Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 181: Marriage change

    Today's Yu's birthday, I'm going to celebrate, Happy is gone, there is only one update today, and the third update tomorrow will make up for everyone. kisses…

    Weakly… asking for gifts—


    However, looking at the Atayal warriors carrying the baskets on their backs, Wu Xiang's eyes suddenly lit up. It is rumored that Ataya is a tribe blessed by the Protoss and blessed by the goddess, but he originally did not believe it. However, the facts did not allow him to believe it.

    A year ago, Ataya was just a weak tribe forced into the forest, anyone could step on it, if it wasn't for the nearby tribes, I would not bother to embarrass them. Disappeared in large and small tribes.

    How many people were there in Atayal at that time? Oh, yes, but there are more than 30 people, and more than half of them are old and weak women and children. It is said that he ventured into the inner circle for the sake of food, but unfortunately encountered a giant mantis and almost annihilated the entire army. Unexpectedly, the goddess fell from the sky, killed the giant mantis, and rescued the young patriarch whose intestines were gushing out.

    Because of the blessing of the goddess, the Atayal tribe had a **** luck and became stronger step by step. In less than a year, from a small tribe of more than 30 people, it developed into a medium-sized tribe of 500 to 600 people similar to the Ula tribe.

    And the artifacts gradually flowed into Atayal from the hands of the goddess. According to legend, the goddess with a complexion like snow, although she is fragile, has infinite divine power. It was she who passed on the utensils used by the Protoss, such as backpacks, fishing nets, bows and arrows, and exquisite pottery, to the Atayal people, as well as the house where the Protoss lived, and the Ondol where the Protoss slept...

    Wu Xiang's eyes were hot, and he could suddenly understand the reason why the tiger clan hugged Ataya's thighs. A few days ago, Elder Wulian led a team to exchange pottery for sacrifice. Passing by the tiger clan, I came back and said that the tiger clan was also learning from Atayal to build the city wall, and it was built with a kind of red stone. Stronger and more reliable. It is said that this red stone, like pottery, was fired.

    Looking back to last winter, although the food prepared by the clan was still abundant, some women and children were relatively weak due to the persistent cold. lost his life in the winter. If the alliance with Atayal can exchange the method of building houses and heated kangs, he is also willing. But if he wanted to make a blood oath, he hesitated again. That way. Ulla is called Taiya's affiliated tribe. If Taiya has any requirements, they have to obey...

    While Wuxiang Patriarch was struggling, An'er and the others had come to the fence of the Wula tribe. He also saw clearly the three leading men. A Hushan Patriarch who he recognized as the Tiger Clan. The other younger one should be the Atayal Patriarch who he has never seen before. As for that petite woman - is it the goddess who is here in person?

    Patriarch Wu Xiang suddenly felt a sense of flattery in his heart, he hurriedly greeted him, and personally opened the half-person-high fence gate.

    An'er looked at the seemingly solid fence in front of her, and said to Abu: "I didn't expect the Wula tribe to follow us to build a fence! It's a pity that this fence can keep some small animals. When it comes to beasts like saber-toothed tigers or wild wolves, it won't be of much use."

    The Atayal tribe starts from An'er's house. Later, every family built a fence, a clearing circled within the fence. You can plant some vegetables. This kind of fence is just to prevent the children from accidentally running in and spoiling the vegetable seedlings when the children are tending sheep or cattle. The two saber-toothed tigers in their family walk through the courtyard gate when they are happy, jump in directly from the fence when they are unhappy, and sometimes knock over the fence and run in when they are unhappy. Therefore, this is also An Er's emotional words.

    Wu Xiang thought that his tribe did not inform Taiya, and secretly learned to make fences, which angered the goddess, and sweat came out immediately. He stammered: "Last time, when Elder Wulian went to the noble tribe to exchange pottery, he was very envious when he saw Taiya's tall city walls. He saw that every family in the tribe had built these fences, so when he came back, he made them up. The goddess is right. It is indeed impossible to resist the attack of the beast. A group of wild wolves attacked two days ago, and they broke the fence and rushed in, biting a lot of clansmen. If the patrolling warriors had not discovered it early, I am afraid it would have brought the Ulla tribe. Huge loss to come..."

    An'er was a little surprised by the patriarch of the Ulla tribe. He seemed to be too timid. They didn't come with fifty or so warriors, and they didn't intend to attack them. Why are they so nervous?

    Abu was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood the meaning of his words, he smiled and said: "Don't worry about the patriarch Wuxiang, the goddess will not blame you for it! These fences are nothing. The secret, if you learn it, learn it!"

    Only then did An'er realize with a smile: "Patriarch Wuxiang, we are not here to seek guilt. On the contrary, our Atayal tribe is going to make a big deal with your Wula tribe!"

    Wu Xiang Patriarch heard the words, his back straightened up, but his heart was a little apprehensive: What is there for Ataya, who is blessed by the Protoss, in their Ula tribe? They are not a powerful tribe like the Tiger Clan, what capital do they have to do business with Atayal?

    As if seeing the doubts in his heart, An'er smiled more beautifully and said, "See the boys behind me? We are here to change marriages!"

