Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 154: field

    Thanks to panda26, lovely Xili, Nuoyu, Chen Lihua, Heshu combination, ygng, Xiaobai legend, Xiaoai, Liuyun, basakajin, gfgbb27,, landyy for sending pink tickets, thank you lovely Xili , Tang Nini rewarded.

    My hand hurts so much, I can't sleep, I'm irritable...


    When she heard that An'er was finally willing to help the patriarch have a child, she was happy and counted the eagle leaves. Because, as long as An'er gave birth to the patriarch's child, he could officially ascend to the throne and become a man worthy of her name. Although the status has been decided, and he has not shared a room with An'er, he always feels that other people in the tribe are looking at him with strange emotions.

    Secondly happy, I must count the little friends of Daer. The little guy has a natural talent for taking care of people, which can be seen from how carefully he takes care of the lambs and mammoths. By the way, the little guy now goes out to herd sheep, no longer leading a lamb, but a big and two small. The two little milk sheep that almost became the food of the clansmen are already two months old, and Dar always chooses tender grass for them to eat. Raise the two little guys to be plump and plump, and they have caught up with hunting the little wild boar!

    The livestock team in the tribe is constantly growing. At present, it has raised nearly one hundred large and small rabbits, more than one hundred pheasants with clipped wings, more than sixty wild goats, two small wild boars, six tame bison, and a large group of horses.

    The children's task is to get up early every morning to mow the grass to feed the pigs and rabbits, and then come back and lead the lambs to the forest grass, while the sheep are catching the insects in the grass and bring them back to feed chicken. As for the cavalry, the horses and the oxen for ploughing the fields were fed by the elders of the tribe.

    Some of the women in the tribe went out to collect. Some stayed in the city to tend the crops. Ever since An'er agreed to help Abu give birth, he has been tossing him out of bed almost every night. The next day, he only takes the women from the tribe to weed the crops, and when it's time to put fertilizer, put fertilizer or something.

    On this day, it just rained in spring, and the crops in the fields are growing at a good time. It looks different almost every day. However, there are weeds in the fields. Also taking advantage of this opportunity, it skyrocketed like crazy.

    An'er brought dozens of women, holding her trousers. Bend over, weeding in the fields. She beat her sore waist, straightened up, looked at the lush green crops in the fields, and imagined that it was golden in autumn. Harvesting rich fruits, the corner of his mouth could not help showing a gratifying smile.

    Not far away, the former patriarch of a small tribe who just joined Atayal, wiped the sweat on her forehead, and asked An'er, "An'er, you said these are like weeds. Do you make rice porridge rice?"

    After all the fields in the tribe were cultivated, the remaining unhusked rice and wheat were distributed to An'er and the others. There is no shortage of food in spring. Of course no one was arguing with her. Besides, although rice and rice porridge are delicious, they are less tempting to primitive people than meat. Of course the tribesmen would not give up meat distribution and choose those seeds.

    Ann let the men shell the rice. Grind the wheat into flour with a stone mill, enough for her to eat for a while. After other tribes merged. She once served the original patriarch and their wives with rice and steamed buns, and let them experience the so-called "grass seeds" deliciousness. In this way, joining the clansmen also has great expectations for farming.

    Listening to her question, An'er pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Alan, don't worry! We take care of it so carefully, plus the fertile land, there will be unexpected harvests! Come autumn , Guaranteed to have enough food. Even if this winter is longer than last year, don't worry about not eating!"

    "If it's as you say, that's fine!" Alan has experienced the despair of having no food in winter. Their tribe was originally a small and medium-sized tribe with more than 300 people, but after a winter, there were only less than 100 people left. In addition to freezing to death, most of them are starved to death without food!

      People like them respect the remains of their tribesmen and are unwilling to feed on human beings. They even exterminated their tribes last winter.

    Fortunately, they survived that winter and defected to Atayal, a powerful tribe blessed by gods. Although they do not have to worry about food and clothing, their hunger has left a deep shadow in their hearts. As soon as they heard that these "weeds" could make them no longer face death threats, the women working in the fields became more motivated.

    "An'er, you said, how much grain can we harvest from such a large field?" Speaking of which, another tribe came to Xingzi, the daughter of the old patriarch.

    Now, although the old patriarch is no longer the patriarch, he is a master of bamboo weaving. Back baskets, baskets, bamboo baskets... He made them not only strong, but also beautiful, and was well received by other tribes in the tribal exchange. His bamboo craftsmanship surpasses Lao Luo! An'er appointed him as the leader of the bamboo crafting team!

    Although the old man is fifty years old and manages more than a dozen team members, he is more energetic than when he was the patriarch.

