Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 483: Pang Jie was sentenced

I saw Pang Jie tore open the escape talisman, and then turned into a streamer to escape from here. Yang Jian and Sun Wukong looked very anxious, but the Jade Emperor was very calm and did not worry that the other party would escape, because he knew that someone had already shot.

Sure enough, a silver circle suddenly appeared in the sky, and it hit Liu Guang with lightning speed. With a scream, Liu Guang dissipated immediately, and then Pang Jie covered his head and fell to the ground. on top of the cloud.

Immediately afterwards, an old man wearing a Taoist robe appeared here. This person is none other than the Supreme Lao Tzu, the head of the Three Purities.

"Lao Dao is late, I beg His Majesty's forgiveness," Lao Tzu said respectfully when he came over.

The Jade Emperor nodded slightly and said, "Senior brother, you don't have to be so polite. I also ask you to go away first, and let me use the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array to subdue him."

When Lao Tzu heard the words, he stood aside, and then, under the control of a group of immortals, the Star Dou Great Array began to operate slowly next week. The power of the stars directly bound it.

Although Pang Jie also tried to resist with divine weapons, he was doing useless work, and in the end he was still firmly bound by Zhou Tianxingdou, the Jade Emperor said directly: "Wear his pipa bone and cultivate it Banned and then escorted to Zhanxiantai."

The controlled Pang Jie's expression changed. Although he didn't know where Zhanxiantai was, he knew at a glance that it was not a good place. Therefore, when he was about to struggle, Yang Jian took the lead and penetrated his pipa bone directly. body, and banned his cultivation.

"You people will regret it," growled the restrained Pang Jie.

However, the Jade Emperor and the others did not listen to his roar at all and left first. It didn't take long for Pang Jie to be pressed to Xianxiantai, and a large number of immortals gathered in the surrounding area, including the four of Heavenly Court. Emperor Yu, in addition to this, all the saints of Honghuang and most of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian also got the news and came here.

In addition, there are some loose cultivators, quasi-sages of the heavenly court, and powerhouses at the level of Daluo Jinxian. Watching these gods, even people from the realm of the gods, point at him, Pang Jie feels very humiliated and misses him. How could Pang Jie be reconciled to the fact that the direct descendant of the Pang family of the dignified Shenzun family has ended up like this.

Although he really wanted to run away, he knew that he had no chance at all, because the person who hit him in a circle before gave him a strong feeling, and it was very likely that he was a strong emperor. Such a strong existence is not something he can do To contend, even if there are many magical soldiers in hand, he is not sure that he will be able to escape smoothly, not to mention that he has now become a bird in a cage.

Looking at Pang Jie on the Immortal Slaying Platform, the Jade Emperor sitting in the first place asked indifferently, "Pang Jie, I know that you are from a place other than Chaos. If you can recruit from the real world, you can save your life. Suffering the pain of flesh and blood will also disperse the soul, and will never be born again."

Pang Jie, who was banned, gritted his teeth and said: "You ants, don't be complacent, if my family finds out, they will definitely kill all of you. If you are wise, let me go now, or else You will surely regret it."

In fact, when he said this, Pang Jie was also playing drums in his heart. He just came across this passage by accident and came here. The family members didn't know what happened to him, but now he can only choose to scare the other party.

However, among the people present, which one is not a mature person? Years of fighting and crawling have long made them old foxes. Looking at Pang Jie's somewhat unnatural look, they knew that either the strength of the family behind the other party was not as strong as he said, or his so-called so-called his family, they don't know his situation at all.

The Jade Emperor also knew this, so he slapped the handrail heavily and said, "It is so arrogant that it is simply lawless. Since you choose to resist, let me see how much punishment you can bear?"

Sun Wukong, who was also watching this scene, couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words. He recalled the time when he was punished, and it was a severely shrinking criminal law, but even so, it made him feel upside down at the time, as in today's court. Criminal law is only stronger or weaker than the original full power, and it is more blessed by the power of heaven. Even saints and powerhouses in the Primordial Realm can't bear it, let alone Pang Jie, who has been banned from divine power. , Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at Pang Ji with pity.

Looking at Sun Wukong's pitying eyes, Pang Jie suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. Before he could figure out what was going on, the Jade Emperor had already ordered the execution.

And Li Jing, the king of Tota, who was in charge of the execution, also had his fingertips together, and then an arrow formed by mana was ejected on the ground, and then the two powerful ghost kings held the Immortal Slaying Sword bestowed by Heaven and directly slashed Pang Jie's head.

But with a bang, both of them were shaken back by the huge shock force. It turned out that a natal bead suddenly appeared on Pang Jie's head, blocking the attack.

Looking at the natal bead that appeared above his head, Pang Jie laughed and said, "But that's it, you people have the ability to continue to come."

Sun Wukong, who was on the side, looked at Pang Jie's extremely arrogant look, and couldn't help but sighed, this guy was so similar to himself at the beginning, but some of him were cool. "

I saw Li Jing sneer and said: "I have never heard such a strange request, this is what you said you would continue to come, and you don't think it's so easy to kill Immortal Terrace, right? Don't worry, the punishment is too much, it's enough for you to slow down. Take it slow."

As his words fell, the divine arrows from the sky shot at Pang Jie as if they didn't want money. Although the divine bead released the divine light to protect Pang Jie, it could be seen that the divine light of the divine bead had dimmed. , This also made Pang Jie a little panic, but he knew that he could not be timid, otherwise, the consequences would only be more serious, so Pang Jie still clenched his teeth.

"Yin fire waits!" Li Jing continued looking at the dim Divine Pearl.

Immediately afterwards, a divine fire descended from the sky and shrouded Pang Jie's body. This yin fire was not the infinitely weakened version of the yin fire that dealt with Sun Wukong at the beginning, but was blessed by the power of heaven. However, even a saint would not dare to ignore this kind of flame, and after Pang Jie's strength was banned, his physical body was only stronger than the ordinary peak of the gods, and it was difficult to block the attack of this kind of flame.

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