Hearing Feng Wanli's words, Haotian nodded immediately and said, "Then I won't disturb the master."

After the words fell, Haotian left here under the leadership of several Feng family's subordinates, and after Haotian left, Feng Wanli said to a white-haired old man who suddenly appeared: "Elder, Yin'er still has a trace of divine soul. Above the body, I would like to ask you and the elders to wish me resurrection Yin'er."

The first elder heard the words and said: "Of course, we have seen your hard work for the Feng family over the years. Now that Yin'er's life is in danger, we will naturally take action. The little friend who brought Yin'er back."

"Does the first elder think there is something wrong with him?" Feng Wanli frowned slightly after hearing this.

The first elder shook his head and said: "That's not true, I just feel that this little friend is not simple, and he has no fear in the face of us **** emperor powerhouses, but it seems very plain. To be able to perform like this, either he was prepared and deliberately pretended. In this way, either he has absolute confidence in himself, or he believes that we will not shoot him, maybe he has some unknown means, but we have not discovered all of this."

Feng Wanli nodded after hearing this, but then looked at the first elder and said, "Since the first elder thinks he has no problem, what should we give him? After all, he brought back Yin'er's body intact. already."

Hearing this, the first elder laughed and said, "Isn't the holy spring almost fully recovered? Let this little friend experience the holy spring for a while and see how much holy spring he can absorb. This is also a benefit we gave him. "

Hearing the words of the first elder, Feng Wanli thought for a while and did not object. At this moment, another old man came over. After seeing the old man coming, Feng Wanli immediately looked at the old man and asked: " Third Elder, how is the investigation of that little friend?"

The third elder heard the words and said: "Because the time is too tight, we have not investigated the details, but we have investigated his situation during the period of his stay in the capital of God's Domain. For some reasons, he has a grievance with the Jia family and is in When the Emperor of God was at his peak, he jumped to kill an elder of the Jia family in the early days of the gods, and finally lived in the Kong family for a thousand years. Later, he had a conflict with the Jia family until the sixth elder passed there. It stopped the fight between the two sides.”

A cold light flashed in Feng Wanli's eyes and said, "If I remember correctly, the Jia family also colluded with the extraterritorial clan, right?"

The third elder nodded and said: "Yes, there is indeed collusion. As far as we know, what has the Jia family been secretly collecting? But we don't know exactly what it is."

Feng Wanli snorted coldly: "No matter what they are collecting, as long as they have contact with a family outside the territory, they must pay a price, let people closely monitor the movements of the Jia family, and immediately carry out clearing operations against the Jia family when the opportunity is right."

The third elder nodded slightly, and then left here, and at this time, the first elder looked at Feng Wanli and said, "Wanli, you can also go see that little friend, and take him to Shengquan by the way. side."

Feng Wanli nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then left here as well. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the place where Haotian was, and Haotian, who had just made a cup of tea, was a little surprised when he saw it: "Patriarch came over suddenly. , is something wrong?"

Feng Wanli said with a smile after hearing this: "This time, I have to thank my little friend for bringing my son's body back safely. My son's spirit is still on the body, so there is hope to be resurrected. Here I use my father's body. In name, thank you little friend."

Hearing Feng Wanli's words, Haotian quickly got up and shook his head and said, "Patriarch Feng is serious, if it wasn't for the cultivation resources in Young Master Feng's ring, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for me in the early stage, and maybe even in danger of falling, so I should bring back Young Master Feng's body."

Feng Wanli said with a smile after hearing this: "Although this is the truth, my Feng family has already said that I would like to thank the little friend before, and naturally I will not break my promise. There is a holy spring in our Feng family, and the holy water in it is supposed to be the one I was in. It was obtained from a dangerous ruin in the Eternal God Realm. It is extremely useful to the powerful gods, and can help the powerhouses at the peak of the gods to break through to the early stage of the gods. You can go in and get a feel for it, maybe it can improve a lot of strength. , I hope the little friend will not refuse."

Haotian was slightly taken aback when he heard it, but he did not expect that the Feng family would have such a holy place that could allow the gods to break through to the gods, so after thinking for a while, Haotian did not refuse, and after sorting out the things, he Follow the wind and leave.

The two disappeared in an instant through teleportation. When they reappeared, they had come to a place full of strong spiritual energy. Just taking a breath of spiritual energy, Haotian felt that the spiritual energy in this place was far beyond the path. In those places, even the secret realm of the Kong family is far inferior, and this is also the background of the **** emperor family.

Not to mention that the Feng family is not an ordinary God Emperor family at all, but the master of the entire God Realm, controlling the entire Western God Realm, possessing countless cultivation resources and treasures, far beyond what other forces can compare.

Even the Divine Alchemist and Divine Artifact Master Guild, where the capital of the God Realm is located, may not be as good as the Feng family. Only the main guild can truly surpass it. Even the dominant families of other major Gods Domains, they have the background, I am afraid it is also the Feng family. Almost, even if it is slightly exceeded, it will not be too much, and some are even slightly weaker than the Feng family. Of course, all of this is just Haotian's guess.

Just when Haotian was thinking about these things, Feng Wanli suddenly said: "Little friend, this is the holy realm of my Feng family, you can stay here for three days, and after three days, the holy realm will take the initiative to bring it back. The little friend sends it out, and during this period, we will see how much spiritual power the little friend can absorb."

After hearing this, Haotian nodded slightly, and then entered the holy realm, and Feng Wanli left here after staying for a while, because he couldn't be idle and waited here all the time, and the Feng family also needed him for many things. to deal with.

On the other side, when Jia Youde learned that the person who killed the 15 elders was Haotian, his complexion became gloomy. At this time, he could already be sure that Haotian must have been hiding in Haotian for more than a thousand years. The Kong family, otherwise, they would not be able to find it.

Thinking of this, a hint of coldness flashed in Jia Youde's eyes. At this time, he had already decided to block the Kong family. Otherwise, would he really think that they would be easy to bully?

After a heavy snort, Jia Youde left here, apparently preparing to arrange an action against the Kong family.

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