Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 141: crisis

    Thanks to ami, Red Fish 1, Lan Yingying, Shan Xiaodai, Peony Flowers for the pink gifts, and thanks to Yuxue Feifei and lovely Xili for their rewards.


    After all, An'er underestimated the food consumption of more than 100 people, and underestimated the cruelty of prehistoric winter.

      . However, the beasts seemed to suddenly disappear from the forest. Except for the occasional rabbit that fell into the trap, their harvest became less and less, and they all returned empty-handed in the end.

      It is difficult to catch bamboo rats. The winter bamboo shoots have also been dug up, and the food input of the Atayal tribe has almost stopped.

    The winter, which should have been three to four months, lasted abnormally for five months, but the snowflakes still drifted relentlessly. The sight, the good-looking novel:.

    When the third snow lasted for two months, some clansmen of the Atayal tribe who had a lot of food began to feel a sense of crisis. The food in their hands gradually dwindled, only enough to last for three or five days. Even in the winter when they were afraid of starvation, the women who paid attention to eating sparingly at the beginning were only given enough food for ten days and a half months.

    The food crisis looms over the Atayal tribe again. The smiles on the faces of men, women and children in the clan gradually diminished, and everyone's eyes were full of worry and anxiety. Most of the clansmen have started to eat only one morning meal a day and live frugally.

    As the patriarch, Abu is more anxious than anyone else. He reorganized the hunting team again, stepping on the snow, braving the wind and snow, and headed deeper into the forest, hoping to hunt for food. The men, women and children of the clan spontaneously rushed to the back mountain, and even if they could find a winter bamboo shoot that slipped through the net, it might save a person's life at a critical moment.

    However, the harvest is far less than the consumption of the tribesmen. among the tribes. Some people have already started to stop cooking, licking their faces and coming to Patriarch Abu to receive food. There was no other way, Abu had to use the prey in the cave. The food in the hands of the tribal people is concentrated and distributed uniformly.

    This is not fair to those clansmen who live in austere ways. Because at the beginning, everyone was given the same amount of food, and some people ate and drank all day long. Food is naturally consumed quickly, and he (she) is usually reluctant to eat the food they save, and they have to take it out and distribute it to those people... However, in order to get through this crisis, these people give out their leftovers to a large extent. food, and obeyed the arrangement of the Abu Patriarch without any complaints.

    These people. An'er silently remembered it in her heart. Of course, those who don't contribute much to the tribe all day, eat more than others. when food is plentiful. I eat and drink a lot every day, and I even waste the cabbage and radishes that I don’t like to eat. When his food is finished, he is clamoring for something to eat. And some people who take the food they save as a matter of course. She also saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart.

    The Atayal tribe was a small tribe with only thirty or forty members six months ago. In the past six months, it has expanded seven or eight times, and the development is not unpleasant! However, at the same time of expansion and development, some lazy people have also mixed in.

    For example, the little unknown tribe who wanted to rob the Atayal tribe in the market, but was defeated by Atayal and voluntarily surrendered. Some people are accustomed to eating floating food, and when it comes to hunting or labor, they are always procrastinating, cheating and cheating. When distributing food, they are picky and choose, wanting to take more advantage. An'er and Abu have long been aware of it, but those people didn't make big mistakes and kept making small mistakes, so it's not good to punish them severely.

    Of course, not all the people in that small tribe are like this. For example, Xiaohu, who hangs with Atu all day long, learns to shoot carefully, and also strongly requests to follow him when hunting, saying that it is an opportunity to exercise. Most of the winter has passed, and his hunting skills have taken a qualitative leap.

      Occasionally cheeky, I go to the patriarch's house with A Tu to have a meal...


      However, the long third snow drifted stubbornly between heaven and earth, as if nostalgic for this world and unwilling to leave.

    More and more people are running out of food in the tribe!

    On this day, An'er sighed at a small piece of meat and a few dry sweet potatoes at home, thinking about how to eat it to make the food last for a few more days. Da'er rubbed her groaning belly, swallowed at the food that An'er had arranged on the kang, and asked An'er, "An, do you think they can hunt for food in a few days? If there is no food, will we starve to death..."

