Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 191: The Queen's Treatment

    Thanks to lovely Xili and bibian888 for the tips, thank you god'sgirl, eee0499ff, lingling668 for the pink tickets.

    Wow! Yesterday's chapter actually caused such a big response, wow! Smile and crawl away from the code with the lid on!

    More apologies this Tuesday…


    An'er never thought that her "hardened" self would face wounds and vomit when she used to be in the underground base, she used those disgusting zombies as experiments At that time, what horrible and disgusting picture did you not experience? Even when they traveled back to prehistory, they also sutured wounds for many people. By the way, Abu's intestines were stuffed back by her!

    How could she smell the blood, so she couldn't control her nausea, and vomited everything she ate at night? This is not scientific!

    Abu nervously brought her warm water, let her rinse her mouth, and fed her some. After calming the tumbling feeling in her stomach, An'er realized that her nausea was caused by the smell of blood. She cut **** into small pieces and stuffed them into a mask made of Gesha, insisting on treating the wounds for the seriously wounded. .

    In the process of treating the wounded, Abu was always by her side, with a nervous and worried face. An'er gave him a reassuring smile and said, "I'm fine, maybe... I ate too much at night!"

    …For more than a month, you have eaten so much, and you have never vomited? Abu still didn't relax, until the day dawned, when An'er yawned and went back to sleep, he still held her hand tightly. For fear that if she let go, she would disappear.

    Because of yesterday's sneak attack by the wild wolf clan, the trip of the Atayal tribe was delayed for a long time. Because of the three poles in the sun, that lazy little woman hasn't got up yet.

    When the Wula tribe went to the cave in the morning to collect prey, they found that there was less than half of the prey in the warehouse. The patriarch Wu Xiang jumped to his feet with anger, and scolded the wild wolf clan for being mean!

    After a thorough investigation all night, another ghost was found. He, like the inmate who died in the war, has come to take refuge in the past two months for one reason or another. Both of these should be stated. The wolf clan has long been eyeing the Ulla tribe, and this sneak attack was not accidental, but planned for a long time.

    If it weren't for the warning of the little mammoth. If there is no help from the warriors of the Atayal tribe, I am afraid that even if the Ulla tribe is not destroyed last night, it will be severely damaged and the food stored in the cave. Not just a third of it was removed. Winter is coming. The food of the severely damaged Ula tribe could not be replenished in time. Even if it was not destroyed by the wild wolf clan, it would not be able to endure the long and cold winter... Every time the patriarch Wuxiang thinks about it, he will feel a little scared after a while!

    The wound of the little mammoth was not deep. After An'er applied herbs to it, the little guy was coquettishly nestled beside her, groaning. An'er fed a few jujubes and pears that she brought to its mouth. The little guy closed his eyes in satisfaction.

    An'er, who slept until the sun was three poles, when the Wula tribe brought a large pot of boiled mutton. Smelling the smell of mutton, I vomited again and again. Later, all the food in the stomach was spit out, and all the spit out was yellow water, which scared Abu and Daer at a loss.

    The experienced woman of the Ulla tribe, seeing her reaction, suddenly whispered: "Wouldn't it be a pregnant cub?"

    Abu's heart trembled for a while, grabbed the woman with silver threads on her temples, and asked in a voice that was trembling with eagerness: "What did you say? Pregnant? Pregnant? If so, will you vomit?"

      It's just so bad."

    An Er thought about it, and it seems that her aunt has not been here for a long time. Because she traveled back to prehistory, her aunt always came every two or three months, sometimes even longer. This time, her aunt didn't come for nearly four months in autumn, and she didn't take it to heart.

    She thought of a book she had read before, which wrote that pregnant women do experience vomiting and drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy. Some pregnant women eat like birds before pregnancy, but after pregnancy The food intake has increased greatly... As a result, her abnormality these days seems to have a reasonable explanation.

    No! The medical conditions in the prehistoric society are too poor, and Ming has not learned to take the pulse, she must find a way to determine whether she is pregnant or not! Alas...if only there was a pregnancy test stick...wait for it!

    An'er opened her eyes, startling Abu, who had an extremely complicated expression, and Daer, who was shouting happily. Because she suddenly thought that there seemed to be a pregnancy test strip she threw in the space device where she put the sundries.

      At this time, Ruoya had an expression of "I have a young girl growing up in my family", and threw her a whole pack of pregnancy test strips, and smiled slyly: "If you like it, go for it! But if you're not sincere If you like him, take precautions. It doesn't matter if you are recruited, the base encourages births, and there are subsidies for babies as soon as they are born... You can take this and test it from time to time!"

