Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 120: fish **** and sweater

    Thank you for the pink tickets sent by Zen Huashang and Zi Yeyoulian, and thank you lovely Xi Li for the reward.


    Li's mouth grinned, caught a struggling fish, and held it up to the mother and sister on the shore: "Fish! We caught five such big fish! Mom, girl Son, we are not afraid of starvation in winter!"

    Although fish is not as attractive as meat for primitive people to eat, but in order to survive, for them who have even eaten tree roots, grass and leaves, it is more important to have a full stomach than anything else .

    An'er told the tricks of casting a net loudly to the people on the nearby bamboo rafts. Everyone scrambled and threw their nets with their arms raised. An'er also tried to cast a few nets, but the nets did not fail, sometimes two or three, sometimes four or five. Li then took the net made by his mother and cast it down one net at a time. Sometimes there were too many fish in the net, and he struggled to collect the net. Lao Lei and An'er next to him put down their nets. to help...

    Soon, the three large bamboo baskets placed in the center of the bamboo raft were already full of fish. Li and Lao Lei were not enjoying themselves, and urged Ji to bring the bamboo raft to the shore, replace it with an empty bamboo basket, and continue fishing. Several other bamboo rafts also have their own harvest.

    When the hunting team returned in the evening, they found the fish that had been cleaned up, smeared with salt and hung on the tree to dry, and their mouths could not be closed in surprise. The branches of the only remaining fruit trees in the village were full of fish, and A Tu jokingly said: "I haven't seen each other for a day. The trees in our village are full of big fish, so fresh, I have never heard of a tree with fish! An! Son, how did you get these fish? Don't say they were caught!"

    "It's on the tree!" An'er winked at him, unable to hold back her laughter. Xiaohu also participated in this fishing activity. He dragged Atu and chatted about the fun of fishing with fishing nets. Ah Tu also shouted that he would be counted among fishing tomorrow!

    The hunting team also harvested a lot today. Not to mention the remains of two giant mantises, they also hunted a saber-toothed tiger and a dozen forest wolves. Timberwolves are more cunning than coyotes, and they play in groups. If you encounter a strong enemy, you will not risk your life to fight, but choose to escape. Therefore, such a large group of Timberwolves, seeing that the momentum was not good, fled completely in an instant, leaving only a dozen wolf corpses.

    Among the two giant mantises, one of them apparently died recently, and the meat inside is still edible. On the other end, the meat inside has been hollowed out by some kind of animal. Only the husk remains. In the evening, the tribesmen sang and danced around the bonfire. Celebrating today's great harvest!

    The next day, the hunting team was divided into two teams, one team with bows and crossbows hunted nearby to try their luck, and the other team got up early in the morning to build bamboo rafts. Weaving fishing nets, Lao Lei and Luo Ye'er took them to the Biqing River to fish.

    An Er leads the women and girls in the tribe to make fish balls! Each of them held a kitchen knife made of mantis bone. Under An'er's guidance, they cut and cleaned the fish, scraped the fish along the fiber texture of the fish, and then filtered the water with a clean ge cloth.

    Drained fish. Also chop the meat into puree, put it in a large clay pot, add water and stir in one direction with a wooden stick. This will allow for better bonding. After the fish is sticky, add salt and whisk vigorously until it becomes transparent.

    An'er checked the fish in everyone's hands and nodded with satisfaction. Primitive people have a very high level of understanding, and one thing is enough. She asked everyone to bring a clay pot filled with water. Demonstrate holding the fish with the left hand, squeeze out a round ball from the tiger's mouth, gently catch it with the right hand, and put it into the clay pot. Seeing the **** made by everyone, she smiled and said: "The movements should be neat and clean, practice makes perfect, try a few more times. Besides, although the **** are a bit ugly, if you don't delay eating, the taste may be bad. a little!"

    The women relaxed, and after a while, the fish **** extruded were round and glossy. Soak the fish **** in water for half an hour and they are ready to cook.

    The boys who were in charge of cooking the fish **** were the boys who were fishing yesterday. The bamboo rafts and nets were limited, so some boys were left to stare at the tribe. Boil the water with a high heat, but not too much, otherwise the fish **** will be smashed and broken. After the fish **** are cooked, they are ready to be put away after they have cooled down. In the past few days, the temperature has become colder and colder, and a thin layer of ice has formed in the shallow water area of ​​the river. If it is a little colder, the fish **** can be placed in the snow and become quick-frozen fish balls.

