Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 135: accept

    Second shift...Would you like a third shift? Would you like it? Well, let's go for a third shift!

    Atayal tribe, Wei Wei is worried that more than 120 people have joined the tribe.

    Because, not long ago, the great witch announced the news of the extension of winter. Although a few days ago, they used the corpses of the enemy as bait and hunted a lot of food, but it was far from enough to sustain the lives of the more than 100 people. Could it be that they will spend the rest of the winter frugally and starvingly, as in the past?

    Patriarch Abu, aware of everyone's panic, gathered everyone in the clan on the square in front of the cave, including those Lulu people who had just joined. He pointed to the mountains of prey in the cave, and said solemnly: "Three days ago, this place was empty. Now, there are hundreds of prey! In winter, it's not that food can't be hunted, but the beasts are too much. Ferocious, we didn't dare to go out hunting before. Now, we have weapons that can deal with beasts, and we have joined more than 50 new brave hunters, are we still worried about not enough food?"

    His eyes swept around the faces of the tribesmen, and continued: "Don't forget, our Atayal tribe is a tribe blessed by God! Naruta Tasha will not let us Hungry and cold!"

    The voice was not finished, everyone's eyes were focused on the slender woman standing side by side with the Abu Patriarch. I saw a moment of surprise flashing in her eyes, and she immediately regained her composure and tranquility. Her crisp and sweet voice like a bird reverberated in the wind:

     The harsh winter, welcome the gospel of the goddess of spring..."

    While she was speaking, her small snow-white hands were gently raised upwards. Her eyes were slightly closed, and the sun shone on her transparent little face, emitting a holy brilliance. The clansmen of the Atayal tribe looked at her like a goddess, and the turmoil in their hearts was eased by the tranquility. Not knowing who took the lead first, the clansmen knelt down toward her one by one, shouting: "Thank God for blessings, thank Naruta Tasha for blessings..."

    Kneeling at the front are the patriarch Abu and the great witch in the clan, they are pious and respectful. While prostrating, there were words in his mouth, and the great witch also sang the oldest prayer.

    The newly joined Lulu tribe. My heart finally calmed down completely, and I had an inexplicable sense of belonging to the Atayal tribe. They are the newly joined Atayal people, and they are also the clansmen blessed by Naruta Tasha! At this time, no one doubted that the new and old Atayal people could survive the winter. Because the Goddess of Blessing is with them...

      A complete weapon... All this, he finally had the answer, it turned out to be all from the hands of Naruta Tasha! Who owns An'er. It means that you are blessed by the goddess. The sea shark was full of jealousy towards Abu and Yingye, and looked at An'er full of possessiveness and fanaticism!

    An'er looked at Abu kneeling at her feet from under her eyelashes. I feel a little guilty. However, in order to appease the emotions of the clansmen, she had to play tricks. After all, prehistoric primitive people still worshipped gods devoutly.

    She continued in a leisurely tone: "Since God is leading our new tribe. Coming to Taiya means that they are also blessed by God. God will also bless them. We We should accept them with a heart of tolerance and love, and help them overcome difficulties... As for those tribes who violate the will of the gods, they will definitely be punished by God!"

    Peach said excitedly: "Thank God for blessing, thank Naruta Tasha for shelter..."

    The people of the Lulu tribe also followed the patriarch and shouted in unison: "Thank you for the blessing of the gods, thank you for the blessing of Naruta Tasha! Thank you for the blessing of the gods, thank you for the blessing of Naruta Tasha..."

      , Let's welcome the new people with enthusiasm. Now, let's solve the accommodation problem of the new people first..."

    "The people follow Naruta Tasha's arrangement!" Abu bowed to her three times and stood beside her.

    An'er pursed her lips, actually trying to hold back her smile. Seeing that the people of the clan all stood up with the patriarch, their attitude was still respectful, she thought for a moment, and said: "The hunting team, first go to the mountain to collect stones, and lay out a neat field in the open space in front of the village. The women of my lordship, join me in making tents, and be sure to put up the tents when the cold night comes, and place the new tribesmen!

    Children are the future of the tribe. There are twenty-two underage children among the new tribesmen, and I hope that the tribesmen who have the ability at home will take the initiative to claim one back. Food will be distributed uniformly in the tribe, you only need to provide a place to live. Patriarch Abu and I are the first to claim three children... Dar can come over and squeeze with us. Ming, you live in the east house with your three children, right?"

