Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 187: Merchant Colts

    Thanks to Xiaoguer, the witch under the starry sky, and the lovely Yuri for their rewards, and thanks to fpykuiki for the pink tickets, there are still two updates today!

    After the autumn harvest, Abu led a team of hunting warriors, brought several death swamps occupied by mutant golden frogs, and killed nearly a hundred giant golden frogs.

    Within thousands of miles nearby, when it comes to the Atayal tribe, everyone is awe-inspiring. We all know that Ataya is a tribe blessed by the Protoss, with a super tribe that can hunt giant golden frogs and giant mantises. The people there live in the house of the gods, use an extremely sharp artifact, and also tame the "magic" of beasts such as the prairie wind beast (wild horse)... The Atayal tribe has become a well-known and fascinating place.

    And the Atayal tribe, even if the crops they planted get a bumper harvest, they may not be able to eat them for two winters, but they still insist on the habit of hunting.

    There are more than 150 crossbows in the tribe. After a round of selection, these strong crossbows were distributed to more than 100 outstanding warriors. The equipment of the hunting team kept up, and the hunting efficiency was greatly improved, and the prey brought back piled up into mountains each time.

    The ethnic people have gradually learned to use An'er as the main food, with rice and pasta as the main food, and the amount of meat is greatly reduced. Therefore, just sending one of the three hunting parties out every day is enough to supply the entire tribe with meat.

    The rest of the adult labor force are not idle either. They are ordered by An'er to expand the tribe! The two brick kilns were producing non-stop, building the city wall at the location designated by An'er! When the city wall was built and the moat was dug along the city wall, the area of ​​the Atayal tribe's camp doubled to the outside. The forest outside the city wall was cut out of a firebreak of about 1,000 meters.

    If the original Atayal tribe was just a small village, now it has the size of a city! Not only that, An'er also let Yingye lead the tribe to continue building houses. Under her plan, the original small village has become the prototype of a town with streets, markets, livestock farms, and living quarters.

    The expanded Atayal tribe can accommodate more than 2,000 people and there is still room left. After the Hushan Patriarch came to visit, he was speechless and joked: "Wow! Brother Abu, what are you doing with so many houses? Instead of being so idle, it's better for our Tiger Clan to move in and live!"

    Of course Abu knew he was joking! After An'er helped Ataya draw the architectural drawings, she did not forget to get one for the Tiger Clan. The current city wall of the Tiger Clan is not much different from that of Ataya, and the scale of the tribe is not bad. Moreover, the tiger tribe has more adult labor force, so it is not much slower than Atayal to start construction.

    The biggest difference between the two tribes is that the land within the Tiger Clan's city walls has not been cleaned up. However, after tasting An'er's pasta dishes such as rice and steamed buns and dumplings, the Hushan Patriarch has decided to start growing rice and wheat the following year as well.

    Since the two tribes are not far from the Biqing River, it is more convenient to clean up the paddy fields. An'er also decided to promote the cultivation of rice on a large scale in the coming year. On the one hand, it is because the yield of rice is good. On the other hand, it is also the most important reason. The rice produced in paddy fields tastes much better than upland rice.

    After the tribal construction is almost done, it is already late autumn. The Atayal tribe's winter market trip at the beginning of this year has been temporarily cancelled. In previous years, I went to the market in exchange for pottery, salt and some people. Now, pottery—the Atayal tribe can make their own, and the quality is better than that of the Guantao tribe; salt—because of the rapid growth of the tribe’s population, the salt has long been exhausted. Fortunately, the Atayal horse team can run long-distance transportation for more than ten days. You can go back and forth from the Hai Clan, and there is no need to go to the market to exchange. As for the population - An'er already has a very good idea, leading the horse team to transport some clay pots and rice to exchange with the grassland tribes farther away.

    Therefore, Ataya left half of the warriors, led by Luo and Taozi, to hunt for the food needed for the winter. I don't know if it will be extended this winter, but it is still necessary to store enough meat.

    The other half of the warriors, led by Abu and Yingye respectively, divided into two teams and went to the surrounding forest and grassland tribes to trade.

    Of course, An'er won't miss this opportunity to travel at public expense, especially with her own man, it can be used as a compensatory mi month trip.

    Abu looked at An'er, who was happily going to show off, equipping the mammoth with an elephant saddle, and was a little worried about her body being able to eat. Recently, An'er's drowsiness has worsened. She slept until three poles in the sun every day. After lunch, she lay down again. Mimi stared at her and slept until the hunting team returned.

    She thinks it is the rhythm of cats before winter, and she doesn't care about it at all. But Abu, who has lived with her for more than a year, is clearly anxious. At this time last year, although she was a little afraid of the cold, she was not so sleepy.

