Looking at the storage ring on the stone platform, Haotian took it and started to check it. However, even though he was well prepared, Haotian was still a little surprised by the background of his previous life. It was just this storage ring. Inside the ring, there are a full 10 billion top-quality **** stones. There is nothing in it. There are only piles of top-grade **** stones.

If there are so many divine stones in each Shimen storage ring, it means that there are at least trillions of divine stones here, and they are also top-quality divine stones.

In addition to these stone gates, there are many other stone gates around. Presumably they should contain magical medicine refining materials and magical weapons, but they can be placed in the stone gates, and their value is definitely not bad, but these It wasn't enough to attract Haotian. What really attracted Haotian was a ball of light on a stone table in the center, and a box sealed by a formation.

He could clearly feel that the ball of light seemed to be calling him, and he felt that Haotian was walking towards the ball of light step by step. When his hand touched the ball of light, Haotian suddenly discovered the surrounding scene. Suddenly, Yao Chi and the others who were standing on the side disappeared one after another, and he also appeared in a mysterious space.

Afterwards, a young man who was very similar to Haotian appeared here. This young man was none other than Haotian's previous life Hunyuan God Emperor, or a thought of Hunyuan God Emperor.

"You are the future me, right? It seems that it should be a success." Looking at Haotian in front of him, the Primordial Emperor asked.

After a brief period of surprise, Haotian nodded slightly. When the Primordial Emperor saw it, he smiled lightly and said, "Are you curious about what I mean by success?"

"What do you mean by success?" Haotian asked when he heard the words of Emperor Hunyuan.

The Emperor Hunyuan smiled and said, "Naturally, I can be reincarnated successfully. After all, when I was under siege, once my soul is reincarnated, there is a high chance that it will be discovered by others.

Haotian was silent, he didn't want to comment on anything until he regained his memory, and the Emperor Hunyuan continued: "You can come here, it means that my luck seems to be good, at least I have been reincarnated successfully, and here The things I have prepared with both hands, if I don’t succeed, I will naturally leave it to those who are destined, but if it succeeds, you can naturally take it away as the future me, and it can be regarded as the past me to give some help to the future me.”

Hearing this, Haotian asked: "I want to know, how did I or you in my previous life fall? He didn't know when I met your blood essence clone."

Hearing Haotian's words, the Emperor Hunyuan looked at Haotian and said, "It's normal for the blood essence clone to have only part of my memory and unclear memory. As for the reason for my promise, it's because of the Wei family in the Central God Territory. This family belongs to me. It was once supported by one hand, but unfortunately, the chess fell short and was controlled by those guys from the extraterritorial clan through some means, and you will know the details when you restore your memory."

"Then what is in this box?" Haotian asked, looking at the box after hearing this.

Looking at the box on the stone platform, Emperor Hunyuan said lightly: "This is what I prepared before I fell, and it contains the Holy Book of Hongmeng."

Haotian was a little puzzled when he heard this, and the Emperor Hunyuan explained: "The world thinks that it is the Hunyuan Dandian that I created, which is the pinnacle of the Eternal God Realm, but they don't know whether it is Hunyuan. The Dan Dian or the Hunyuan Refining Artifact Record is what I learned from the Hongmeng Sacred Canon."

Hearing the words of his previous life, Haotian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the world-famous Hunyuan Pill Canon and Hunyuan Refining Items Book were actually owned by the Hongmeng Sacred Canon, and at this time, the Hunyuan God Emperor said again: "Except for the Hongmeng Sage. In addition to the scriptures, there is also a bead called Hongmeng Bead. It was the ninth-order divine weapon that I found in the relics outside the realm of eternity. I can."

Hearing that the Hongmeng Pearl was missing a small piece, what did Haotian seem to think of? Then he took out the Chaos Pearl and asked, "I wonder if this can serve as a small part of the Hongmeng Pearl?"

The Primordial Emperor didn't care at first. After all, the incomplete part of the Hongmeng Pearl can't be replaced by anything, but when he saw the Chaos Pearl, he was so shocked that he was speechless, because the Chaos Pearl was actually the same as the stone. The Hongmeng beads on the stage echoed each other from a distance, as if the two sides were originally one.

Immediately afterwards, the unbelievable thing happened to the Emperor Hunyuan. I saw that the Chaos Pearl was gradually attracted by the Hongmeng Pearl, and finally merged with the Hongmeng Pearl, making the Hongmeng Pearl emit a dazzling brilliance, until the gap on the body was completely healed, and It exudes an aura that truly belongs to the ninth-order divine soldier.

Looking at the Hongmeng Pearl, which was merged into one, it took a while to react. The Primordial Emperor looked at Haotian in front of him and said, "It seems that your luck is really good, and you were able to find the Chaos Pearl."

Hearing the words of the God Emperor Hunyuan in his previous life, Haotian also smiled bitterly in his heart, because he found that the system did not tell the truth at the time, or that it did not tell the truth at all. Maybe the system was really born in the Eternal God Realm, but the specific reasons What is it like? It's definitely not as simple as you think.

But Haotian was not dissatisfied. In the end, if it wasn't for the system itself, it couldn't get to where it is today, not to mention that the system has never done anything harmful to itself over the years, so Haotian chose to believe it.

After sighing lightly, Haotian looked directly at the Primordial Emperor and said, "Perhaps, since my rise, my luck seems to have been good. Do you have anything else to explain?"

The Emperor Hunyuan heard the words and said: "There is nothing to explain. Those of my subordinates in the past are probably dead and wounded, but their descendants should still exist in the world, if they can meet them, I hope you can take good care of their descendants."

Haotian nodded slightly and said, "This is natural. After all, you are my past life, and those who follow you are also my subordinates. If I can meet their descendants, I will naturally take care of them."

After hearing this, the Emperor Hunyuan said: "I can be relieved in this way. After so many years, I have finally waited for the future reincarnation of me. Now, I will be completely integrated with you, and the divine power in this is enough for you to return to normal. However, I suggest you not to recover at one time, after all, with your current cultivation level, a one-time recovery is fast, but it may cause trauma, so you only need to recover to the middle stage of God Emperor."

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