Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 132: worried

    Peach looked at the tall city gate in the distance and the towering city walls that stretched for several kilometers, marveling at how the Atayal tribe did it. Prehistoric primitive tribes can build tents with animal skins, which is already a big improvement.

    Most of the tribes, just like the previous Atayal tribes, were in caves. Just find a cave, renovate it with simple tools, and it will be a good settlement. For example, returning from the market, the tribe of spirit snakes sheltered from the snow on the way.

    Using adobe to build walls, the Atayal tribe was the first to lead cave dwellers into a new era. Taozi, the patriarch of the Lulu tribe, admires the wisdom of the patriarch Taiya Abu, who is a little smaller than her, and worships from the heart. She thought that the development of Ataya stemmed from the extraordinary mind and extraordinary ability of the patriarch Abu. Who would have thought that all this was done by the weak and weak An'er who had the desire to protect him at first sight?

    When in the market, Peach listened to Daer proudly showing off his unique "house" to the newly joined little primitive people. Seeing the city wall in front of her, she could finally imagine what the "house" looked like. When Taozi marveled at the city wall made of adobe bricks, how could she have thought that An'er had already planned that after the spring ploughing next year, bricks and tiles would be fired to build a grander city wall and more comfortable houses? !

    "Patriarch! The city walls of the Atayal tribe seem to have increased defenses. Will they... treat us as enemies?" The handsome man beside her faintly saw the shadows flickering on the city wall. Worry even more.

    Peach had a trusting smile on her mouth, and said, "With An'er's character, she will definitely sympathize with our experience and persuade Patriarch Abu to take us in!"

    The handsome man frowned and said not optimistically: "But. After all, we are not one or two, or ten or eight. The number of Lulu tribe who escaped from the wild wolf tribe, the old and the young plus Together, there are a total of one hundred and twenty-eight people. Are you sure that the Atayal tribe has enough food for us?"

    If the winter food stored by the Atayal tribe is only enough for them to eat, even if the Atayal patriarch loves his woman again, he will not allow the woman's nonsense and affect the lives of the whole tribe! This was what he had in his heart and never said.

    Peach has a confident smile on her face. gradually fade away. The Atayal tribe had plenty of food, she knew it. But before the first snow came. The Atayal tribe brought back more than 100 people from the market. Think, that food should be enough for these people.

    However, as Alang worried, there is still more than half of winter left, and the Lulu tribe has a population of 128. The food needed is not a small amount. She admits that An'er's relationship with her is the same as what came out of a numb belly. An'er's position in the hearts of the clansmen is certainly good, but when their existence creates an existential crisis for the Atayal tribe. I'm afraid even Abu can't be the master.

     She sighed deeply. If she had no chance to seize this last straw. I am afraid that the entire Lulu tribe will face the crisis of genocide. The Lulu tribe, which has condensed her whole life's hard work, can't watch it go to destruction!

    It's all **** wolf clan, caught off guard. Invaded the tribe. At that time, there were more than one hundred wild wolves, which was similar to the number in their clan. Among the more than 100 people of the Kelulu tribe. Half of them are old and weak, women and children, and have little fighting ability. If it was head-to-head, the final result would be that the food was robbed and the clan was captured... She decisively made a decision to survive by docking her tail, abandoning everything in the clan, and leading the clan to retreat quickly.

    The clansmen were saved, but they, who lost their food, faced a major crisis of survival. For the sake of her clan, she even led the warriors of her clan to venture into the forest to hunt ferocious and hungry beasts. With only the stone spear and bamboo spear in his hand, it is an impossible task to kill the beast with amazing defense. Fortunately, she had the mantis bone knife in her hand, and she had hunted down a few wild wolves in the past three days.

    But for more than 100 people, a few wild wolves are not enough. After three days, looking at the pale faces of the clansmen, Taozi's mouth was full of anxiety.

    In an abandoned trap in the forest, when she picked up a bison that had been dead for a long time, she finally thought, a long time ago, beside a trap, a slender and fair little woman , promise to her - if you can't live, come to the Atayal tribe to find me!

    The Atayal tribe is her last hope. Even if she faces the fate of being rejected in the end, for her clan, her tribe, she has to try it!

