Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 16: Thrilling hunt

    Update time 2013-8-3117:44:08Words: 2116

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    Speaking of today's harvest, Ah Sang can hardly believe it is true. An'er worked hard for most of the night, and the bone spear that she produced was sharp and thin, but it was a hundred times sharper than the previous bone spear, not to mention the cumbersome stone spear. Another advantage of the bone spear made of mantis shells is that it makes little noise when thrown out. Even an astute animal like an antelope only notices it when the bone spear is inserted into the body.

    Therefore, in the beginning, bone spears throw small game, almost every shot. Soon, the hunting party was full of harvest.

    Originally, Assan planned to finish work earlier, but the hunting team's interest was aroused, how could it be so easy to suppress? Later, he thought about hunting more prey and storing it by the cold spring. If he is not so lucky in the future, at least the meat will not be cut off. Although porridge cooked with rice tastes really good, there is still no meat that appeals to primitive people.

    In addition, Assan looked down and saw the long knife in his hand, it was not yet useful. So, he waved the mantis knife in his hand and led the hunting team to go further.

    Soon, they saw a herd of bison drinking water by a gentle river. When it comes to the bison herd, it is the existence that makes the primitive people talk about discoloration. Bison are not as tame as domesticated ones. They are full of wildness. An adult bison can single out a ferocious wild wolf and use its horns to smash its opponent into the stomach! This is the old race in the tribe, who has seen it with his own eyes.

    In addition, the bison-like group life, even a ferocious beast like a saber-toothed tiger, dare not easily challenge a bison herd.

    Most warriors in the tribe are thinking of retreating. There were only fourteen or five of them, and the herd of wild bulls was so dark that there were at least twenty or thirty heads. If they rush up in a hot-headed way, they are afraid that they will be turned into flesh if they will not be ripped open by the horns.

    But Ah Sang was itching in his heart, such a big fat cow, if he hunted back one, it would be enough for the tribe to eat for two days. I heard that when the bison beef is boiled, it tastes very good!

    But...with such a large herd of bison, he also knew that he couldn't touch it. Looking at the thick trees around him, he suddenly came up with a relatively safe method.

    Asang asked the hunting team to climb up a few big trees by the river, and chose one himself and hid it among the dense leaves. When the herd of bisons were full, they walked leisurely into the forest.

    Assan gave an order, the first bone spear had pierced the neck of the last bison. The others also seemed to have made an appointment, and the bone spears were like a rain of arrows, and they all threw them at the unlucky bison...

    The herd of wild bulls is in chaos, they are rushing to and fro in search of the enemy, but there is no gain. The wounded bison was stubborn enough. When the spears in the hands of the hunting warriors had all been thrown, it was still standing staggering, dripping with blood, and mooing mournfully.

    The herd was chaotic for a while, and finally returned to normal because they could not find the target. Their team slowly walked towards the forest. The bison with a few bone spears stuck in it, staggered, trying to keep up. But every step, the bone spear pierced into the body will cause damage to it again, the pain hits it, its speed is getting slower and slower, the team goes farther and farther, and the injured bison's eyes become more and more desperate.

    "Up!" Assan jumped down from the tree, his eyes full of excitement.

    The injured bison, although scarred, has not been annihilated. It widened its scarlet eyes, gasped from its nose, clasped its front legs on the ground, lowered its head and aimed its horns at the few weak humans in front of it.

    Humph! A small human, as weak as a rabbit, also wants to hunt it? Don't look at the old cow being injured, it's easy to deal with you guys!

    The bison jumped up and charged towards the big fool who took the lead. The two horns shone with blood in the setting sun.

    A Sang naturally saw that the cow was at the end of its power, he let out a strange cry, clenched the longbone knife with both hands, and went up to meet the bison whose speed was affected by the injury.

    The bison is getting closer and closer, and the Atayal warriors behind Assan are all in a cold sweat. The shaking of the ground created a thicker and thicker shadow in their hearts. Just when the distance between the bison and A-Sang was only two or three steps, in the screams of the clansmen, the long-bone knife in A-Sang's hand stabbed the bison's head forcefully...

    Only a "pop" was heard, and the sound of the bone knife cutting through the skin and piercing the bone reached the ears of every hunting warrior. Ah Tu and another younger hunter were so frightened that they closed their eyes and did not dare to open them, for fear of seeing the scene of Ah Sang being turned over by the horns of the bison.

    "Ha! The buffalo is dead! Ah Sang killed the buffalo!" Ah Tu's Baba happily patted his son on the shoulder. Because he was too excited, he tried a little harder, and Atu grinned and opened his eyes.

    He saw the pair of sharp horns of the bison stop at a position less than a fist away from Assan's abdomen, just a little short, Assan would be disemboweled. Looking at the bison again, the head was stabbed by the long-bone knife in Assan's hand, the muscles of Assan's arm were stretched out due to the force, and his facial expression was particularly hideous because of the tension and exertion. If you wear an ancient official robe, you will look like Zhong Kui.

    "Ow—" The members of the hunting party immediately cheered after a moment of silence. They lifted the warrior of the tribe, Asan, and threw it into the sky, expressing the boundless joy in their hearts.

    While Ah Tu vividly described Ah Sang's heroic deeds of hunting wild bulls, Ah Sang, who was beside him, scratched his unkempt hair a little embarrassedly, laughed a few times, and said, "It's not that I am good, The bone knife made by An'er is amazing! I didn't expect it to penetrate the bones of the buffalo's head! There are also bone spears, if it wasn't for those bone spears that severely injured the ox, I might have died in the buffalo's head. The horns are down!"

    A Tu also nodded and said, "The weapons made of mantis shells are really powerful. If you can hunt one or two more..."

    "Pop!" Ah Tu's hand patted the back of his head and reprimanded: "You think the giant mantis is a pheasant and a rabbit, you can hunt it casually? If not An'er, I'm afraid our entire hunting team will become the food of the mantis, don't even think about coming back!"

    A Tu rubbed his head and muttered in a low voice: "Isn't there An'er? The artifact on her wrist is the nemesis of giant mantises. Killing one or two, what else is there? hard?"


    A python, a bison, and a dozen small prey. It is conceivable that everyone in the tribe today has a very considerable amount of prey.

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