    In the next few days, the tribe is busy. The two hunting teams are still going out to hunt, but the prey they catch is getting less and less, and the other team is responsible for casting nets for fishing. The teenagers in the tribe were itching to see the fish caught by the hunting team. They went to chop bamboo by themselves, and under the guidance of several experienced clansmen in the tribe, tied bamboo rafts and joined the fishing team with fishing nets.

      After drinking the **** soup and sweating, it was soon alive again.

    The women of the tribe made fish **** without stopping. Since I tasted the fish **** once, the umami and strength of the fish **** have been praised by everyone, and since then the enthusiasm for fishing and making fish **** in the tribe has grown even higher.

    It was not until the river was frozen that the people of Atayal were completely idle...

    At this time, it has entered the snow season.

    Heavy snow fell. The fluttering snowflakes are like the white petals shed by the goddess, falling endlessly from the depths of the sky; it is also like a lovely elf wearing a white skirt, and the graceful dance is fascinating.

    An'er was draped in thick animal skins, wrapped like a clumsy bear, huddled on the hot kang, spinning wool with a simple spinning wheel. She lifted the corner of the window covered with animal skins on the edge of the kang, and watched outside as snowflakes the size of a baby's fist fell from the sky, covering the ground with a thick quilt.

    She sighed, it had been snowing for ten days. It seemed like a hole had been broken in the sky, and snowflakes leaked from the hole, I don't know when it was a head. These days, because she is afraid of the cold, she can only sleep on the kang and can't go anywhere. So, using the wool and rabbit hair that I saved, I thought about spinning some wool to make warm clothes for myself and Daer.

    "Puuuu is back!" Daer put his little head close to the window, looked at the figure who pushed aside the fence and walked into the yard, and cried out with a smile. The little guy's tanned skin in summer has turned a lot whiter, and he looks very cute in animal skin clothes with fluffy rabbit fur on the collar and cuffs.

      A tall figure walked into the inner room. An'er hurriedly moved to the side, asked her man to take off his shoes, hurried on the kang to warm himself up, handed a cup of hot tea over, and asked, "How is it? You tell the people how to spin wool and rabbit wool. Yet?"

      Almost dead.

    Therefore, An'er suggested that the animals should be divided into the hands of each family and become private property. If you raise them, you will eat them as food, but when the spring starts next year, you will have the animals raised by others. No right to distribute. If they are well-raised and the numbers multiply, they will still belong to your family's property, and no one else has the right to use them.

      keep. An'er got a few rabbits and a few sheep, built a warm nest in the corner of the firewood house, and kept them in captivity. There were also two little hens, raised with cabbage roots and some ears of corn, for the spring to lay their eggs. The rest of the pheasants were killed and eaten because they were not fed with grass seeds in winter.

    There is also food stored in the warehouse. Except for a small part that continues to be stored as common property, the rest is also divided into everyone's hands. Thanks to An Er, she thought of and led everyone to make fish balls, which are delicious and filling. With the efforts of all the Luo people, a huge number of fish **** and salted fish were made, making the food that was not enough to be more than enough. .

    In the warm and comfortable house, the Cat Dong clansmen looked at the dazzling array of food hanging in the yard, and everyone enjoyed this peaceful day. Especially those new people who just joined Atayal in exchange from the market, experienced two completely different lives in just over a month. From starving and beating every day, to being enslaved and working without play, to now sitting on a warm kang every day, enjoying rich food to the fullest, and no longer having to worry about not being full or wearing warm clothes. This was a good day they had never imagined before. Many people kneel on the head of the kang every morning and evening, and sincerely thank God for the blessings that God has bestowed on them...

    Abu put the large back basket covered with animal skin in his hand on the head of the kang, lifted it to reveal the rabbit fur and wool of different colors, took the hot tea handed over by his own woman, and drank it He took a big mouth and said, "The twenty or so families who keep rabbits and sheep said that they have a small number of rabbits and wool they have accumulated, and they are afraid of trouble. They know that you are afraid of the cold, so they let me put the wool. And the rabbit fur is brought back."

    An'er was moved by these simple clansmen in her heart, and she whispered with joy: "With these wools, I can spin more threads and knit a piece of wool for you and Mingye each. Clothes."

    Abu looked at the inscription sitting on the head of the kang, tugging at the herbal medicine, and said: "Just knit one for Ming, I am strong and not afraid of cold. I will knit wool pants for you with the saved wool. Bar!"

    An'er weighed the wool in the basket and smiled: "These wool and rabbit hair can spin several kilograms of thread, enough for us to knit a sweater and pants! Abu, You take Darle, separate the wool and rabbit fur, don't mess up..."

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