Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 109: Returning like an arrow

    Thanks for the pink tickets sent by Xiaoxiao60 and asd21323.

    I have been massaging her waist for almost a week, but it has no effect. Going to the hospital tomorrow to take a picture. There is something wrong with the hip bone again, and it hurts when I move, alas... what a disaster!

    Ouch - please pink...


    When the first light of dawn climbed to the horizon, the market was already lively. There are tribes who have just arrived in the market from afar, and some who have completed the exchange and are ready to return. The Atayal tribe belongs to the second category.

    Speaking of which, the warriors of the Atayal tribe have left the tribe for more than half a month. When they heard that they were going back, they happily sorted out the items in the camp. Two little friends, Dar and Kong Kong, cheered around the camp: "Go back! Go home!"

    The new Atayal who just joined the Atayal tribe looked at the cheers of the two children and the happy smiling faces of the warriors, and with the smiles from the heart, rushed to help pack things.

    In this market, ten adult men, twenty-two adult women, and thirty-eight minor primitive people were exchanged. Among them, thirteen-to-fifteen-year-old boys and girls account for 30 places, which means that within two or three years, the Atayal tribe can add more than 30 adult laborers. Other book friends are watching:.

    These people, in these four or five days, from the beginning of anxiety and caution, now regard themselves as a part of Atayal, full of confidence in the future life. Ku Geluo's two sons, about the same size as Da'er, also laughed until their eyes narrowed, clapping their hands and shouting, "Go home, let's go home!"

    Luo's woman, although still a little weak, her condition has improved significantly. Because the food could keep up, her face that had been withered was rosy again. Luo's Baba, that thin old man. Also because of the weight gain, the wrinkles on the face also appear to be much less. The two skinny-skinned monkey-like children changed their previous weakness and cowardice, and regained their lively nature. They followed Daer all day long, scrambling to and fro in the camp.

    In just three or four days, Luo's hunting level has been recognized by the Atayal warriors. Yesterday, the warriors went out to hunt. Encountered a group of prairie wolves, the number of which is forty or fifty, and the situation is very critical. at last. Most of the wolves were killed by the arrows of the powerful crossbow, and a dozen or so were killed by the new warriors with their bare hands or with bone spears and stone spears.

    In order to express his gratitude to the Atayal tribe for accepting his family of five, Luo rushed into the wolves with a heavy stone axe in his hand. One person killed three prairie wolves. Although it was a little bit colorful, it was respected and respected by the Atayal warriors. After only two or three hunting trips, he has gradually become the central force of the team. When Patriarch Abu is away, everyone listens to his commands.

    "Baba, Daer said our new home. There is a beautiful house, a hot kang, and he has raised a lot of animals. There are pheasants, wild boars, lambs... and one called Little mammoth! Baba, what is a house? What is a kang? In winter, won't we get cold?" Luo's eldest son, Xing, was six or seven years old. He looks about as tall as Darlene, with thin arms and thin legs. The eyes are especially large.

      They are half full. Every time the meat is distributed, after the mother cooks it, Xing always endures the greed in his stomach and saves the meat for Baba and his younger brother to eat. Baba had to go out hunting every day, and only by eating meat could he have the strength to fight beasts. Brother Guang is still young, he wants to let his brother...

    The days after being kicked out of the tribe were even more difficult. After her mother fell ill, Lei had to go out to collect, take care of her mother and younger brother, and cook, all of which fell to Xing, who was less than seven years old. . Sometimes the prey he hunted was too small, so he said he had eaten it when he was cooking, and left the food to his family when he was hungry.

    Since he can remember, the days after joining the Atayal tribe in the market were the happiest and most comfortable days. Baba still goes out hunting every day, and he also helps to take care of his sick mother. However, he no longer has to worry about the next meal he has not eaten, and he no longer has to endure the gurgling stomach and drink water desperately to endure hunger.

    In the camp, each of them can get enough food every day. However, in order to save food, the newly joined clansmen will not take it for a second time. Even when the food is small, they are asked to cut it smaller. Everyone is trying their best to contribute to the tribe and work hard for their own bright future.

    Xing learned from his friend Daer that their new home was bigger and warmer than the original patriarch's animal skin tent. Mountains of food are stored in the warehouse, flocks of cattle, sheep, chickens and pigs are raised in the livestock pen, and the vegetable fields are covered with green cabbage and crisp raw radishes... In the future, even if you don't go out to hunt, there will be unfinished meals. , an endless animal skin... Such a day is even happier than a **** in the sky. He has long been looking forward to being able to leave soon, return to Taiya, and return to his future home...

