Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 111: wait for me!

    Guess who the "leader" is? hey-hey…

    Thanks to Admiral Magic 1, sp Xenu baby, felia for the pink tickets, thank you lovely Xi Li and Flamingo for the reward...


    "Ruoya, what's the matter with you?" Patriarch Kelu noticed that the woman beside him was stiff, his lips kept trembling, and a pair of falcon-like eyes were full of dewdrops Sparkling tears. In his mind, Ruoya is a woman who is so strong that she has no weakness, but now she is shedding tears weakly. Kelu's heart seemed to be in pain as if it had been penetrated by a sharp dagger.

    He hugged the woman tightly in his arms, felt her trembling, and gently comforted her with his big palms.

    Soon, Ruoya calmed down her uncontrollable excitement, took a deep breath, pushed Kelu away, stepped forward, carried the poor ocean clan, and squinted He asked dangerously, "Does the woman you're talking about have big eyes, long black eyelashes, a pointed chin, and her skin is as white as transparent? Also, is she wearing such a dress? "

     Ruoya peeled off the animal skin on her body, revealing the black personal protective suit, and other book friends are watching: .

    Every time An'er goes out of the dungeon base, Ruoya will always instruct her to put on protective clothing, even if it is a leisurely stroll without any danger. Because once, An'er pestered her to go to the ground to play, but just strolled around the base, and the guy with a force value of 0 was shot away by a mutant soil silkworm. Fortunately, the guy's body defense has been strengthened, otherwise she will lose this friend forever. After that, she no longer relied on herself by her side, but relaxed a little bit.

    However, if An'er, who is afraid of the cold, is wrapped in layers of animal skins, others may not be able to see it.

    The name is half a head taller than Ruoya. The ocean clansman who was as strong as a cow was carried by her neckline and her feet were off the ground. He was a little shocked by the woman's power, but he calmed down quickly. He stopped the clansmen from rushing with weapons. He knew that this was not the best time to fight. Most of the warriors in the clan were taken out to hunt by the clan leader. able to defeat them. What's more, there are only half of the manpower left?

    He threw off the woman's hand, with some anger on his face, and said, "You ask others. Is this the attitude?"

    Ruoya raised her eyebrows, and said without any apology: "I'm too excited, I apologize to you. Come on, does that woman wear the same clothes as me? "

    The marine people looked back and forth several times on her exquisite figure. His eyes were locked on her chest, as if it was stuck with all-purpose glue, and he couldn't pull it out again. Ke Lu took a stride and blocked his woman, staring at this lustful guy with murderous eyes.

    Ocean tribe's eyes flickered. Wiping his face, he said: "Two days ago, the Atayal people cooperated with our tribe to hunt wild horses. The woman also went. It is said that she got lost in the prairie and was not found by her man until evening. When she came back, she was on Her animal skin clothes were all gone, and she was wrapped in her own animal skin by her man. At that time, I happened to be around their tribe and saw her wearing a very strange dress. When it was exposed, I felt like you about the same.”

    "It's her! It's really her! Kelu. Kelu! She's here too, she's crossed over!" The tears in Ruoya's eyes came down.

    She grabbed Kelu's arm and bit it hard, leaving a **** tooth mark. Ke Lu didn't seem to be bitten by him, but looked at his woman a little confused and a little worried.


    Kelu quickly put his hand to her mouth and said, "Bite me!"

    Ruoya looked at him, looked at the tooth marks on his arm, frowned and said, "bit you, you won't hurt..."

    "Pain? It will hurt! Of course it will hurt... Oops! It hurts!" Kelu blinked a few times, suddenly hugged his arm, and grinned like a pained expression. Constipation like n days.

    "The pain means I'm not dreaming!" Ruoya's tearful face suddenly burst into an incomparable smile.

     Ke Lu was stunned. It has been half a year since Ruoya came to the Zhuoha tribe, and he has never seen her smile so genuinely, like the sun shining brightly in the winter when the snow suddenly clears up, touching people's heartstrings.

    "She... Who is she?" Kelu suddenly became jealous of the person who could affect Ruoya's emotions. Although he looks big and three thick, his mind is particularly keen. He felt that Ruoya always seemed to be wearing a mask, although the other party only showed a little emotion after the two scuffled and fell into a passionate relationship. The rest of the time, she always had a cold face, and her eyes were as cold as ice for ten thousand years.

