Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 174: fired clay pot

    Thanks to Luluodanji, Tuyishui, felia, and lovely Xili for their tips, and thank you Ziye Youlian, feilia, and ygong for the pink tickets.


    "Hey! An'er, Yingye! What are you doing standing at the gate? Look at the harvest of our hunting team today! Not bad!" The voice is enough to shock the world and cry ghosts and gods!

    Peach and Luo, because they originally lived on the grasslands and had certain experience and skills in grassland hunting, they were incorporated into the grassland cavalry team as captain and deputy captain. Originally, the two were evenly matched, and Taozi loved Luo, so he handed over the position of the captain and became the second child.

    However, after several hunts, Luo silently affirmed Peach's hunting skills and leadership. While striving to improve himself, when encountering difficulties in hunting, he never forgets to ask Taozi for advice. The relationship between the two gradually became harmonious. Of course, that's under the premise that Peaches is less enthusiastic about pursuing it.

    The grassland hunting team, under the leadership of two people, each time the harvest is very gratifying. This time is no exception!

    An'er turned around and gave her a smile before she could speak. Taozi had already seen the mammoth handed over to the Atayal people, and could not help but exclaimed, "Wow! Where did this big guy come from? Haha! I haven't eaten mammoth meat for a long time, although it's not as good as mantis meat. , but I miss it! I have a good night!"

      As soon as she landed, she was hit **** her leg. She staggered two steps, barely standing, and looked down. It turned out that it was An Er's pet mammoth who hit her.

    Peach for this little cutie. There is no resistance either. She smiled and bent down, grabbed the soft nose of the little mammoth, and said, "Little bad guy! If you want to play with your sister, don't say hello in advance! Your strength is getting stronger, and you almost knocked me down!"

    In the big clear eyes of the little mammoth, anger flashed. This stinky woman often goes to their house to eat without saying anything, and often plays with her! Just now he actually said that he wanted to eat the elephant that his master finally rescued, and now he is pinching its nose. hate, hate! Really annoying!

    The little mammoth shook his head vigorously, unable to break free from Peach's claws. He was so angry that he hit her leg with the ivory that had just grown two or three centimeters long. Mammoth tusks are naturally sharp. If this is hit by it like this, Taozi's leg must be stabbed with two blood holes.

    An'er quickly grabbed the little guy's tail and used all her strength to stop a tragic incident. Taozi was a little frightened by the anger of the little mammoth, with a puzzled expression of the two monks. I still don't know how I offended this little guy!

    An'er explained for her: "This mammoth was exchanged by Ye from Hushan. There is no companion of the same kind in the tribe, and I feel lonely. I am going to heal the wound of this young adult elephant and stay in the tribe as a playmate for Xiaomeng. You just said that you want to eat mammoth meat. The little guy is in a hurry…”

    Peach leaned forward and took a closer look. The big dark eyes of this mammoth happened to open, and it looked at her fixedly. Twelve points of vigilance in his eyes.

    "An'er, you cow! You went out and brought back a living creature. In your yard, there are three goats, two saber-toothed tigers, a baby mammoth, and now there is one more There are more animals than living people!" Taozi also wanted to get a cute little mammoth as a companion. Unfortunately, she is a hunter. There is always a chilling air on her body, and animals can hide as far as they can when they see her. This is also how she pleases Xiaomeng no matter what. One of the reasons why people are always ignorant!

    With the help of the tribe, the mammoth was carried into the yard of the patriarch's house. As soon as I entered the door, a huge figure brought a gust of wind and rushed towards this side!

    The clansmen carrying the mammoths were shocked and almost threw the stretcher in their hands. Under the shock, he could see clearly the behemoth in front of him. It was a saber-toothed tiger that had recently tamed the animals in the tribe and had to be licked by a dog.

    The tiger father smelled the blood of the mammoth and greeted him. An'er went out for a day today, and no one gave her a snack at noon, and she was already hungry now! Every day at this time of the day, when the hunting team entered the village, it could smell it with its extraordinary sense of smell, so it ran to the square in front of the cave early to wait for food distribution. That is, they also participate in the distribution. No wonder the tiger father formed a set, and when the hunting team came back, he ran to collect the food!

    The same is true today, but I didn't expect it to go out, and someone brought "food" to the door. heh! Today's prey must be quite abundant, and it has been allocated such a large pile of "meat"! Or hordes of mammoths! It is also difficult for saber-toothed tigers to hunt mammoths among elephants. Mammoth herds are more united, and their tusks, sharper than knives, can poke holes in their stomachs.