    It was not the first time Luo heard the words of the patriarch's son, and every time he dealt with it casually. In his opinion, this is just a child's show-off, how could there be such a beautiful life? Their ancestors have been hunting for a living, how can they live without worrying about food and clothing without hunting? Therefore, he didn't take his son's words to heart.

    The things on the camp will be sorted out soon. Because of the increase in the number of people, the animal skins brought over were not exchanged, but were all bundled and fixed on the back of the horse.

    This time, almost all of the prey brought by the Atayal tribe was exchanged for the population. Originally, they planned to exchange some of them for sea salt and pottery, and exchange the rest for as many people as they could. As a result, the sea salt and pottery were all exchanged with back baskets, and the tribe gained sixty or seventy people...

    "A Tu, carry these seeds on your back. Other book friends are reading: This is An's son, be careful with me!" Abu solemnly urged the boy. This bag of seeds was found by An'er in the market. Although there were not many, they were lacking in the tribe.

    "Got it! Patriarch, I'm going to see if Xiaohu and the others have come to the entrance of the market!" In the past few days, two teenagers of the same grade have similar temperaments and established a deep friendship. Yesterday, when Patriarch Abu announced that he was going to return to the tribe the next day, Xiaohu was sent to inform the survivors of their tribe and agreed to gather at the entrance of the market this morning. With Abu's permission, Atu rushed to the entrance of the market like a monkey.

    Old Silent saw it, shook his head and said, "This kid has grown up since the beginning of spring, and he is still like a child, he has no strength at all."

    Abu patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "That's good! Just think about half a year ago, when he was thin and small, when he was an adult envoy, he went out hunting with the hunting team, all day long because of food. Insufficient and frowning... Now, the days are getting better, and his laughing and lively nature is back. Everyone looks happy for him!"

    Yes, the tribal life has become more and more prosperous, the tribe has swept away the dullness of the past, and everyone's faces are filled with happy smiles!

    "An! Why haven't you come out of the tent for the past two days? I thought you were sick!" Taozi has also been hunting and dining with the Atayal tribe these days. Atayal.

    Ever since that incident, An'er has stopped wandering around the market in the past two days in order to avoid encountering someone. Except for helping with cooking in the morning and evening, he stayed in the tent and did not show his face at other times. Even for lunch, she cooked it in a tent in a small charcoal pot.

    After all, it’s a bad memory, An’er didn’t want the fourth person to know about it, so she said lightly: “The water has frozen over the past few days, peach, you know that I’m afraid of the cold, so I’m staying in a tent How happy... By the way, have you packed up the things of your Lulu tribe? If the departure is delayed in a while, we won't wait for you!"

    Peach came here to exchange some sea salt and pottery. She brought little prey and exchanged little things, and it was easy to pack up, and it didn't take much time. The Lulu tribe is on the plain not far from the forest, and it is only two or three days away from the Atayal tribe. It was a long way to go back to the market, so An'er invited them to go back together, so that there would be someone to take care of them on the way.

    These days, Taozi and An'er can be said to have similar tastes.

    Peach is like a big sister, she has a desire to protect the thin An'er, and always pats her chest to ensure that if someone dares to bully her, she will find a place for her. An'er also admires Taozi's cheerful and sunny personality. From her, An'er sees a little shadow of Ruoya. In front of Taozi, she always unconsciously showed her little sister-like dependence and admiration...

    Peach occupied most of An'er's time, and Patriarch Abu was very upset with jealousy, and even raised eyebrows and eyes at Peach, and he didn't have a good voice!

    From a distance, the shark looked gloomily at the Atayal tribe arranging things lively. He touched the painful bruises on his face, and a fierce light flashed in Abu's eyes. Suddenly, his eyes stayed on the slender figure who got out of the tent, remembering the soft touch and the fragrant fragrance, his groin tightened, and a certain part began to have a tendency to raise his head.

    These two days, he always unconsciously turned his eyes to the Atayal tribe's camp, looking for a beautiful shadow from the crowd. However, he was disappointed time and time again. That graceful body seldom appeared in the market like in the past, and even the tent seldom came out, let alone had a chance encounter with her.

    The more this is, the more his heart is scratching like a cat. At night, thinking about the wonderful touch, at that moment, the tent between his crotch was so high that he couldn't get down for a long time with his hands! An'er has become the curse in his heart, and the desire to possess her is even stronger!

    She is about to leave, to a distant place that he does not know. Maybe, there will be no chance to meet her again... No, he can't bear the days of not seeing her! He wants her, and since he can't get her back, he will take it back by force!

    There was a haze in the deep eyes of the sea shark, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The Atayal tribe had only 20 warriors when they came, and they had only a mere 30 combat power in exchange. They were hurriedly grouped together, and they had no actual combat experience. How could they be the opponents of their marine warriors?

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