Chapter 600: The female demon is a big pervert.

He reached out to grab the surrounding mountains, and instantly grabbed several monsters with the strength of Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian from the air.

Then he bit the necks of these monsters and sucked a few mouthfuls of their blood essence.

After sucking the essence and blood of about a dozen monsters, the general's injuries were completely repaired.

The monsters whose blood had been sucked by him were suddenly filled with Yin Qi, their eyes became hollow and lifeless, and two pairs of long fangs sprouted from their mouths.

This is infected and turned into a zombie

"What have you done to us?"

"Hoo, change us back quickly"

"Let's all work together to kill him"


These monsters were frightened and angry when they discovered the abnormality in themselves. They roared at the general with undisclosed anger, as if they were going to fight for him.

The general just shook his tiger body, and a terrifying and special aura suddenly came out from his body.

The surrounding monsters felt this aura, their legs softened, and they all knelt on the ground tremblingly, their faces no longer showing any unruly expression.

This is the coercion of the zombie king, which has an absolute deterrent effect on the next generation of zombies.

"I am a general and your king. You practice secretly, silently develop the zombie clan, and wait for the call of me from the future."

The general gave a cold command, and in a flash, he left the place and flew towards Chang'an.

He wanted to find out the secret of the little girl!

And turn the little girl into a zombie!

Soon, the general returned When he arrived in Chang'an, he was on the street where he was hit before.

When he was hit, he had already seen the little girl driving into an inn. When the general came outside the inn, he frowned slightly.

This place seemed to be the place last night. The place where Hanbao disappeared.

He did not rush in, but first scanned the situation inside the inn with his spiritual consciousness.

"Strange, why is there no one in the inn?"

The general no longer hesitated, immediately opened the door curtain and walked in.


"Dad, no, I hit someone with my car."

Xiao Sizi drove into the inn and shouted loudly.

At this moment, the female boss was still eating her noodles carefully, while Li Yuan was sitting at the bar looking at his mobile phone.

Li Yuan heard Xiao Sizi's shout and said disapprovingly :

"Just hit him, he's not a good person anyway."

The female slave took a look at Xiao Sizi's car and said comfortingly:

"Nothing will happen to your car if it hits someone, so there's no need to panic."

Xiao Sizi took off his helmet and said:

"I knocked the person flying into the sky, and I don’t know if he died or not."

The female demon's eyes widened, and she asked in disbelief:

"You, knock people flying into the sky? real or fake?"

Xiao Sizi:"You still know that person? It's the person wearing golden armor last night."


The female slave's expression became even more shocked. Her eyes almost fell to the ground.

She couldn't believe that Xiao Sizi, a small car, could actually knock a general away.

That was a general, even if a star crashed into him , only the stars are broken, how could he be knocked away?

"Have you really seen it clearly? Is that man really a general?"The female priest closed her car and quickly asked Xiao Sizi.

Xiao Sizi jumped out of the car and said:

"See clearly, you can’t be wrong. Moreover, on the way back, I felt a lot of eyes watching me secretly. In one of the windows, I saw a man with long fangs, grinning at me, but when the sun shined on him, he So scared that I hid"

"This is a zombie."

As soon as the female boss heard Xiao Sizi's description, she guessed the other party's identity:

"They must have smelled the scent of your supreme blood, so they wanted to suck your blood."

She said with some fear,"Fortunately it's daytime and the level of those zombies is not high, otherwise you would be in danger."

"It turns out that it is a zombie."Xiao Sizi suddenly said.

The female slave said to Li Yuan with some complaints:

"Yesterday I reminded you not to let little Sizi go out alone, but you didn't listen. Look, little Sizi was almost in danger.

Li Yuan said calmly:"Don't worry, nothing will happen.""

With him here, how could something happen to Xiao Sizi?

Seeing that Li Yuan was still looking at his phone, the female slave didn't show any worry at all on his face. She didn't know whether to say whether Li Yuan had a good heart or a heartless one.


Suddenly, the female slave remembered something, and her face couldn't help but change.

"The general knew that Xiao Sizi was pregnant with the Supreme Blood, and he would definitely not let it go.……"

"Jingle Bell."

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a gust of wind chimes ringing, and saw a tall and burly figure walking into the inn. It was the general.

When the general heard the sound of the wind chimes, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

The sound seemed a bit unusual, as if It can make people calm down.

The general was going to take a closer look at the wind chime, but he suddenly opened his mouth in surprise. He didn't expect that there was someone in the inn.

Not only was the little woman there, but Hanba was also there.

But I just said He had obviously used his spiritual sense to investigate and found that there was no one inside at all, but why was there someone now? What could be the problem?

Although the general was shocked, he quickly came to his senses and stared at it without blinking. Han Ban was full of vigilance.

As for Li Yuan and Xiao Sizi, two mortals, he didn't take it to heart at all.

As long as he solved the female Ban, he would not only get a copy of the corpse beast's soul, but also a person. The zombie descendants of the Nine-Level Holy Eyes.

Today is simply a harvest season

"That's him,"

Xiao Sizi pointed at the general.

"I just knocked him away."

When the general heard this, his face couldn't help but tremble. He had listed the incident of being knocked away as one of the phenomena of super-immortal cultivation.

It cannot be explained by the principles of immortal cultivation!

He ignored Xiao Sizi and said to the female demon :

"So you are hiding here!"

The female slave did not rush to talk to the general. She quickly ate the remaining noodles first, not only the noodle soup, but also the soy milk.

She was worried that she would fight with the general later and destroy such a good person. The delicacies they ate were ruined.

When the general saw the female slave eating noodles, he couldn't help but secretly complained about"pervert".

Zombies eat nothing except blood, but the female slave actually ate the noodles with relish. What if he wasn't a pervert? ?

After the nvba finished eating the noodles, she licked the noodles with some unfinished thoughts.

Alas, I originally wanted to chew it slowly and slowly, but I didn't expect that it was ruined by the general. It is really unforgivable.

Seeing the nvba's unfinished expression, the general felt more and more This is a big perversion

"I didn't hide, it was just that you were blind and didn't see it."The female tycoon stared at the general unwilling to be outdone.

The eyes of both parties met in the air, and their hair moved automatically.

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