At this time, Sun Wukong and Yang Jian were also led by Taibaijinxing to the Heavenly Court, and directly entered the Nantianmen, and in the Land of Tianhe, the canopy that was supervising Tianhe directly blocked a Heavenly Soldier who was going to Lingxiao Palace: "What's going on outside?"

After hearing this, the Heavenly Soldier sighed and said, "The great formation of the Tianluo Diwang has been broken, and the 36 Heavenly Astral Stars, 72 Earth Demonic Stars, and the hundreds of thousands of surviving Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals have all been killed and wounded. Although there are other immortals participating in the war, the battle situation is still not optimistic. Twenty-eight constellations, Twelve Yuanchen and Jiuyi Xingjun have all been defeated, and nearly half of them have already fallen. Now, the Eight Divine Generals, the Beidou Qiyuan, the Nandou Sixth Division, the Five Elements Generals, the Four Values ​​Gong Cao, etc. Shangxian is fighting with him, and I'm afraid it won't last long."

Hearing this, Tianpeng was a little surprised. He had just left the customs, and he knew that someone was provoking Heavenly Court. He didn't expect that this person's ability was so strong that he could make so many immortals in Heavenly Court helpless.

After waving his hand to let the Heavenly Soldiers leave, Tianpeng rushed to the Tusita Palace. After all, as a member of the Heavenly Court, he couldn't be indifferent, at least he had to contribute.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Yang Jian and Sun Wukong had already entered the Lingxiao Palace. After seeing the Jade Emperor sitting on the dragon seat, Yang Jian respectfully said, "My minister Yang Jian sees His Majesty."

The Monkey King on the side also looked at the Jade Emperor and said, "My old grandson has seen His Majesty, and I wish His Majesty to break through Wuji as soon as possible!"

The Jade Emperor heard the words and said with a chuckle: "You monkey talk a lot when you haven't seen each other for many years. It's not like when you were just starting out, you had to force me to abdicate and give up the throne of the emperor to you."

As soon as these words came out, many immortals in Heavenly Court began to snicker. Although time has passed, the ignorant actions of Sun Wukong still make them fresh in their memory, and Sun Wukong's face was a little red, and it was extremely red. After all, his ignorance at the beginning also made him make jokes, and thinking about it now is really embarrassing.

Looking at Sun Wukong, who was a little embarrassed, the Jade Emperor smiled lightly: "Okay, let's let it pass. You Qing family don't have to step on Wukong's painful feet again."

All the immortals held back their laughter after hearing this, and returned to their solemn appearance, while Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the Jade Emperor impatiently and asked, "Dare to ask Your Majesty, that's right now. What is the origin of the people who fought against the Heavenly Court army? Could it be that there is a cultivation base in the Primordial Realm?"

The Jade Emperor nodded slightly and said: "This person does have the cultivation base of Primordial Primordial Realm, but he is not a person from the prehistoric or even Chaos, but from a world beyond Chaos, as for this person, what else is hidden? I still don't know the abilities of the two of you, but the two of you can try it out, and if necessary, I will use the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array."

Yang Jian and Sun Wukong responded, then left the Lingxiao Palace and rushed to the battlefield at the fastest speed. After Sun Wukong and Yang Jian left here, the Jade Emperor looked at Taibaijinxing and said, "Several great emperors should have already asked for it. When you're out of the border, let them know."

Taibaijinxing responded, and then left the Lingxiao Palace as well, while the Jade Emperor looked at the immortals and said, "Let the immortals get ready, if there is any change, immediately launch the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array to suppress this scorpion. ."

"I'll follow the will," all the immortals responded when they heard it.

At this time, on the battlefield, the battle situation has become more and more bad. I only see the five elements of the gods, the four-valued meritorious cadres, the five mountains and the four blasphemy, the east and west stars, the two gods of the north and the south, and the stars of the universe. It is just ordinary The Xian family has been defeated, but there is no damage. After all, no matter how bad they are, they are also quasi-sage-level powerhouses. In addition, the evil and charming youth have to deal with other people, but they did not kill them all.

But even so, these people were no longer able to participate in the battle, and as a result, only the Eight Great Generals, Nandou Liusi, Beidou Qiyuan, Li Jing and his son were left on the battlefield to support them.

If it weren't for the sound of thunder and universalization of Tianzun Wen Zhong, who hurriedly dispatched 36 members of Lei Jiang and 24 Tianjun of Lei Bu, and other powerhouses who had just broken through the quasi-sacred realm to come to support, I am afraid that they would have collapsed already, but even so, they were just barely blocking the evil spirits. Young people, there is simply no way to hold on for too long.

Among them, Li Jing, the king of the tower, directly sacrificed the supreme innate spiritual treasure Qiankun Pagoda, which he had exchanged for many years of merit. I saw that the Qiankun Pagoda released bursts of golden light to immobilize the evil spirited youth, but it was useless at all. I saw that the evil spirited youth was very relaxed. The Qiankun Pagoda will be shaken out.

However, it was caught by Yang Jian who arrived later. After catching the Qiankun Tower, Yang Jian looked at Li Tianwang and others and said, "The Tianwang will take everyone out, and Wukong and I will meet this guy."

Li Jing nodded slightly. He knew that both Yang Jian and Sun Wukong were strong at the Primordial level, and they should be able to deal with this person, so he immediately evacuated everyone, and there were only Yang Jian, Sun Wukong and the young evil spirits left.

Looking at Yang Jian and Sun Wukong in front of him, the evil and charming young man put away his contempt, because he could feel that these two were in the realm of **** kings just like him. It can only exert the strength of the **** king in the middle stage.

"You should be one of the top powerhouses in this world," the evil charming young man asked indifferently.

Yang Jian on the side nodded slightly and said: "We are indeed strong, but not the strongest. Can you tell me, who are you? Why did you invade our prehistoric world?"

The evil and charming young man heard it and said: "It's okay to tell you, my name is Pang Jie, I come from the Eternal God Realm, and I'm a son of the Pang family of the god-respected family. As for why I came here, it was just an accident, but I have already taken a fancy to this place. If you give up your resistance, otherwise, once the people of my family know it, they will definitely break through your world."

After hearing this, Yang Jian sneered: "The tone is not small, but can you really contact the people of your family now? Even if you can contact us, we will swear to resist, because this is our hometown, not you can trample on it at will. of."

Pang Jie snorted coldly: "It's really ignorant of current affairs. Since you are courting death, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

When the words fell, Pang Jie took out a long knife. This long knife was his magic weapon, and it was also a top-grade fifth-order magic weapon, but it was damaged when crossing the passage, and now it is only equivalent to a fifth-order low-grade weapon Divine Soldier, but even so, he considered himself enough to deal with these two.

And Sun Wukong and Yang Jian also paid some attention to it. After all, this person is obviously holding an innate treasure. Maybe it is not as powerful as Taijitu and Pangu Fan, but the best thing in their hands is only their own spiritual treasure. It is only half a step to the level of the treasure, but no matter what, I can only fight.

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