Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 146: There is a way!

    Thanks to pei007, Jing Yesu, Bingjing Xuelei for sending the pink tickets. There are two updates today, and the second update will be a little later!


    The snow falls, rustling, and the winter night is quiet. In the snow light, the mountains and forests are like black monsters, ready to devour people at any time. The Atayal tribesmen rode on horses in pairs, and the baskets on their backs were full of wild shepherd's purse.

    An'er hugged her backpack like a treasure, leaned against Abu's warm chest, chatting with Abu and Yingye walking beside her. The horse's hoof left a dark trail on the snow.

    When he came, he was in a hurry, but when he went back, he was very happy. An'er felt like she was sitting in a cradle, and the shaking made her almost fall asleep.

    Suddenly, the horses were in a commotion, Abu's mount, named "Wufu" by An'er, snorted irritably, and speeded up in disbelief.

    "Ah! Wolves!" Ah Tu, who was clinging to him, was riding An'er's purplish red horse with Xiaohu at this time.

    An'er yawned lazily, and said nonchalantly, "What are the wolves to be afraid of, get your bows and arrows ready, if you call them come or not... rely on! What is that?? Firefly? ?"

    She straightened up and left Abu's arms. Because he was too eager, his head rested on his man's chin. An'er didn't care about the pain in her head, her eyes widened as she stared at the dense green spots in the snow. Although she doesn't have intensive phobia, there are too many green light spots, so many people get goosebumps all over.

    Abu clenched his arms around An'er's waist, and he whispered to her, "Sit tight!" Before the voice fell, he slammed into the horse's belly and snorted softly. The Wuxian under their crotch was ordered immediately. Like crazy, run forward! The more than 20 horses behind it, seeing the leader taking the lead, chased after it not to be outdone. Although the speed of the wolves is fast, they are not as fast as the Blast Clan on the grassland!

    However, hundreds of wild wolves seemed to be very hungry, and even if they were thrown farther and farther by the horses, they still pursued them relentlessly. An'er touched her wrist and suddenly whispered a few words in Abu's ear. Abu frowned. Doesn't seem to agree with her proposal. An'er acted like a spoiled child, and after rubbing it in his arms for a while, he reluctantly agreed.

    Abu Rang the Eagle Leaf to take the lead. He tightened the reins lightly, and gradually fell behind. The wolves were chasing closer and closer, but he still ran unhurriedly. Seeing the wild wolf in the front, he was already chasing so close that he could see the teeth flashing white in his mouth.

    An'er quietly stuck her head out from Abu's armpit. The chain crossbow in the hand is activated. Facing the approaching wild wolf, her eyes flashed with excitement, and the chain crossbow quietly aimed at a fat looking...

    Suddenly, a large hand appeared in front of her, blocking her vision. An'er said anxiously: "Go away, go away! Stop me!"

    Abu put his hand in front of her. Unable to refute, he said, "Give me the chain crossbow and let me do it! I don't trust your shooting skills..."

    An'er's face fell, and she reluctantly put the crossbow down. Stuffing it into the big hand in front of him, he pouted and sullen!

    Abu wrapped An'er's waist in one hand, turned around, and held a small chain crossbow in the other, towards the head wolf in the pack. Aim quietly. The horse under his crotch was galloping, and the wolves behind him were chasing after him. Abu had a confident smile on his face. He pulled the trigger of the chain crossbow.

    "Ha! Shot it! Right in the forehead—Abu, you are amazing! Hurry up and retract the crossbow!" slide down.

    Abu hugged this restless little thing even tighter, he pursed his lips, and suddenly asked: "How to accept it? I won't!"

    An'er had the word "囧" on her face, she smiled, it seemed that she had never taught him how to use a chain crossbow! The horse was still running forward at a constant speed, and the alpha wolf who was shot was sliding on the snow under the drag of the chain crossbow. Those wild wolves who smelled the blood, rushed up even more frantically, with a red light in the green eyes, trying to tear the alpha wolf's body apart...

    Seeing this, An'er screamed, and immediately said: "Press the bump next to the trigger, press it quickly! It's our prey, and those wild wolves can't be cheap!"

     Before she could cry, Abu had already pressed the button, and the corpse of the alpha wolf slid towards them quickly, dodging the wild wolf that was about to bite it.

    "Haha! I didn't bite, I didn't bite!" An'er's crisp laughter drifted away in the snow. Unexpectedly, the wild wolf missed the bite, but jumped forward like a madman, pounced on the wolf's body, and approached Abu and the others together with the body.

    An'er's laughter stopped abruptly, and she exclaimed. Abu Li pierced his right wrist and shook the rope violently. The wild wolf grabbed it so tightly that it was not shaken off.

