As soon as he entered the attic, Yaochi looked at Haotian and said worriedly, "Haotian, why did you suddenly go out before?"

After hearing this, Haotian smiled and comforted Yaochi, then looked at Bai Mao and Bai Lao who had just rushed over and said, "Although my apprentice Yun Yi promised you to destroy the Jia family, his current ability is not enough, even if I It is also very difficult to destroy the Jia family after breaking through to the peak of the gods, but this time with the Feng family's shot, the Jia family has been wiped out cleanly. Your proof."

When the words fell, Haotian waved his hand directly, and a corpse appeared in front of everyone. It was Jia Youde, the head of the Jia family. At this time, Jia Youde had already lost his breath, while Bai Mao and Bai Lao were a little puzzled. Somewhat shocked: "Could this be the body of the head of the Jia family?"

Haotian nodded slightly and said, "This is indeed the corpse of Jia Youde, the head of the Jia family, and it can be regarded as the explanation I gave to you on behalf of my apprentice Yun Yi."

What did Yun Yi want to say? However, he found himself unable to speak. Although he had tried his best to improve his strength, he was only in the middle stage of God Emperor. With his own efforts, if he wanted to avenge the Jia family, he didn't know what year he would be in Ma Yue. .

Bai Lao and Bai Mao were crying with joy. In fact, before that, they thought that it would take at least tens of thousands of years for Yun Yi to avenge them. Even in their opinion, even if Yun Yi could grow up, at most You can only damage the Jia family, how difficult is it to destroy the Jia family? It's just that now with Feng's and Haotian's actions, the Jia family has completely disappeared, and the body of Jia Youde, the head of the Jia family, has also been brought back by Haotian.

Looking at the dead Jia Youde, the always cute and cute white cat suddenly stretched out its sharp claws and scratched Jia Youde's body fiercely, and then a tear dripped from his eyes: "Master, Xiaobai has finally avenged you."

Bai Lao, who was on the side, didn't do anything, but there was a flash of happiness in his eyes. Haotian just shook his head slightly and didn't say anything, because he understood the feeling of this person and a cat. After seeing the two people's emotions subsided, Haotian Tian asked directly: "Now that Jia Youde has died, the Jia family has been destroyed. Have you thought about what to do next?"

Bai Lao and Bai Mao glanced at each other, and finally the former bowed his hands respectfully and said, "We plan to find those people who were left behind after the destruction of the Tianyanmen in the Western God Territory. Among those people, there are also many alchemists, although The rank is far inferior to yours, but many of them are fifth-rank alchemists. Now that so many years have passed, maybe someone has been able to advance to sixth-rank. Besides, there are their descendants. We I want to gather them together, re-create a new Tiandanmen, and belong to your forces."

Haotian thought for a while after hearing this, and finally nodded and said: "If you want to do this, just let it go, I still have some divine stones and some divine medicines left here, although not much, but enough. You've been using it for a while."

After the words fell, Haotian handed a storage ring to Bai Lao. This storage ring was Jia Youde's storage ring, and Haotian collected most of the training resources in it, but even so, the remaining training resources were still It is worth hundreds of millions of top-quality **** stones, enough for Bai Lao and the others to use.

At first, Bai Lao thought that there were not many cultivation resources, but after checking it in the storage ring, he was shocked and couldn't close his mouth, because the resources in it were not too few, but too many. There are tens of millions, as well as a large number of medicinal herbs and refining materials, etc., the value is absolutely inestimable.

The white cat on the side was a little puzzled when he looked at the shocked look of Bai Lao, and then also released his spiritual sense to watch the contents of the storage ring, but he was just as shocked as Bai Lao, so many cultivation resources than the original Tiandan The surviving resources of the gate ruins are much more.

Seeing this, both Bai Lao and Bai Mao had an idea in their hearts. Perhaps their decision to let Tiandanmen belong to Haotian was the most correct decision.

And at this moment, what did Bai Lao seem to think of? Then he looked at Haotian and said, "I don't know how we will find you later?"

After hearing this, Haotian rummaged in the storage ring for a while, then took out a stone and handed it to Bai Laodao: "This is the communication stone, and then you can use this stone to contact Xiaoyi directly."

When the words fell, Haotian handed another communication stone to Yun Yi, and when Bai Lao and Bai Mao saw it, they looked at Haotian and said, "You avenged our Tiandanmen before, and we sincerely apologize to you. We express our gratitude, and at the same time, we are willing to always recognize you as the Lord and never betray you, and if you disobey your wishes, you will be wiped out."

Hearing the words of Bai Lao and Bai Mao, Haotian knew in his heart that they had completely returned to their hearts. Although they also recognized Yun Yi as the master before, they did not completely return to their hearts. Although the strength of these two was not too much for him. It was of great use, but it was good to be by Yun Yi's side.

Thinking of this, Haotian looked at Bai Lao and Bai Mao again and said, "After you find those people, there is no need to follow me, just follow Xiaoyi."

Bai Lao and Bai Mao nodded slightly when they heard it, and then said goodbye and left here, apparently ready to find those who survived the Tiandanmen who were lost in various places.

And after these people left, Yun Yi said with some remorse: "Master, isn't my talent very poor? It's only now in the middle stage of the emperor."

Hearing Yun Yi's words of self-blame, Haotian was quite speechless. In fact, in his opinion, Yun Yi's talent was not bad at all. If it wasn't for the assistance of the Hongmeng system and the series of adventures, I'm afraid it would not be as good as it is. Yun Yi, as for the reason why Yun Yi feels that he is very poor, it is probably because his realm has broken through too fast, making it difficult for Yun Yi to catch up.

Thinking of this, Haotian was also a little helpless. The reason why he was able to break through so quickly was only because of too many adventures. Unexpectedly, Yun Yi doubted himself.

After coughing lightly, Haotian looked at Yun Yi and said, "Your talent is already very good, if it wasn't for me having too many adventures, you could even surpass me, but you don't need to be discouraged, I'll be back this time. It is also to take you to a place where you can quickly improve your strength."

Nuwa, who was on the side, was puzzled after hearing this: "Husband, what are you talking about?"

Haotian smiled mysteriously and said, "I won't tell you now, I'll find out later."

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