    Even he couldn't affect her emotions, he never saw her crying sadly, or laughing arbitrarily, even a little excitement, he was very shy to show it . But today, her emotions finally got out of control, not because of him. He was a little sad and lost.

    "Who is that she?" He emphasized his tone and asked again.

    Ruoya blinked away the tears in her eyes, the corners of her mouth were still raised high, she squinted at him and said fully: "What? Jealous?? She is a friend I grew up with since childhood. , it can also be said that I took care of my sister who grew up since I was a child, just like Garu's relationship with you!"

     Garou is Kelu's half-brother, and the two are ten years apart. Their mother died shortly after Garou was born, and when he was five, Baba was trampled to death by a mammoth. At that time, Kelu was already a budding hunter in the hunting team. From then on, the brothers depended on each other for life, and the food that Kelu received was always eaten by Garou first, and the best hides were left to the younger brother.

    As Ruoya described it, his heart was no longer sour. He nodded and said, "So it's your sister! Why are you two separated? Do you need to get her back?"

    When Ruoya heard the words, she nodded again and again: "Of course I want to find An'er! You don't know, without me by her side, she would cry and be afraid! In prehistoric times, then What a ferocious beast, she has a very poor sense of direction, a force idiot, and her shooting skills suck... I'm worried about her - by the way, you just said her man picked her up? What did her man do to her? Would it be? Will she bully her? Can she have enough to eat? Can she dress warmly..."

    The member of the Ocean Clan got excited again when she saw her, grabbed her neckline, took a few steps back, and said, "Don't worry! Your sister's man is going to spoil her. She brought so many hides, and she set up a tent for her without exchanging them. The woman didn't like meat, but her man made a special trip to a nearby tribe to exchange meat for a kind of seed called rice, and cook it for her. Food. Even the first wild horse that was caught was left to the woman to ride. The warriors of the Atayal tribe also let a woman speak the truth. Your sister's words in Atayal are more effective than her man... I haven't seen it. Doted on a woman like this!"

     "What's wrong with women? What are women worse than your men? If you don't agree, let's try one-on-one?" Ruoya glared at her! She was the head of the secret service team before she crossed over, and she always spoke with strength, and no one dared to make any comments on her gender. She also hates guys who look down on women the most, the ocean clan has poked a hornet's nest!

    But, this guy has a lot of strength and a little practical experience, and he is considered a leader in the tribe. Think it's not easy to deal with a woman who doesn't look very strong? His eyes swept across the deep **** again, this sad guy, with a hot mind, accepted the challenge of Ruoya.

    The warriors of the Zoha tribe looked at him with pity. He was seen as puzzled by the second monk, but soon he knew why everyone was showing sympathy. This guy was beaten so badly that he couldn't even describe it as "miserable". Even if his mother died and was resurrected, he wouldn't recognize his son. It was even more deterrent than being hit with "unrecognizable palms"!

    Three to five and two to get rid of this annoying guy easily. Ruoya asked Shito to take half of the clan to set up camp in the market. She and Kelu, with the other half, divided their troops and started a search on the prairie.

    Unfortunately, the people of the Atayal tribe had been gone for three or four hours at this time. They even brought the two horses allocated by the Lulu tribe, a total of thirteen horses, carrying goods and some sick and disabled women and children.

    The people of the Zhuoha tribe, they asked several tribes, no one could tell which direction the people of the Atayal tribe were going. In the vast prairie, there are so many tribes these days, entering and exiting from the market, it is really difficult to determine the direction of a team of dozens of people. So, when the double moon rose to the sky of the prairie, they had to return without success.

     Ruoya, who was walking in front of the team, was dejected and had no energy at all. Ke Lu kept comforting on the side: "Since we know that your sister is here, as long as our great cause continues, we will meet your sister one day!"

    When Ruoya heard the words, she was shocked, let out a long sigh of relief, and a flash of ambition flashed in her eyes. Originally, when it came to tribal expansion, she had a playful mind. Now, she finally got serious. Ke Lu was right, as long as she ruled prehistoric times, there would always be times when she would meet An'er! Ann, wait for me! Your Roya won't keep you waiting too long!


    Today I went to the hospital to take a film. The doctor said that she has problems with her cervical and lumbar spine. She needs physiotherapy, more exercise, and can't sit for a long time.嘤嘤嘤嘤...From tomorrow onwards, 姽寳 can only update it alone... I'm sorry to my fathers and my fellow villagers, my tears are running...

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