    An'er raised the light wave crossbow in a panic, and her character exploded, shooting through the wolf's throat. It is a pity that after the wild wolf was shot to death, it slipped from the corpse of the alpha wolf and instantly became the food for the competition of the same kind. And the body of the wolf had already been carried by Abu on the horse's back. As expected of a head wolf, it weighs more than 300 kilograms!

    An'er happily clapped her hands and said, "Ha! Tomorrow's food is available, Abu, let's go hunting a few more, and you won't have to worry about it for the next two days!"

    Abu glanced at the wolves that were a little crazy stimulated by the blood, and shot another crossbow. He deserves to be a well-deserved marksman in the tribe, and another wild wolf is hunted. Although it is a little smaller than the head wolf, it still weighs about two hundred pounds.

    Wu Wei carried two people, which did not affect the speed at all. However, with the increase in the total amount on its back, it gradually felt a little more difficult and the speed slowed down.

    Seeing this, Abu hurriedly stopped hunting, urging the horse under his crotch to gallop in the direction of the tribe. Behind him, the wild wolf followed the **** aura, biting tightly behind him, and was about to catch up.

    Abu felt a little annoyed in his heart. He shouldn't be too greedy because of his thirst for things, which would affect Wu Yan's speed. He picked up the wolf carcass at the top of the horse's **** and threw it towards the wolves without hesitation.

    The weight was reduced a little, and Wu Wei's speed increased again, leaving the wolves behind. They quickly caught up with the large army, and while galloping, Yingye carried a wolf corpse from their horses and shared the weight of their horses.

    After passing through a dense forest again, they saw the Atayal city gate covered with ice and snow. The city gate was lit with light, as if waiting for their return.

    An'er let out a long sigh of relief and finally arrived home. It's really scary to drive at night, and there are beasts jumping out at any time.

    The clansmen on the observation deck heard the movement and saw them. The city gate was immediately open, and the suspension bridge was not lowered, because the snow and ice in the moat could bear the weight of the horses.

    Unfortunately, they misestimated the change in temperature. Although the third snow did not end, the temperature was slowly rising, the snow fell on the ground and gradually melted, and the ice in the river was silent. gradually thinning. Therefore, although the horse in front passed by, it stepped on a crack in the ice on the river surface, and the last horse sadly fell into the icy moat!

    The screams of horses and the screams of people attracted everyone's attention. The Atayal people hurriedly pulled up the two people on the horse. Seeing that the two of them were fine except for being a little shivering from the cold, and they were laughing and bickering with the clansmen, An'er felt relieved.

    While the clansmen were changing the clothes for the two clansmen and helping the horse to wipe the water off her body, An’er stood by the moat in a daze. Yingye carried his own basket, took the one she was carrying from her hand, followed her line of sight and saw that there was no surface of water except for the one-foot-thick piece of ice and water, so he asked suspiciously: " An'er, what are you looking at? Is there anything in the water?"

    An'er woke up like a dream, a faint smile rose up at the corner of her mouth, she winked mischievously at Yingye, and said, "The there anything but fish? I think— I found a way to get more food!"

    "What method?" A Tu, who was next to him, heard it, leaned over, and asked enthusiastically.

    An'er bared his teeth childishly at him, and pretended to be mysterious: "The method is - want to know? Are you sure? Really want to know? Well, if you want to know... I won't tell you!"

    A Tu looked curious, she asked, he nodded his head desperately, but in exchange for such a result. The young man blushed with anger, protested wah wah wah, and kept telling Abu about his woman's fault. As a result, his great patriarch just gave the little woman a doting glance, which made him even more aggrieved.

    Snow still fell slowly from the gray sky, the people of the Atayal tribe happily gathered in front of the cave, waiting for the return of the patriarch and today's distribution. Although, their stomachs were rumbling with hunger, and their bodies were weak; although, the cold wind with snowflakes blew on their faces, causing people to shiver. However, they still talked with great interest, and everyone's face was full of smiles from the heart.

    "The patriarch is back! An'er is back! They picked a lot of wild vegetables and hunted three prairie wolves! It's so big, it's enough for us to eat for several days!" Kong Kong runs over panting and brings good news to everyone.

     Immediately afterwards, the sound of hooves sounded, and the clansmen automatically made a way out, allowing the patriarch and clansmen who jumped off the horses to enter the square.

    Today's harvest can be said to be the largest in the past month. Two wild goats, three prairie wolves, and the corpse of a snow bear brought in by the corpse of a spy.

    Luo Dai's hunting party, as usual, returned empty-handed. Standing in the crowd at this time, he bowed his head, feeling a little depressed. Taozi, who went out with his team, was infected by the emotions of the clansmen, patted his shoulder with a big hand, and said cheerfully:

    "It's not your fault that you didn't catch the food! We have done our best! Eat a full meal tonight, rest well, and continue to work hard tomorrow! It's still a man, make this look Come, don't be afraid of the clansmen's jokes! - An'er! You guys are amazing, you brought back so much food!"

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