    An'er touched the little guy's hungry face with a pointed chin, pretending to be optimistic: "You are very good at pulling and pulling, you will definitely be able to bring back food today! Besides, I Who is it? I'm Naruta Tasha, maybe in two days, I'll be able to get food!"

    The little mammoth watched Daer touch his belly, ran to the hay prepared for him outside, rolled a handful of grass with his nose, ran back and stretched Nose put the grass on the kang. It touched Da'er with its nose, and then pushed the grass it took to Da'er. The meaning is obvious - are you hungry? I have something to eat, here you go!

    Da'er looked at the hay handed to him, then looked at the baby elephant's shining eyes, and touched the baby elephant's trunk, crying, "I'm not a lamb, I don't eat it. Grass... An'er, why don't you... kill the lamb and eat it?"

      Talk to the neck. In his mind, lambs are the best and best friends just like the little mammoths.

    A few days ago, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there were two little white things in the sheepfold. Looking closely, they were actually two little lambs. It turned out that this lamb, I don't know when, was pregnant with a cub, and two cute lamb babies were born in the heavy snow. Da'er also specially moved the lambs and their babies out of the sheepfold, and despite An'er's objection, he spread a thick layer of hay in the outer corners for the lambs and the babies to live in.

    These days, he is so hungry that he has no energy, but he never forgets to feed the lambs, and insists on hugging two baby lambs every day, and talking to the lambs who are upgraded to mothers.

    At this moment, when he said that he killed the lamb, there were painful tears in his eyes, he turned his back and wiped the tears with his small hands.

    Anner knew the importance of this lamb in his heart. Half a month ago, when the tribe gathered all the edible food for redistribution, the other sheep and rabbits in the family were taken away by Abu. Only this little sheep, Da'er hugged the sheep's neck, crying and saying something. Neither do I want to. He also said, "If you want to kill the lamb, you might as well kill me and eat it!!"

    He worked hard to save the lamb's life, but now for the sake of his family and to survive, he reluctantly opened his mouth to donate his closest partner... An Er's nose is sore , a warm liquid flowed out of his eyes.

    An'er sniffed, squeezed out a smile, and said, "I haven't reached that share yet, if one day, we will starve to death if we don't eat lambs, then kill them again. It doesn't eat either. If you kill it now, the two babies will have no milk and will starve to death!"

    Da Er wiped away her tears, rolled over and slipped off the kang, not bothering to put on her shoes, ran to the lamb’s den outside, sat in the clean hay, and put her arms around the lamb’s neck , with a weeping voice: "That's great! Little sheep, you won't die for a while! I'm reluctant to kill you, woo woo woo..."

    The lamb was bleating, and her big gentle eyes looked at him strangely, as if she couldn't understand why he was crying.

    "It's not good! It's not good! An'er, Cong Cong rushed to the cave with a dozen people to grab those seeds and eat them back!" Kong Kong rushed in from the outside in a panic. , shouted out of breath.

    What! An'er was startled, looked at Ming and jumped down from the kang. She didn't even bother to put on the animal skin coat, she dragged her shoes and rushed out.

    I didn't run a few steps, and after turning a corner, I saw more than a dozen sturdy warriors gathered in front of the cave, holding bamboo spears, just about to fight Lao Luo and Lao Lei who were blocking them. Woolen cloth!

    When food was scarce, Abu had already thought of protecting the seeds of the cave, so he organized a group of old and strong old clansmen and women's soldiers to patrol and guard in front of the cave. He really had foresight!

    "Stop!" Seeing the young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes taking the lead, An Er quickly stepped up and shouted at the spear that Lao Lei held high!

    "An'er is here! Naruta Tasha is here!" Aware of the commotion, many clansmen have gathered in front of the cave door, but a large number of them also agree with Cong Cong It means that the patriarch wants to separate the food in the cave to solve the problem of insufficient food.

    After all, they are primitive people who are uncivilized in prehistoric times, and they do not have a deep understanding of the importance of seeds. I just feel that the food in my hand is almost exhausted, but there is so much food left in the cave. Moreover, even if these seeds are planted in the spring, I don’t know if they will produce fruit, so it’s better to eat them now!

    Seeing An'er coming, the clansmen automatically made way. An'er came to the cave, using her modest body to stand between the troublemakers and the patrol team, her small face that liked to laugh was so stubborn, her eyes spewed furious sparks...

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