    At that time, she glared at her with a blushing neck and a thick neck. The pregnancy test paper in her hand was like a hot potato, and she threw it into the space device...

    This small space device for clutter was opened a long time ago. She carefully rummaged inside with her consciousness, and finally found the small bag. She took a piece out of it and asked the people of the Ulla tribe to borrow a small bamboo bowl. She hid and urinated. She put the sponge end of the pregnancy test paper into the urine in a complicated mood.

    When she saw two obvious red lines on the pregnancy test paper, An'er's mood suddenly became complicated. She didn't know if she was ready to be a mother, even though she promised Abu to give him a baby when she was in love. But after she was really sure she was pregnant, she suddenly became nervous. The prehistoric environment was finally difficult, and various conditions could not keep up. Her child was born at this time. There are many unknowns to face.

    No, she has to make a bigger effort to do as much as possible for her upcoming child. Create the best possible living environment. Being a mother is strong, she will leave the best to her children!

    "What's the matter?" Abu asked nervously seeing An'er staring at a strange noodle in a daze.

    An'er took a deep breath and her eyes became firm. She smiled and told Abu the good news: "Abu, I'm pregnant! You. I'm going to be a father!"

    The news was told to him through her mouth, and Abu's nervous expression suddenly froze. He seemed to be stupid, and he didn't move at all for a long time. After a long time, a cry that shook the world broke out from an adobe house of the Ulla tribe. There was uncontrollable ecstasy in the shout: "I'm going to be a dad! I'm pregnant with my baby!"

    The Wuxiang Patriarch and the elders of the Ula tribe. Hearing the sound, they came in to congratulate him. An'er's face was as red as a ripe peach. She gave Abu a coquettish look, and said angrily, "What's your name? Be quiet, how embarrassed!"

    "What's so embarrassing about this? I wish everyone knew the news that I'm going to be a father... Darer, are you happy? You're going to be a brother soon!" The big smile on Abu's face was a little silly , An'er looked at him with a sweetness in her heart that gradually spread.

    Dal, who didn't even think about it at first. At this time, he grinned like Abu and asked stupidly, "Baba? I'm going to be a brother? I'll have a younger sister like Tongtong soon? Haha! That's great. Old Kong Kong told me Showing off the fact that he is a brother, hum! When my sister is born, let's see what he has to say! My sister must be prettier and cuter than his sister!"

    Asang's unkempt head stuck in, he smiled honestly: "The patriarch and An'er are both so good-looking, of course the children born will be very beautiful. However, my own children, I still I think our Tongtong is the cutest! Patriarch, congratulations on becoming a father. Yingye must be very happy to hear that, his day is not far away!"

    "Go, go! Patriarch, I'm happy, you stop me!" Abu thought that after his baby was born, Yingye was going to have something with An'er, and the joy in his heart was overwhelmed Diluted a bit.

    Asang smiled wretchedly, leaned in front of him, and whispered: "Patriarch, let me tell you, in fact, two men and one woman are on the bed, which is more energetic! Our family Nana likes me the most. I've been serving her with Ji, and she screamed so hard that my bones were numb... Look,

    I'm hard. "

      Depend on! Double p! The prehistoric primitive people turned out to be so heavy!

    "An'er? Why does Assan's bones become brittle when Nana calls? Aren't the bones easy to break? How dangerous is this?" Daer's innocent eyes widened, full of questioned.

    An'er blushed. She didn't know how to explain the problem between men and women to him, so she glanced at her man and said, "Uh ... This question is very deep, and I can't figure it out, your father knows it, you go ask him!"

    The little guy ran to Abu very honestly and repeated his question in front of A-Sang. The big man A Sang shrank his neck and stepped back with an embarrassed look on his face, leaving A Bu not knowing how to explain the problem. An'er smiled wickedly by the side.

    Because of her pregnancy, An Er was taken back to the tribe by the nervous expectant father, Abu. The trade horse team was led by A Sang, with A Tu assisted by the side, and headed deeper into the grassland.

    And Abu carefully held An'er in his arms, as if she were a fragile vase. They rode mammoths and took the thirty-nine young men who were exchanged from Ulla, and returned to the Atayal tribe slowly at a rhythm that surpassed the speed of turtles.

    Taya to Ulla, walking for five or six days, they rode a mammoth for ten days. During this process, Abu couldn't wait to put An'er in his mouth. As soon as she showed that she wanted to vomit, he ordered to stop and set up camp, and tried to find some sweet and sour appetizers nearby to press her. With the empress dowager's general treatment, it's no wonder that the speed can be improved!

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