    An'er looked at her, her eyes curved like the moon on the horizon: "From the current point of view, it should be no problem to produce three hundred kilograms per mu..." Uh... It is said that the grain yield was relatively low in ancient times, she It is also the first time to plant, conservatively, there should be so many, right?

     "Those rice seeds are full of grains, and the rice ears are relatively large. They should be able to catch up with the improved seeds, and the yield per mu of seven or eight hundred catties is not enough!" An'er was full of longing for the autumn harvest. , and the faint anticipation, the little face lit up.

    "One mu of paddy field can harvest seven or eight hundred catties of grain? Isn't that one hundred mu equal to seven or eight thousand catties? Wow! That's a lot!" After calculating for a long time, I came up with an incorrect number, but I was also shocked by this number.

    "Hahaha...Xingzi, you are wrong, if one mu is seven hundred pounds, one hundred acres is seventy thousand pounds! Hey! The collection team used to be able to harvest one or two hundred pounds a day. , 70,000 catties... wow!" Da'er giggled and couldn't help but marvel.

    Alan teased Xingzi and said, "Xingzi, look at you, you are not as good as a five-year-old child, what did you think about when Ming was teaching math?"

     Thinking of Ming's fair and delicate face, Xingzi's face flushed red. The little girl is seventeen years old, and there are many men chasing her, but she doesn't like any of them. However, Ming's elegant and handsome figure entered the little girl's heart at some point. An'er asked Ming to teach the people math in the evening. This little girl was crazy about her handsome face. How could she have the heart to learn arithmetic!

    Nervous and calm, thinking that the little girl is shy because she is much younger than her, Daer, hurriedly said: "Xingzi has only been studying for a few days, and Daer has been studying with me for half a year. , if we don't talk again, we should spank... Hey! Hey! Darling, take care of Xiaomeng, it trampled all the seedlings!"

    It turned out that Da'er tied his three lambs to one side to graze, and let the other children in the tribe take care of them, so he ran over to find An'er. The little mammoth naturally followed step by step. Seeing that the two masters were busy in the field, he felt that he should also contribute. So, he kindly ran into the field to help pull the grass, but the grass didn't pull up a few roots, but he didn't take care of his feet, and trampled down a lot of seedlings.

     Hearing An'er's slightly stern shout, it raised its eyes and looked at "Mom" in confusion. Seeing the other party frowning and staring at it with displeasure in his eyes, he felt aggrieved—they wanted to help, not make trouble!

    Da'er patted its little head soothingly, took a weed from its nose, and said to An'er, "An, you're wrong about Xiaomeng, it's helping to pull weeds! "


    When the clansmen saw this, they all laughed and said: "Naruta Tasha is indeed the messenger of the gods, and keeping pets is different. This little mammoth is actually like a child, and can act like a spoiled child. Woolen cloth!"

    An'er twitched the corners of her mouth helplessly, she came to the little mammoth and squatted down, gently caressing the little guy's big ears, letting it wrap his arms around his nose and rub his head against her Coquettish legs. She pointed to the seedlings that had been trampled on the ground, measured in a soft tone, and said, "Xiaomeng, I know you want to help me, but we weeded to make the seedlings grow well, but you trampled all the seedlings, the seedlings. will die!"

    The little mammoth looked down at his feet, hurriedly supported the seedling with his nose, but accidentally pulled it out of the soil. It blinked innocently at An'er, with a "I didn't mean to" expression.

    An'er sighed again and took the seedlings from its nose. Fortunately, the roots of the seedlings were not damaged, so Da'er took the troubled little guy to the ridge. She lifted the seedlings that fell to the ground, one by one, and replanted them with moist soil. If the seedlings were severely damaged, she would transplant a few trees from other denser places...

    Although it is hard to do farm work, but thinking about the harvest in autumn, no matter how hard it is, it will not feel hard.

      There are more than 1,000 acres of farmland, and it is difficult to find even a single weed in it after half a month.

    After the spring ploughing, An'er specially collected kudzu buds and planted a lot around the tribe through cuttings. Needless to say, the old people have already worn kudzu cloth to make underwear, eaten kudzu powder as food, and are full of enthusiasm for planting kudzu.

    And when they joined the tribe, the old tribe also showed off their light kudzu clothes consciously or unintentionally, and saw the benefits of kudzu. If it is summer, it must be very cold to wear such clothes! Therefore, even though kudzu is not food, everyone still carefully organizes the land and grows kudzu sprouts.


    recommend a friend's work "Knowing Green"

    Introduction: Turn a stone into gold, turn waste into treasure

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