Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 195: Xiaomao's mind

    Thanks to lovely Xi Li for the tip, there are still two updates today!

      An Er, who was full of food and drink, still had a flat stomach, and leaned on the pillow with satisfaction, staring at the yard in a daze.

    Suddenly, there was a violent crash from the particularly wide courtyard gate, and a huge and colorful saber-toothed tiger came in from the outside, holding a prey about its size and covered in snow-white hair. Behind it is a saber-toothed tiger that is slightly larger than it, but not as robust as it, and also holds a smaller prey in its mouth.

    This is the little meow and the tiger dad who went out to hunt. The father tiger took the prey in his mouth and showed off to the house where the mammoths and domestic animals lived. It put the **** prey in front of the shivering little animals, roared majestically, looked at the stunned and motionless rabbits and pheasants with satisfaction, then picked up its prey again and went straight back. into his own room with his son.

    This is the daily drama that Tiger Dad will play after the little rabbits and pheasants are assigned. In the past, mammoths and lambs, big and small, had become accustomed to the existence of two saber-toothed tigers. At first, they were a little scared, but after confirming that they would not hurt themselves, they turned a blind eye to the provocation of the tiger father. When living in a pen before, the two baby sheep even jumped on it with their noses up! Although Father Tiger had the desire to kill them, under the double threat of An'er and his son, he could only grit his teeth bitterly!

    Afterwards, An'er's family distributed a few rabbits and pheasants, and it blew its anger on these poor animals. Whenever he sees the animals that are so frightened that their feces and urine are flowing and shaking like a leaf, there is an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his heart - look, these weak guys should have such a reaction when they saw his saber-toothed tiger!

    Seeing Father Tiger's childish behavior through the window, An'er let out a faint smile. The saber-toothed tiger, Xiao Miao, took the prey in its mouth and walked towards the main house.

    Xiaoxue and Daer, who were busy grinding potato flour outside, hurriedly stopped the little cat who finally squeezed into the outside room and wanted to enter the inner room, hurriedly said: "Little cat! An'er I finally ate something without morning sickness. You took this prey in your mouth. Are you afraid that An’er smelled the blood and started to vomit again? You can go in if you want, throw the prey out, and get rid of the smell on your body!”

    These days, Xiao Xiao seems to know that An'er is pregnant and is not feeling well, so she no longer has to stick to An'er every day to spread jiāo. It saw that An'er always vomited when she was eating, thinking that the food was not to her taste, so it tried every means to hunt different wild animals and let Xiaoxue make food for An'er.

    In the late autumn and early winter, it stands to reason that the insects should hide and prepare for the winter. Xiao Miao did not know where to get a mutant ground silkworm, because it knew that An'er used to like to eat ground silkworms. meat. Unfortunately, when An'er tasted the second piece, she couldn't help but vomit.

      A very personable little meow, I know very well that the bear's paw at this time is the most supplementary. These days, it watched An'er lose weight, and became more and more anxious because of worry, and even scratched the clansmen who wanted to tease it!

    After it caught the snow bear, it immediately thought of An'er, the tiger father wanted to tear off a bear paw to satisfy his greed, but it was photographed back. The tiger father, who was full of resentment, had no choice but to return with the roe deer he caught.

    Xiao Miao was holding a snow bear in her mouth and wanted to present a treasure in front of An Er, but she was stopped by Xiao Xue and the others. It carefully put down the snow bear, cleaned the blood from the snow bear's bitten neck, rinsed its mouth in the sink outside, and sniffed carefully on itself repeatedly with its nose to confirm that there was no peculiar smell. He picked up the snow bear and squeezed into the narrow door for it.

      It is difficult for a saber-toothed tiger to turn around in the house, not to mention that it has a snow bear of the same size in its mouth.

    After seeing Xiaomiao coming in, An'er became more cautious, she smiled knowingly, stretched out her hand and moaned on its huge head, and asked, "Have you returned from hunting? Let me see what I got today? Wow! What a big prey, with snow-white hair, if it were made into a coat, it would be warm and beautiful! What kind of prey is this?"

    The saber-toothed tiger squinted and enjoyed the long-lost caress. It purred comfortably from its throat like a cat. Accidentally, he was pushed down on the bed by it.

    "Be careful! Little cat, you've done a good job! I wonder if An'er is pregnant? She has a baby in her belly, so be careful not to hurt the child!" Ying Xueduan He and the basin came in, and upon seeing this, he sternly reprimanded the saber-toothed tiger.

