I don't know how long has passed? Hao Tiantian completely absorbed this medicinal power, and his cultivation base was also raised to the middle stage of God Venerable, reaching this realm, plus some means. Haotian already has the confidence to be able to take on the powerhouses at the peak of the gods. Of course, people like the Kong family and Jia family have some hidden means, so Haotian is not sure whether they can confront these people. But what is certain is that loose cultivation should be possible.

After all, the scattered cultivators are helpless. Without joining any forces, there will not be too many cultivation resources to use. Even if they have cultivated to the peak of the gods, their methods are definitely not as good as that of the patriarchs of such a big family. , and therefore easier to deal with than those with power.

After stabilizing his cultivation base, Haotian began to count his wealth again. After a while, Haotian also had a clear understanding of the cultivation resources he had mastered. Except for some reserved high-grade divine stones, there are all high-grade divine stones in total. 600 million, the rest are some magical medicines and refining materials, the value is around 400 million, that is to say, all his cultivation resources add up to about 1 billion top-quality **** stones.

And this is not a small number, at least his worth has far exceeded the average peak of God Venerable, but this is still not enough, if you want to build a force equivalent to the level of God Venerable, these cultivation resources cannot support too long. Time, not to mention the establishment of God Emperor-level forces in the future, these resources are even more drizzle.

Only by finding the God Emperor God Treasure that he left in his previous life and taking out the resources can he build a God Emperor power, but now the major God Realms have basically been divided up, and if you want to gain a foothold, you can only go to the central part God's Domain, or find a way to merge Honghuang into the Eternal God Realm.

It's just that all this is not mentioned for the time being, not to mention that if you want to find Shenzang, you must collect eight tokens, and you only have six in your hand, you must find the other two tokens, but the problem is another. Where exactly are the two tokens? Maybe the Jia family will have tokens, otherwise it makes no sense why they are so crazy.

Thinking of this, Haotian also knew in his heart that he and the Jia family were going to be on opposite sides after all, not only because of the ruins of Tiandanmen, but also because of the ambush when he just arrived at the capital of the Western God Territory. I will settle with them one by one, but now I still have to strengthen myself and the people around me as soon as possible.

After taking a deep breath, Haotian left his room directly, and it happened that Yaochi and Nuwa also came here. After seeing the arrival of the two daughters, Haotian said directly: "You guys came just right, for so long, we I didn't take a good stroll in the capital of God's Domain, this time let's go out and see the situation of the capital of God's Domain."

Yaochi and Nuwa were a little overjoyed when they heard this, and then nodded excitedly, Haotian smiled directly when he saw this: "Then get ready, you call Yun Yi and the others together, I have to go. See the Kong family, after all, no matter what, you have to say hello to them when you go out."

The two women nodded slightly when they heard the words, and then left here. After the two women left, Haotian also came to the Patriarch's compound. The guards of the Divine Sovereigns immediately stepped aside respectfully when they saw it. After all, the Patriarch was before. He said that Lin Hao should be treated with great respect and there should be no slack. Although he did not understand why the Patriarch attached so much importance to it, they only needed to implement it.

And Haotian also directly entered the attic group where the head of the family is located. After Haotian entered, a powerful **** emperor said with some doubts: "Why is this Young Master Lin's unintentional aura so terrifying? I feel that only all of you are there. Only the elders have it."

Another powerful **** emperor said after hearing it: "I don't know, but it seems that someone has broken through to the level of gods before, won't it be this young master Lin?"

As soon as this person's words came out, the other two powerful **** emperors were also a little surprised. After all, they really didn't feel who made the breakthrough before? Now it seems that it should be this young master Lin, but it is said that he was the peak of the **** emperor more than a thousand years ago. I didn't expect that he is now a god. In contrast, they are far away from the god, which makes them very envious.

At this time, when Kong Zhen saw Haotian's arrival, he walked over with a smile and said, "The medicinal herbs refined by Young Master Lin really worked well. After I came back, I couldn't wait to give it to some family members. I didn't expect that there would be some People have already made breakthroughs on the spot, so I have to thank Young Master Lin for all this."

Haotian smiled slightly and said, "All of this, thanks to the family master Kong for taking it in, otherwise I'm afraid I'll face the pursuit of the Jia family. How can I have time to refine the medicinal pills?"

Kong Zhen heard this and said with a smile, "Young Master Lin is being polite. I don't know why Young Master Lin is looking for me?"

Haotian heard this with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that I haven't seen the prosperity here since I came to the capital of God's Domain, so I wanted to take people out to see it, so I came to say hello to the owner."

When Kong Zhen heard it, he immediately said: "If Young Master Lin wants to go out and have a look, of course you can. In addition, I hope Young Master Lin can serve as the honorary guest of our family. I wonder what Young Master Lin thinks? Of course, there will be no other requirements. It's just that when our Confucius family encounters difficulties, I will help, and the treatment is also at the elder level of my Confucius family, I hope Young Master Lin can agree."

Haotian hesitated for a while after hearing the words, but finally nodded and agreed to become a guest of the Kong family. After all, the strength of the Kong family was not weak, and if he didn't want to reveal too many trump cards, if necessary, he could still talk about the greatness of the Kong family. After all, the Kong family's influence in this area is not weak, and if he changes his face, the Jia family won't even try to find himself without using some special means.

And Kong Zhen was also very happy after seeing Haotian's agreement, because it means that they have drawn a very potential stock. If the Kong family is really in trouble in the future, maybe they can let Haotian help. them.

Haotian is well aware of this, but he doesn't care, as long as the Kong family doesn't do anything wrong to him, then if the Kong family is really in trouble, he won't stand by and promise to be an honorary guest of the Kong family. In fact, he was giving Kong Zhen a reassurance.

After being excited, Kong Zhen also directly took out a token and gave it to Hao Tiandao: "Young Master Lin, this is the token that represents my Kong family's honorary guest. With this token, you can directly mobilize more than a dozen powerful **** emperors. For your use, in addition, my Kong family also has some properties in the main city of God's Domain, after Young Master Lin enters these properties, he can also mobilize those people."

PS: I'm sorry, everyone, I didn't update it yesterday for some reasons, I'll post two chapters today, please forgive me.

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