Chapter 598: Do you still lack a daughter?

The female slave waited for a while and saw that Li Yuan had no intention of answering, so she had to take the initiative to ask:

"Why can I feel the taste of the food you cook yourself?

Li Yuan asked:"I did it myself. Isn't this reason enough?""


This was the first time she had seen such a narcissistic person.

However, the beef noodles he makes are really delicious.

The noodles are chewy and chewy, the beef is tender, soft but not rotten, the soup is rich and moderately salty, and the nuns are reluctant to finish such delicious noodles in one sitting.

I saw her picking up the noodles one by one and putting them into her mouth, slowly savoring the hard-won delicacy.

After Li Yuan finished the bowl of beef noodles and drank all the soy milk, he saw that Nu Ba had not eaten a tenth of the bowl of beef noodles.

When Li Yuan saw this, he quickly said:

"Don't worry about eating first, then wash the dishes after eating."

After saying that, he immediately ran to the bar, took out his mobile phone and started reading.

Female Demon:"……"

Just wash the dishes. Being able to eat such delicious beef noodles is worth washing the dishes for a year!

She continued to taste her beef noodles slowly.

By the way, there is also soy milk here. I wonder if soy milk has any taste?

Thinking of this, she immediately took a sip.

OMG, it tastes so good!

Sweet but not greasy, fragrant and smooth.

The female demon felt that her taste buds were going to explode.

At the same time, she couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuan didn't lie, and the food he cooked really tasted good.

How on earth did he do it? If only I could learn his cooking skills.

In this way, I can eat such delicious food every day from now on.

Thinking of this scene, the female slave almost laughed out of happiness.

However, she felt that the happiest thing was Xiao Sizi. Someone prepared such a delicious breakfast for her every day. She was so happy!

She really wanted to ask Li Yuan, do you still lack a daughter?

The nvba was thinking wildly while eating beef noodles and sipping soy milk.

Li Yuan turned on his phone and immediately found that there were a lot of new messages in the Westward Journey discussion group.

"Woohoo, brother-in-law, I heard that my dad has turned into a zombie? What should I do?"

It's just that the snake spirit is not sick:

"I heard that the only way to become a zombie is to be burned to death.

Sanbanaxe:"This is the Supreme Emperor, how can he burn it?""

My brother is a big bad guy:"In fact, there is nothing wrong with turning into a zombie. At the level of the Aether Emperor, he should not lose his mind. He will only seek revenge on those who are unhappy with him, and the harm to others is still very small."

Please call Your Majesty:"……"

My father, Li Jiancheng, and Li Yuanji are the ones who are most unhappy with me.

"Woohoo, brother-in-law, help!"

Sanbanaxe:"Well, let me ask for my friend, how can we defend against zombies and take revenge?"

You know, he was also a participant in the Xuanwumen Incident, and Li Yuanji was hacked to death by him.

My brother-in-law is the emperor:"Same question, I have a friend who also wants to know."

My brother is a big bad guy:"A friend comes out of nowhere."



Li Yuan looked at the discussion in the group and did not reply to the message. He looked at the live video above the group.

Sun Wukong and Tang Seng had already gotten up and started on their way.

At this moment, the two of them were blocked by six robbers who wanted to rob them.

Unfortunately, they met Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong picked up the golden cudgel and without saying anything, he just swiped it and the six bandits were beaten to a pulp.

Tang Monk was dumbfounded, sweating profusely and chanting Amitabha.

He couldn't bear to accuse Sun Wukong:

"You shouldn't be so cruel. Although they are robbers who block the road, even if they get a lawsuit, they will only be sent to the army and they will not be punished with death. You are so powerful that you can just fight them off, so why bother hurting people's lives? Sun

Wukong sneered:

"You monks just like fake compassion. Tang

Monk argued:

"We monks are compassionate and save all sentient beings, so why are we pretending to be compassionate? Sun

Wukong said calmly:

"Just like these robbers, if I didn't kill them, they would have robbed many passers-by and even killed them. Those pedestrians were robbed of their finances, and their families were ruined. You let a few bad people go, but you caused countless good people to lose their lives. Isn't this false mercy?"


Tang Seng was speechless for a moment.

"But our Buddhist sect pays attention to compassion. Even if the sin is extremely heinous, we should give him a chance to change his ways and not kill."

Sun Wukong put the golden cudgel on his shoulders and said as he walked:

"We should be as warm as the spring breeze to good people, and as ruthless as the harsh winter to bad people. Indulging criminals is a crime against good people."

When the audience in Chang'an City heard this, they couldn't help but applaud.

"The Great Sage said it so well"

"The Great Sage’s three views are too correct!"

"It doesn't sound like the words of a monster."

"Compared to the Great Sage, Tang Seng is a bit pedantic"

"I love it. From now on, I will be a fan of the Great Sage."


Indulging criminals is a crime against good people.

Tang Seng tasted Sun Wukong's words and found that the other party's words turned out to be very reasonable.

He couldn't help but sigh, and quickly followed Sun Wukong:

"I never imagined that you, a monster, could actually say such philosophical words."

Sun Wukong glanced at Tang Monk:

"That's not what I said. And I am a human, not a monster.

Tang Monk asked strangely:"Aren't you a monkey who became a spirit? How can you be a human?""

Sun Wukong looked up at the sky and said:

"When a demon loses its animal nature, it becomes a human being, and when a person retains its animal nature, it becomes a demon. I have long since shed my animal nature, so I am a human being."

Tang Monk's expression was shocked, and he felt that Sun Wukong's words were too philosophical.

He sighed and said to Sun Wukong:

"I find that you have great wisdom. If you come to study Buddhism, you will definitely be able to enlighten yourself and become a Buddha in the future. Sun

Wukong said disdainfully:

"Monks are a group of people who do not distinguish between good and evil, and have no filial piety or shame. I will never be one of them. Tang

Monk clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, the donor has too deep prejudices against Buddhism. How come we don’t distinguish between good and evil, and are not filial or shameful?"

Sun Wukong said:

"You just wanted to let the robber go, but you didn't distinguish between good and evil. If a monk does not get married or have children, he is unfilial. A monk has hands and feet, but he has to rely on alms to make a living. This is shameless."

Tang Monk:"……"

He was about to cry.

Why is Buddhism so unworthy in Sun Wukong’s words?

The key is, deep down in his heart, he still feels that Sun Wukong's heresies still have some truth?

Amitabha, it's my fault, it's my fault, how could I be led astray by these fallacies!

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