    Dad Tiger brought his little cat, who was less than a month old, to the periphery and tried to hunt mammoths. It believes that if a mammoth is caught, it will be enough for the two of them to eat for a long time. Although it cannot be called once and for all, it may not be hunted for several days. The ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny! Not only did it not hunt the mammoth, it was stabbed by ivory on its leg, and the **** smell attracted the wolves, and it almost fell into their hands!

    Dad tiger licked his lips and stared at the injured mammoth. The mammoth lying on the stretcher seemed to sense the approaching danger. After struggling for a few times to no avail, his eyes were filled with the shadow of death.

    The little mammoth bravely stopped in front of the tiger father. These days, the great saber-toothed tiger always stared at the furry in its heart with a coveted look, and the drooling look of the other side made it frightened and disgusted at the same time. Xiaomeng believed that if An'er hadn't repeatedly warned Dad Tiger not to attack it, it might have become a delicacy in the saber-toothed tiger's mouth one night.

    In the heart of the little mammoth, there is still a shadow of fear for such a powerful creature as the saber-toothed tiger. At home, it can always hide a little bit. But now it stood bravely in front of the mammoth, intercepting the approach of the saber-toothed tiger with a roar that was almost desperate.

    The little cat, who was recuperating in the sheep pen, heard this sound and thought that the tiger father was bullying the little mammoth again. These days, Xiao Miao has clearly recognized the status of the little mammoth in this family, and in order not to make it difficult for An'er, she is determined to live in peace with it. But I didn't expect its father to provoke it again and again. Xiao Xiao let out a low warning roar...

    Dad Tiger didn't take Xiao Meng, who was only thigh-high, in his eyes at all, and was about to slap it on the ground with a slap when he heard his son's voice, Daddy Tiger immediately behaved like a cat and stepped forward. With the word "one", he turned his head three times and walked towards his son.

    It listens to his son the most, but he can't put down the "food" in his mouth, his eyes are so tangled...

    An'er gave it a funny and angrily look and said, "Mow! This is not today's food, it is being distributed in the square, why don't you hurry up and get our portion? If you don't have it, it's gone! If you can't get food, you can wait and starve at night!"

    When Dad Tiger heard this, he rushed out of the hospital door and rushed to the square like a gust of wind...

    Eagle Leaf has gathered more than ten members of the cavalry team, each carrying a large backpack, and heading towards the hill with purple clay. When the silver moon rose, there was already a large pile of clay in the yard of the patriarch's house. Not only other people in the tribe were surprised, even Abu, who was ordered by An'er to recuperate at home, was puzzled.

    When he knew that these were used by An'er to try to make clay pots, he almost broke the wound on his leg with excitement. No matter which primitive people, it is very clear to the importance of pottery to a tribe. Especially after Aner popularized the cooking techniques of boiling and stewing, the importance of the container was fully demonstrated.

    At present, the surrounding tribes do not have the ability to exchange with the distant Guantao tribe, and can only cook in stone pots. Not to mention the stone pot is cumbersome and easy to burn, and the cooked food always has an indescribable strange taste.

    If An'er can really make pottery, I'm afraid that their Atayal tribe, in the surrounding position, no other tribe and race can replace it! Even their fraternal alliance, the tribal tiger clan, can't do it!

    An'er told Abu about the Hushan Patriarch, who will come to the tribe in a few days to make a blood oath with Taiya and form a blood alliance. While Abu was pleasantly surprised, he was also very surprised—although Ataya is gradually becoming stronger and its influence has increased, but after all, the Tiger Clan is one of the largest tribes in the vicinity, so how could they take the initiative to form a blood alliance with them?

    When he heard that An'er had promised to teach the Hu clan how to weave fishing nets and build houses with adobe, he pondered for a moment and said, "Alright! Blood oath, we have the responsibility to improve the living conditions of the alliance tribes! Actually, I know that the bigger the tribe, the greater the pressure to feed the tribe in winter... Why don't you teach them how to make bows and arrows? As long as we have the technique of making crossbows, even if they have different intentions, they will not be able to surpass us!"

    An'er was a little apprehensive, for fear that Abu would blame himself for making his own decisions. When Yingye first started, didn't he also firmly oppose it? Hearing what he said, the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground, and she went to try pottery with peace of mind.

    The clay pots and pots at this time were extremely simple in shape, and they were all kneaded by hand, so the shape can be imagined, not so uniform. The top priority is to come up with a puller that can be rotated. She has seen an old movie "The Love of the Ghosts", in which the female pig becomes the soul of the male pig when making pottery, and hugs her from behind, with her fingers intertwined - the romance is dead!

    In the evening, she tried many times, and finally used iron birch wood and stone mortar to create a pottery hand-pulling machine that was not satisfactory.

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