Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 130: The beast tide after the war

     When Abu learned that An'er was in danger, he broke out in a cold sweat. An'er is the baby he takes care of in his hand, even if he rubs a layer of it, he will feel distressed for a long time. When he thought of the spear deeply inserted into Yingye's arm, it was almost nailed to An'er's neck, and his breathing almost stopped.

    For the wild wolves, Abu has planted a deep seed of hatred in his heart, and he should not let them go easily just now! One day, he will retaliate, rushing into the wild wolf tribe and trampling on the lives of the wild wolf tribe! He swears! !


    "Let go... let me go! Abu, I'm stitching the eagle leaves!" An'er was surrounded by Abu's breath, like a child who was bullied outside, seeing her own parents, His nose was sour and his eyes were clouded with tears. However, she is treating Yingye, and she has just cleaned the wound and is about to sew it up. She patted the man who was holding her with her hand stained with the blood of the eagle leaf, took a breath, and calmed down.

    Abu let go of her reluctantly, held her face like a storm and printed countless kisses before letting go under her protest. An'er blushed ashamed, gave him a coquettish look, crouched down and continued to sew Ying Ye.


      He interjected and asked, "Why do you sew it up? Yingye, you cow! She sewed your flesh with needles, but you didn't change your face! I admire you, in my words, hiss-" He bared his teeth and sucked. With a breath of air, he couldn't do it for him.

    How could he know that the wound that was sprayed with anesthesia, Eagle Leaf did not feel anything at all, as if the arm was not his.

    Eagle Leaf looked at the **** centipede-like suture on her arm. Laugh like you've won the five million jackpot. Unable to contain his complacent emotions, he glanced at Abu's abdomen and patted his wound. As if it was a medal, he said: "Hey! Abu, I also have An'er's mark on my body - An'er promised to accept me as her man! When An'er gives birth to your first baby, I will hunt and kill Da. Lu Beast!"

    Abu's expression moved, and his eyes were focused on An'er's face. Seems to be waiting for her explanation. An'er's face suddenly flushed with blood. She stared at Ying Ye's unbridled smiling face and stammered: "I... When did I promise to accept you as...? I... how come I don't know?"

    The smile on Yingye's face froze, and immediately changed to a pitiful expression, like a little beast abandoned by its master: "An'er, you ... you clearly agreed. Everyone saw it!"

    They nodded in agreement. At that time, An'er thought that Yingye was going to die, so he didn't pay attention to what he said, so he nodded desperately and agreed. Never thought it would be this kind of thing.

    There are so many people who testify, she can't help it! However, having two men at the same time... She secretly glanced at Abu with some guilty conscience. Like a child who made a mistake, he avoided each other's eyes.

    Abu is in the clan's explanation. A general understanding of the situation at that time. An'er was just for the wish of a "dying person" before he died... Besides, Yingye saved An'er's life. Although he was reluctant in his heart, he silently accepted the other party. The prehistoric society has more males than females, so Abu, a native prehistoric man, is more likely to accept the family model of polyandry than An'er.

    In Abu's mind, An'er is so perfect that she cannot belong to only one person. However, his heart was still a little sour. In the future life of An'er, it is not just for him...

    Abu's breath in his heart quietly exhaled, he solemnly held Yingye's uninjured hand and said: "Thank you for saving An'er, in the future... we will be together Protect her!"

    After receiving Abu's approval, Yingye's eyes suddenly lit up, he grinned stupidly: "Thank you! It's right for a man to get hurt for his woman! Hey..."

    What? Abu actually agreed? The heat on An'er's face has not faded, she secretly raised her head, gave Abu a quick look, met his gaze, and immediately returned She fled like a frightened bunny. Omg! In the future, she will have multiple men like Nana and A Cai, which is... really shocking!

    "That...I'm going to help Ming treat the wounded!" Facing two equally outstanding men, An'er packed up the medicine box and ran to the high platform on the other side of the city gate superior!

    Abu looked at Yingye, stretched out to him, and asked, "How is your injury? Did you delay cleaning the battlefield?"