    However, fortunately, An'er's appetite is not bad. After she has rice and flour, she has a better appetite than before. She eats two full bowls every meal, plus some vegetables and flour. Meat, and fruit after meals are also a lot. Moreover, everyone eats two meals. She has to eat three full meals.

    An'er also found that she became able to eat, but thought that she had not eaten rice for a long time and was greedy. She also laughed at herself: eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, she is about to become a pig!

    This is also the reason why An Er wants to trade with the Colts. She thinks that after the Chinese cabbage and radish are planted, she is too leisurely, so she will be lazy all day. The more you sleep, the lazier you become, and the more you eat, the more greedy you become. This is the truth.

    Abu once again confirmed the items brought by the horse team. After counting the number of people, he reminded An'er for the nth time: "Ann, are you sure you want to go out with the horse team? It's late autumn, and the weather is so cold. Can you live there? Also, follow the horses to eat and sleep, get up early and go to bed late, so you can’t sleep late!”

    An'er patted the thick padded jacket and cotton ku on her body, and smiled proudly: "The cotton found by the collection team in autumn, I made it into a padded coat, and there are close-fitting furs inside. , it's warm! Can you see it? I made the backrest and the fixed straps on the elephant's saddle. If you are sleepy, you can squint on the elephant's back for a while. Dameng walked with great stability, swaying and swaying with the cradle It's so comfortable!"

    Dare, she has taken all the factors into consideration. It's a real treat.

    Da Er also struggled to climb up to the little mammoth, which was almost 1.5 meters high, tried to lean on the back of the elephant saddle wrapped in animal skin, squinted his eyes comfortably and smiled: "An Er It's really thoughtful, so that even if Xiao Meng runs, he won't be thrown out..."

    Dal, who was trained as the next heir to the Atayal tribe patriarch, was only five years old, and he was already showing his head among the children. In the last under-10 shooting competition, he actually beat Kong Kong and came out on top. He has now hunted some small prey by his own abilities.

    A qualified heir to the patriarch, of course, cannot be limited to one tribe. This is one of the reasons why An'er moved Abu when he helped Da'er to beg for mercy. It is precisely because of these words that the little Daer was allowed to go with this horse team to broaden his horizons among the various tribes.

    Dal, who was riding on the back of the elephant, forcibly restrained the pride in his heart, straightened his chest, and had an aggressive posture, which envy a group of friends.

    This horse team dispatched more than 60 horses, of which 20 were escorted by knights, and the other more than 40 had rice flour and pottery on their backs. goods.

    The horse team of Eagle Leaf was slightly smaller than theirs. More than forty horses, half riding people and half carrying goods. The Eagle Leaf team was going to go south along the forest.

    The branch of Abu and An'er went all the way west, through the territory of the Wula tribe, and went deeper into the grassland.

    As soon as they entered the grassland, An'er and Da'er talked and laughed along the way, and they were still in good spirits. Within half an hour, An'er began to doze off on the rocking back of the elephant. Little by little, her little head kept swaying even with the belt fastened, making Abu very worried that she would slip off the elephant's saddle. Especially after passing the territory of the Tiger Clan, after the horse team began to accelerate, the mammoth ran up and down, and she almost fell a few times. The clansmen were worried for her.

    Abu sighed, got off his horse, let Ahsan lead the team, climbed up on the mammoth, sat on the saddle, and took the little woman who had been invited by Zhou Gong to drink tea , in his arms. His snow wolf fur coat, which he used as a quilt for the night, was tightly wrapped around the little woman.

    In her sleep, An'er automatically adjusted to a comfortable position in the familiar warm embrace, fell asleep, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth...

    When she woke up, she had arrived at the Ulla tribe. Opening her sleepy eyes, An'er rubbed her eyes and saw clearly the city wall made of adobe, the houses made of adobe, and even the sheepfold. In the confusion, she thought she had arrived at Atayal a few months ago, and muttered, "Arrived home?"


    The Atayal people in the same group twitched their mouths and held back their smiles. Ah Tu patted Tui and laughed without giving face, and said, "An'er, are you sleepy? How could this be our Taiya? Our city walls have long since been replaced with red bricks, and there are towers on the city gates. It's a hundred times more imposing than this!"

    Wu Xiang, the patriarch of the Wula tribe, greeted him with several elders. Ever since the fifty warriors sent by An'er taught them to throw adobe and build houses with adobe to build a heated kang, the people of the Ula tribe feel that their waists have become more straight, especially in the face of other small tribes. With the envious eyes when they changed marriages, the Wula people felt that they had an advantage over others.

    In order to compensate for the women lost by their tribe in Atayal, they put forward a request for only women to come in, which was also accepted by the surrounding small tribes. In this way, the number of women in the Ulla tribe has increased a lot compared to before.

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