    The little cat drooped her ears and looked like she knew she was wrong. There were several pillows on the kang, and An'er fell down and just leaned on the soft pillows. Seeing this, she smiled and comforted: "It's okay, Xiao Miao didn't do it on purpose, right? Xiao Miao hasn't told me what this prey is!"


    An'er carefully identified it and exclaimed: "Wow! Xiao Xiao, you are so good! You actually got such a big snow bear! I heard that the snow bear's fur is very warm, I have long been I want to get a mattress to use! Haha... Xiao Xiao, you are so capable! Next winter, the baby will be born, and with this snow bear skin, the baby will not be afraid of freezing!"

    The saber-toothed tiger that was praised happily twisted around the kang, if not for the limited space, it must have rolled on the ground!

    Yingxue turned to look at the four fat bear paws of the snow bear, and said happily: "I'll go get a knife and cut off these bear paws, wait for An'er to smell the meat and not vomit When the time comes, I will make up your body! This snow bear's paw is a big one! I think Xiao Miao also wants you to make up his body, so he brings back the whole snow bear! Who knows that you only care about the benefits of fur !"

    "Yeah! I like both fur and bear paws!" Thinking of the big bear that Abu and Taozi jointly captured on the way to the market last year, the delicious taste of bear paw fat, she still loves Remember it! Later, although the tribe also hunted black bears, she reluctantly distributed the bear paws to the weak and older clansmen.

    Yingxue asked Xiaomao to help drag the snow bear to the yard, and she carefully peeled off the bear skin with the bone knife sharpened from the shell of the giant mantis. Skinning the prey was not difficult for her, but after all, she was only a year-old child. After peeling less than one-fifth of a bear skin, she was sweaty and out of breath.

    At this time, her brother Yingshuo returned from patrolling. Upon seeing this, he was busy taking over the work in the hands of his sister. Yingxiu is not too old. After all, he is a skilled hunter. He is no stranger to skinning animals. He has enough strength to complete the work without much effort.

    His sister supervises the side worriedly, and keeps saying: "Be careful, An'er said, this snow bear skin is for the baby to keep out the cold, don't It's broken! And, and more! Chop off the four bear paws, I will hang them under the eaves, and I will make up for An'er in the future!"

    Yingshuo got jealous, hummed a few times and pretended to be angry: "An'er, An'er! You are full of An'er now, where is my brother in your eyes? Girls are outgoing. How old are you, you just want to please your future mother-in-law?"

    Xiao Xueer's pink and white face suddenly flushed with blood, she glared at her brother angrily, spit, and said, "Brother, what nonsense are you talking about! How old am I? Da'er I'm four years younger than me, how could I... be... hum! It's fine if other people are joking, you're talking nonsense, do you think of yourself as a big brother? After a while, the sweet potato noodles will be ready, and I won't give you any of them. !"

    Yingxue flung her pigtails, slammed the door loudly, and entered the room with a blushing face. Seeing this, An'er asked, "What's wrong? What's the point of arguing with my brother?"

    Little Cher pouted, full of unhappiness. Da'er came over and said, "Xiao Xue'er, don't be angry, shush brother bullying you, when I grow up, I will protect you and drive away all those who bully you!"

    Xiao Xue'er remembered her brother's teasing words, and her face that had never faded became hot again. She bit her lip and glanced at the little man who was only as high as her shoulders, and said in a stern voice, "Just rely on you, who can you beat? You still want to protect me!"

    "An'er said that as long as I eat more, I can grow taller and taller. I lift a hundred red bricks every day to see the muscles in my arms! If you can't protect the woman you like, what a man! Xiao Xue'er, I like you, I will never let you be wronged when I grow up!" This little man, who is only one meter tall, straightened his chest and swore. Make an oath. A few years later, Da'er, who became the patriarch, was like his father, a typical wife and slave, and he was about to spoil Yingxue, who became his wife, to the sky!

    An'er listened to the little guy's solemn words, and looked at the blushing little Yingxue with a half-smile. The little girl slapped Darl's arm angrily, telling him not to talk nonsense. Da'er said loudly, "I'm not talking nonsense, I'm telling the truth. Xiaoxue, I like you. When I grow up, I want to marry you as a wife..."

    An'er finally couldn't help laughing, this little guy is too precocious!

    When Abu brought the hunting team back to the warehouse, cleaned up and came in, he saw such a warm picture. An'er smiled happily, her face flushed red from the heat in the room, and her spirit was much better than the previous two days.

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