Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 10: Who says fish can't be eaten?

    Updated 2013-8-2519:02:34Words: 3242

    An Er took the limelight again, and Nana was a little impatient. At this time, the little daughter on her back suddenly burst into tears and cried out in a vague voice: "Hungry... Mama, Tongtong is hungry..."

    I slept late last night, and when I woke up in the morning, Xiao Nan Nan was always in a semi-drowsy state, and did not eat much breakfast. Nana had an evil fire burning in her heart and had nowhere to vent. She heard the words and turned her head to yell at her daughter, "What are you hungry for! I told you to eat but you don't want to eat, and now I'm screaming hungry again!"

    Tongtong was so frightened by her numb voice that she hiccupped, and then burst into tears. Seeing that Little Loli was crying pitifully, An'er stretched out her hand, wanting to step forward to untie the cane and rescue the little guy.

    Unexpectedly, Nana glared at her defensively, took a few steps back, and put her daughter down rough, without giving her a good face.

    A Tu's Mama A Cai, quietly pulled Lin An'er with an inexplicable face, and said softly: "Nana she... That's it, don't be angry."

    An'er shrugged, although she didn't know how she had offended this sturdy primitive woman, but she couldn't be angry, as long as the other party didn't try to provoke and find fault, she could pretend not to see it.

    When she saw that Nana took out a piece of roast meat from the thick animal skin bag with the mud hand that had dug peanuts and was about to stuff it into Tongtong's mouth, she hurriedly stepped forward to stop it: "The weather is so hot, and the meat is covered in the bag for a long time. You see... the color of the meat has changed, which means that it has begun to deteriorate. The child has a weak stomach, don't give her this meat..."

    Nana looked at her badly, and said politely: "Didn't you see the child hungry? She didn't eat much in the morning, you won't let me feed her now, you want to starve to death Is she? What's wrong with this meat? Don't we all eat this way? Don't you eat it in the morning too?"

      Ming and Abu brothers, although they are not from the same Baba, have a pair of flying eyebrows, which add a lot to their appearance.

    The good old A Cai, followed suit: "Nana, isn't An'er afraid that the meat will go bad? She is also good for the children!"

    "It took only half a day for the meat to go bad? I don't believe it!" What about the dirt on it.

    An'er looked at it and couldn't help shaking her head. The hygiene habits of primitive people are so poor that they never wash the food before it is baked or boiled. I don’t have the habit of washing my hands before eating, and I can’t even wash my face, feet and teeth before going to bed in the morning. No wonder there is always a bad smell in the cave!

    Alas! It is no wonder that the life expectancy of primitive people is short. On the one hand, it is related to hygiene habits, and on the other hand, medical treatment cannot keep up. Poor little guy, I don't know if eating the barbecue fed by Ma Ma will cause a stomach upset...

    The very hungry Tongtong, who cares so much, eats the barbecue in big mouthfuls, it really feels a little bit devoured. Children don't care so much, they are happy to eat meat, and naturally they can't taste whether the meat is spoiled or not. The little guy performed exceptionally well and ate a whole piece of meat into his stomach. After he was full, he played with his brothers and was dismissed by her Ma Ma. In the end, she had to be honestly tied to her back.

    Ming had already dug up the small piece of ginger, he carefully removed the soil on it, and put it into his animal skin bag containing the herbs. An has already said that these gingers can be used medicinally, and naturally they are managed by his half-hearted witch doctor. Besides, in autumn and winter, children in the tribe sometimes get sick with fever. Adults will also get sick when exposed to cold rain or cold. As An'er said, make soup with **** for them to drink to cool off the heat. , to reduce the chance of death from fever, the tribe needs it!

    Da Er, although he is usually very sensible, he is a four-year-old child after all. There are not many opportunities to eat meat in the tribe, and meat is a temptation for everyone. He watched Tong Tong eat the barbecue in a big mouth, couldn't help swallowing, and touched his belly with his hand.

    The mantis egg porridge in the morning was so delicious that he couldn't help but eat an extra bowl, his stomach was rounded by the porridge, and he ate less of the fried meat. The soup was watery, and after running all morning, it was almost digested long ago.

    An'er noticed his little movements, touched his head lightly, and asked, "Is Da'er hungry?"

    Da Er nodded embarrassedly, and shook his head again. Primitive people only eat two meals a day, which makes An'er, a modern civilized world accustomed to three meals a day, very unaccustomed to it. She looked at her watch, it was past two o'clock in the afternoon, no wonder her stomach began to protest.

    Since she recalled this journey, she could not find any food to satisfy her hunger, and she was inevitably worried. Suddenly, she heard the sound of rushing water, and remembered that the small river was nearby. It would be great if she could catch fresh fish and roast it.

