capital of God’s Domain. Especially unwise.

At this time, Shenzhou has already entered the passage, and it will not take long to rush to Sihai Prefecture City, but the situation here is also quickly known by the Jia family.

At this time, in the hall of Jia's house, a message stone suddenly lit up, and then a phantom appeared on the message stone and said: "Patriarch, we have found that the person named Lin Hao is controlling Shenzhou and rushing to Sihai Prefecture. , how should I deal with it?"

Jia Youde heard a cold voice from behind: "It's inconvenient for us to do it at the Sihai Prefecture, but when he leaves the Sihai Prefecture and goes to the capital of the Divine Realm, I will send someone to intercept him, since he does not eat or drink a toast. , don't blame me for being tough with him, you immediately arrange for people to monitor them closely, and report them immediately once you find that they have left the Sihai Prefecture."

The subordinate responded after hearing it, and then disappeared. Although Haotian at this time knew that they must be under surveillance, but he did not know that Jia Youde could not wait to do it. At this time, Haotian had already brought everyone along. Came to the sky above the small world where the Murong family lived.

And a few strong gods and a strong **** who were stationed outside the small world saw a change in the color of the back of the Shenzhou, although they did not know who was on the Shenzhou? But it is clear that this Shenzhou is definitely a sixth-order magical weapon, because it can be analyzed from the breath above, it seems that it may be a powerful **** emperor, so they do not dare to be too negligent.

The leading god-king strongman bowed his hands respectfully and said: "I don't know which god-king strongman is coming, so I can report."

As soon as his words fell, Haotian turned into a streamer and appeared here, and saw the leading god-king strongman saying: "Then please report it, and say that Lin Hao is visiting."

Although the leading god-king strong man thinks this name sounds familiar, he can't remember where he heard it for a while. Therefore, he turned around and entered the small world to report to Murong Hui.

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