    Yingye used his strength to stand up from the ground, raised his arms as if nothing had happened, and said, "How can a man not be hurt? What is this little injury? Let's go and see What to do with the corpses outside!"

    The wild wolf tribe left one or two hundred corpses, and it was also a lot of labor to carry. In addition, the clansmen of the Atayal tribe had to recover the crossbow arrows and bamboo arrows that were shot, and it was estimated that they would be busy until midnight. They must move fast, otherwise the strong **** aura will attract hungry beasts nearby, and I'm afraid it will cause a large beast tide!

    Every winter, there will be a small area of ​​beast tides, invading the tribes around the forest. This has to be guarded against!

    An'er has counted the casualties of the Atayal tribe. The 5 dead were all adult warriors in their proper years, and ten were seriously injured, but slightly injured - except for her and Ming, who went to the battlefield The clansmen were more or less injured.

    Looking at the clansmen who were lying on the ground and could never open their eyes, An'er had tears in her eyes, clenched her fists, and gritted her teeth: "What corpses are you going to collect for those bastards? Just let the dogs chew on it! If it wasn't for those bastards, they wouldn't have died..."

    Among them, there are the Atayal people who were the earliest when she arrived, the patients who were rescued from the Great Eagle Clan, and the new ones who just returned from the market and haven’t enjoyed a few days of happiness. tribe. These people, just yesterday, participated in the production of agricultural tools and asked about farming. Everyone's face showed a smile full of longing for life. But...they'll never see them relish the spring plowing and autumn harvest!

    Thinking of this, An'er trembled with hatred! She wiped a handful of tears, rushed out of the city gate, and said to Abu, who was digging the burial pit, "Don't dig! I have a way to exchange these corpses for more prey!"

    "The corpse...for the prey?" Abu looked surprised, but quickly understood what An'er meant. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "You mean, use these corpses to attract beasts, and we hide in the city gate and shoot the prey?"

    Talk to smart people without a lot of words. She wiped the tears from her face, and the blood on her hands left a strand of dark red on her tender white face. An'er clenched her fists and said angrily: "It's true that they wasted so many bamboo arrows on us, and hurt the lives of five brothers! Even if they die, they can't be spared in vain!"

    Abu shouted at the old and weak women and children who were transporting bamboo arrows, and the warriors who were slightly injured: "Quickly recover the crossbow arrows and bamboo arrows that can be used, men, take the distance A little corpse, lift it to the city wall! Archers, find your position on the city wall... Faster! Before the beast tide, complete the recovery and positioning of the bamboo arrows!"

    "Yes!" The prehistoric warriors had warlike factors flowing in their blood, especially those hunters who passed by their prey. When they heard that there was prey to kill, it was like taking hormones In general, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and the movements of lifting the corpse became light.

    Bamboo arrows and crossbow arrows are almost recovered. A long wolf howl echoed from the depths of the forest, followed by several tiger roars and animal roars.

    The faces of the Atayal tribesmen changed, and the movements in their hands accelerated. Abu even said loudly: "Quick! You must complete the work in your hands within half an hour! Quick, quick!"

    A fierce and powerful tribal woman also participated in the lineup to carry the corpse. Outside the city walls of the Atayal tribe, the people are busy and orderly doing their work.

    However, the herd came faster than they expected. While the Atayal tribesmen were busy outside the city gate, wild beasts appeared in the forest. The beasts became crazy because of the blood, and they rushed towards the busy Atayal people outside the city gate!

    "The herd! The herd is coming!" The originally orderly labor lineup became panic. The children screamed and ran towards the city gate.

    "Warriors, pick up the bow and arrow on your back, aim at the herd, and cover the children and women from entering the city!" Abu's hoarse roar drowned out all the voices. He took off the strong crossbow on his back without haste, and shot a crossbow arrow at a beast that was pounced on the clan...

      With fast legs and slow legs, the women picked up the nearby children, carried them on their backs, spread their feet, and fled to the city gate like the wind.

    Although the arrow rain made them feel threatened, the hunger for food and the lure of blood made those hungry beasts rush towards the Atayal people regardless of the threat of death.

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