    "Patriarch! We found another prey in a nearby trap with a thin bamboo spear stuck in its leg. It just died two days ago. It must have escaped from the nearby tribe hunters. , but stumbled into the trap, it's cheaper for us!" The hunting team of the Lulu tribe, led by the team leader Sen, has been hovering in the nearby forest to see if they can get away with hunting some food. Sen is one of the five people who followed Taozi to the market, and he has some friendship with the Atayal tribe.

    A Lang looked at the huge forest wolf, but did not smile like the other clansmen. He said: "Patriarch, this is the territory of the Atayal tribe. If we take the prey from their trap without their consent, will it attract their disgust and hostility?"

    Peach also knows that the prey that falls into the trap already belongs to the Atayal tribe, and they have no right to use it without authorization. However, when she saw the eagerness in the eyes of the children of the tribe swallowing saliva, her heart felt like being pierced by a spear. She closed her eyes, waved at the clansmen who carried the prey, and said: "Pack up the prey and distribute it to those clansmen who didn't eat in the morning - the Ataya tribe, I will explain. If they want to blame, I am As the patriarch of the Lulu tribe, I should do my best!"

    Due to the severe lack of food, the Lulu tribe can only eat one meal a day. Those who have eaten in the morning can no longer receive food in the evening. Even so, the food they get to their mouths every day is a very limited piece. In the long run, it will be difficult to maintain the lives of the clansmen. What's more, although the third snow is not big, it can last for a long time. The difficulty of hunting in the snow has increased exponentially, and the chances of catching prey are even more pitiful... No, even if it arouses the resentment and hatred of An'er and Abu, she must give it a try!

    "Alang, Sen! You two go to the Atayal tribe with me! The others, stand by!" Taozi tightened the collar of the animal skin coat, clenched the bone knife in her hand, and moved towards In the direction of the Atayal tribe, strode away.

    The clan behind him shouted, "Patriarch! Bring more warriors..."

    She turned her head and smiled brightly, and said, "Why do you bring so many people? We are not going to war! Don't worry, even if the Atayal tribe refuses to take us in, they will not embarrass me!" An Er's sisterhood is still full of confidence.

    I hope God can hear their sincere expectations and help the Lulu tribe to overcome this difficulty.

     "Patriarch! Three people came out of the forest, one of them seems to be a woman!" The Atayal warrior on the observation deck reported his new discovery to Abu. Did the group of people in the forest finally lose their temper after hiding for three or four hours? However, they only came out three people, what are they trying to negotiate?

    An'er came to Abu's side, stuffed her cold little hand into her man's warm palm, stretched her head and looked at the three figures in the distance, her little face wrinkled, Said: "Abu, why do I think that the figure who takes the lead looks familiar?"

    Abu's eyesight is much better than that of An'er, plus the speed of the three people is not slow, he has already recognized the woman who took the lead. peach? The patriarch of the Lulu tribe? Why is she here? Abu frowned, his heart full of mysteries.

    Abu has no sympathy for Taozi, the woman who always grabs An'er's attention. However, An'er seems to like her very much! Always like to stick to her side, chatting and laughing non-stop. He admitted that Taozi also took care of An'er like a younger sister, and would also indulge her little faults and shortcomings like him. However, he just doesn't like her, hum!

    "Yeah? It's a peach! Abu, look! It's a peach walking in front!" An'er squinted her eyes, and finally saw the other side's face clearly, a smear of sincerity blossomed on her face 's smile. Really peaches!

    It has been two months since the market separated. She knew that the Lulu tribe was not far from the forest, and she promised to go to the Lulu tribe to see peaches when they parted. But she didn't know that it would be more than a month after the heavy snow, and she couldn't even go out. I thought I would have a chance to see Peach again, it would be in the warm spring, but I didn't expect to meet again so soon!

      Abu pulled her other arm nervously, for fear that her center of gravity would be unstable and she would fall off the wall.

    Before crossing, An'er was used to Ruoya's big sister to protect her and take care of her. Traveling back to before and after history, although Abu was by her side, she always felt that something was missing in her heart, and she always inadvertently felt that Ruoya should be by her side, so as to increase her sense of security.

    Since she met Taozi, Taozi's vigorous hand when hunting giant bears, her trust and unconscious protection in the face of her, made up for what she had always lacked in her heart. That is to say, she regards Peaches as a substitute for Ruoya, and Peaches seems to play this role vaguely. She loves the feeling of having Peaches around, even though she can't say a real reason!

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