    "Marriage exchange?" Looking at the red-faced Atayal warriors behind An'er and the baskets on their backs. Wu Xiang's eyes flickered, thinking that if the other party exchanged pottery, whether they would agree or not!

    Although the Ula tribe has a rich territory and no shortage of food, the ratio of males and females in the tribe is still imbalanced. Since the other party has so many men and not a single woman, it is obvious that they want to exchange women. There are indeed many young girls in their tribe who have just grown up or are about to become adults, but there are also more bachelors in the clan who are eyeing them. If the women were traded out, what would the single men in their clan do?

    The Atayal tribe has advertised the benefits of boiling and stewing, and the disadvantages of eating barbecued meat often, but there is no pottery for them to cook and stew? Wu Xiang was entangled in his heart, but he still calmly welcomed the people of Atayal and the Tiger Clan into the cave.

    The cave of the Ulla tribe is darker than the one in Ataya, even in broad daytime, a fire must be lit inside, even in winter. In summer, I'm afraid it will be sweltering. An'er just glanced at it and didn't want to stay in it anymore, it was too embarrassing!

    She proposed to sit down on the flat ground in front of the cave door. And made a fire and cooked a pot of wild vegetable and meat porridge in the largest clay pot brought over. She didn't say anything, just fished out a bowl with a wooden spoon and handed it to Wu Xiang. She smiled and watched him take a sip, but devoured it, ignoring the heat. She has full confidence in her craft, having tasted anything she cooks in a clay pot. No one can resist the magic of clay pots!

    After Wu Xiang added another bowl to himself, he motioned the other elders in the clan to taste the food cooked with the utensils of the **** clan. It was not that they had never used pottery before, but when they saw the pottery made by Atayal. The pottery pots that were exchanged from the Guantao tribe in the past were as rough as broken stones. Not only the appearance is different, but even the cooked food tastes much better.

    The patriarch Wu Xiang and the elder shared the food in the clay pot. They stared at each other silently for a moment. Finally, he said, "Two such pots are exchanged for a woman! If it is exchanged with men, three people exchange for a woman!"

    Hushan Patriarch heard the words, glared angrily, and roared: "Why don't you go grab it?? You haven't been to the market, and it took the boss's efforts to rush over and exchanged the clay pot. Not to mention the roughness, it may not be possible to bring them all back safely! A clay pot in the market is worth several hundred catties of prey. A woman is only worth one or two hundred catties. Dare you women in Ula are worth more than other places, yes Right? You open your eyes and see. This pottery and that... art... art what..."

    "Brother, it's a work of art!" An'er whispered to remind him.

    "Yes! It's like the artwork of the Protoss, so beautiful, with patterns on it. Wu Xiang, have you seen such beautiful pottery in your life?" Hushan Patriarch shouted loudly.

    Abu's face was covered with frost, and the price Wuxiang offered to the patriarch was indeed too annoying. If An'er hadn't taken a fancy to the coal on that hill, he would have left. Ink what with them!

    An'er stood up slowly, put out the fire under the pot slowly, then asked Ming to call clean water, washed the pot carefully, put it in the back basket again, It was still a faint smile: "Since the patriarch Wuxiang didn't exchange sincerity, we should treat us as never before. Brother Hushan, didn't you say that there is a Satu tribe a hundred miles to the west? Let's take advantage of it before dark. Get there, and after the marriage change is successful, stay there for one night, and come back tomorrow!"

    Hu Shan is a straight person, how could he know that An Er is advancing by retreating. He was anxious like something, but he didn't dare to say anything about the coal in front of the Ula people. Suddenly, he found that An'er winked at him when she turned her back to the Wula people. After a moment of stunned, he followed her words and said, "Yes.

    It doesn't take half a day to get there on horseback. If you're not tired, girl, let's go now..."

    "Wait...there is something to talk about, let's discuss this matter." It was the elder Wulian who had dealt with Atayal. After several contacts, he was very clear that Ataya was both A kind person, the exchange request made by the patriarch just now is too much, no wonder people are not happy.

    "If you follow what Wu Xiang has just said, then there is no possibility of changing marriages!" Hushan Patriarch hummed angrily. The Atayal people who were elated when they came, also elongated their faces and looked unhappy.

    Elder Wu Lian is obviously better at doing business than the patriarch Wu Xiang, and knows how to make money with harmony. No matter what the face of the other party, he has a smile on his face. He chuckled a few times and said, "I have a proposal, we will exchange ten women from the tribe for ten of you who can build houses. And I guarantee that these warriors can find women in our tribe. Become a partner. Patriarch Abu, what do you think?"

    Abu pondered, the Atayal warriors behind him, but you look at me, I look at you, and quietly retreated, for fear that he would be chosen to stay. Most of these young warriors joined the Atayal with the tribe after the spring. In the past, they were nothing. The Ulla tribe had no shortage of food and clothing, and there were wives when they came in. Thousands of them were willing to agree to ten thousand.

    However, after living in Atayal for two or three months, he got used to the life there, and letting him live in a tent cave and eat barbecued meat with no taste is more uncomfortable than killing them. Therefore, the warriors were slightly resisted.

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