    An Er said her proposal, and Nana first objected: "The fish smells bad and has a lot of thorns. Even a very hungry person will not eat that. dead person's!"

    Once I was very hungry, Lao Luo, who caught a fish to eat, was deeply moved, and nodded hastily: "Yes, I was almost stuck by a fishbone... Fortunately, I am dead! "

    Lin An'er saw that the rice in this open space could still be harvested for a while, and said: "You gather here first, and when you leave, just call us. Me and Da Go over there and see if there is any new food."

    Ming knew that she would not give up, and she would definitely go catch fish after leaving here, so she insisted on going with them. If he finds out that they really want to eat fish, at least he can stop or rescue...

    Lin An'er took Ming and Da'er, one big and one small, and followed the sound of the river, making marks on the trees as they walked. Da'er asked strangely, "Ann, what are you doing in the tree?"

    "Remember the way? To prevent us from finding the way back..." An'er took a few steps, and a poor tree was slashed again.

    Da Er and Uncle Ming glanced at each other, and invariably looked at the direction they were looking at. It's very close to the river, how could it be impossible to find a way? However, when they saw that An'er was so happy to carve things, they didn't make a sound in a tacit understanding. How did they know that the omnipotent goddess in the eyes of the entire Atayal tribe was actually a super idiot?

    "Wow! The river is so clear and green! It's like a top-quality green jade!" An'er, who came from the end of the world where pollution was rampant, looked at the pure river in front of her, and couldn't help but shouted loudly .

    She almost jumped to the edge of the river and stepped barefoot on the smooth stones in the water, so cool! Seeing that the water by the river was not deep, and that there were large and small pebbles distributed on the bottom of the river, she swooped forward and drowned her body in the cool water. She has lived underground since she was a child. She has never seen such a long running water, and she has no chance to learn to swim. Even if she choked a few mouthfuls of water in, she still stays in the water and splashes water with her feet.

    Da'er, who was squatting beside An'er's shoes and researching, tugged at the animal skin on his waist, revealing a small bird. He screamed and threw himself into the water, splashing all over the place, making An'er's head and face full of water.

    An'er's childish side was revealed, she splashed water on Da'er and fought a water fight with the little guy. In the water fight, An'er was a novice after all, and finally defeated Da'er, who often played with her friends in the water.

    "Fish! A fish just swam past my feet!" An'er was frightened by the slippery touch, but when she saw the fish that caused the accident, she swam freely Swim far away.

    When Da'er saw this, he pounced at the fish again, and shouted in the spray: "Bad fish, dare to scare An'er, I caught you and baked it!"

    His movement was quite loud, and his little hand touched the body of the fish, but the slippery fish escaped.

    Because primitive people do not like to eat fish and dare not eat fish, no one is used to the fish in this river, and they are not afraid of human beings at all. Even in the shallow waters of the river, there are sometimes fat fish. An'er and Da'er fluttered in the shallow water for a long time, but did not catch a single fish.

    An'er even imitated the primitive man and used Daer's bone spear to strike the fish. Although she has also learned the principle of refraction of water, but at what angle it is refracted, she really does not know. She couldn't catch fish, and she also failed to fork fish. She had to use other brains to eat fish.

    She remembered that when she was on a mission, she used to bring some pins, hurriedly turned it over, carefully completed the shape of the fishhook, and found a thin long rattan, tied to the bamboo that was cut back superior.

    In the process of making fishing rods, An'er has assigned Da'er to rummage among the rotten leaves to find earthworms. When the utterly rudimentary tackle was finished, Dale also came back with a few disgusting soft bugs in his hands.

     After hanging the bait on the hook, An'er found a shade of a tree, and the old **** acted as a fisherman there. Fortunately, there are many fish in the river, and they are all clumsy. The fishing rod in An'er's hand is so clumsy, the fish only see the bait on the hook. Soon, the leaves on the rattan that An'er specially kept floated on the water. .


    "Wow! Ann, you are so good, you can catch fish!" Da'er screamed and rushed to the grass, and under An'er's reminder, he got the fish off the hook. The big grass carp kept struggling in his arms, slipped out of his hands several times, and was quickly grabbed from the ground by Da'er. An'er couldn't stand it any longer, so she weaved a rope of straw, passed it through the gills, and let him carry it.

      It weighs ten pounds!

    An Er hummed a song, tick off the fish scales, cleaned the internal organs from the fish belly, washed it in water, smeared a little salt, skewered it on a bamboo, and started to bake. Before crossing, An'er didn't have many opportunities to perform missions, but she had mastered the skill of grilling fish and meat, and she never forgot to bring some seasoning before going out.

      Those primitive people have a bad smell. Could it be that they didn't remove the scales and internal organs?


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