    Of course Ming would not object to An'er's arrangement, he nodded and replied, "No problem! Our kang sleeps four adults more than enough!"

    Before his words fell, Yingye also opened his mouth to support his future woman: "My house is only for Haisha and I, and I can also claim two children!"

    Yinghong was not to be outdone, and said loudly: "Our family is just me and two men, and the belly will not come out until next summer! I will also claim a child back!"

    An Er patted her stomach when she saw her talking, with uncontrollable joy on her face, and hurriedly congratulated: "Hong, congratulations, you will soon be a mother !"

    Yinghong said with a big grin: "There is nothing to congratulate, women, of course, if you have a man, you will have children... An'er, let the Abu Patriarch work harder, you will soon be Can be pregnant with a cub!"

    An'er blushed, coughed unnaturally, and said, "Abu and I are still young, no hurry, no hurry..."

    After this little episode, the enthusiasm of the tribe to claim the child is even stronger. Soon, not just twenty-two children. Even the elderly who are somewhat weak are willing to take them back to take care of them. For example, Lao Luo, he was considered an elder in the tribe. He lived in a house by himself, and usually didn’t even have a word to speak, so he found three new members of the same age for company. Disabled Fengluo and Jino, as same-sex couples, live in a house. They also claim two disabled people who can take care of themselves and live with them...

    In a while. Happy in the tribe. Taozi did not expect that her clansmen would be accepted so quickly and integrated into their new life. She looked from a distance at the slender woman who gave them new hope. Suddenly, he felt that the other party was extremely tall and strong. For a long time, she thought that An'er needed the care and protection of others, but now she realized that she was the one who was taken care of...

    "Sister Peach! Why don't you live with us..." An'er noticed her gaze and walked towards Peach. Holding her hand, she smiled charmingly.

    Before Peach had time to speak, Abu immediately protested: "Our family has already claimed three children, how can there be a place for her to live? ... You won't let her, give us one Kang?" There was a Da'er between them, which was already an eyesore. Another woman was inserted, and he resolutely protested to the end.

    An'er rolled his eyes at him and snorted. Said: "You want to be beautiful! If you want to embrace the left and the right to enjoy the blessings of the people, you can dream! I mean, just like the day, let Da'er and Ming be on the same kang with us, and Taozi will take the children of her tribe. Live in Ming's room."

    "That's not too good, after all Ming is about to become an adult..." Abu was still a little reluctant. Ming was very clear about An'er's thoughts. Even though he was his younger brother, he was still slightly repulsive in his heart. It's a pity that An'er can't belong to him alone...

    An'er knocked on his head, and said angrily and hilariously: "Between me and Ming, there are you and Da'er separated! You are a big brother, and you are even jealous of your own brother. Eat! Ming, ignore him, although the four of us live in one room, we are a family after all. What do you think?"

      I have no opinion, listen to your arrangement, An'er!"

    "Okay, that's the decision! Peach, you and I, first go to organize the women in the tribe and go to the cave to collect animal skins! Abu, what are you still doing? Not yet Go to collect stones? What about Asang? Let him take a few clan members and go to the bamboo forest to chop some bamboo, so that we can set up a tent later!" The women here sat together and worked overtime to make tents.

      The slate has been laid, and the tent has been sewn. The warriors of the tribe, shouting chants, are working together to build the tent.

      On the fire, the whole pickled Timberwolves were grilled on the rack, the grease dripped into the fire from time to time, making a sizzling sound, and the air exuded a drool-worthy barbecue aroma.

    The people of the Lulu tribe who have not eaten a full meal for three days, smelled the fragrance, groaned in their stomachs, swallowed their saliva, and were more motivated to work. They know this is for them, set up a tent and enjoy these delicacies to the fullest!

    The dutiful sons who have been claimed are surrounded by the barbecue and broth on the fire, swallowing their saliva. Although they were very hungry, no one stretched out their hands to tear a piece and eat it. They are very sensible to help bring firewood to the fire, and the older children help to keep turning the food.

    Finally, rows of neat and spacious tents were erected. More than 200 people from the Atayal tribe gathered around the fire, eating fragrant barbecued meat, drinking hot broth, talking and laughing loudly, without estrangement or disagreement, temporarily forgetting the troubles of lack of food... a joyous party scene!

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