Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 199: Pregnancy ring fork

    Thanks to Champagne cc, Lanyingying, Dahuoluowan, Ningxing105, Liuyun, lenxinind, Xiaorier, Mosquito Love Niuniu, mili619, Little Sea Urchin, hzh for the pink run, Thank you bibian888, lovely Yuli for the tip. . Two more today!


      The smooth and silky beautiful touch made his hands tremble slightly.

    Looking at her eyes, the passion in his eyes... **** has long been unable to hide. The hot and hard thing between her legs was resisting her warm entrance. The huge scorching heat that belonged to him touched her flower path lightly and penetrated slowly and firmly. He entered her, like a fiery blade, slicing through the soft cream...

    This time, Abu was extra gentle, and the extremely delicate and long foreplay teased her like a cat moaning.. moaning and begging him, her trembling cute pink made him satisfied and whispered She walked in and out of her body carefully, her movements were not at all like her usual bravery, she walked in and out slowly and fully, constantly kissing the person under her, kissing little by little... all over her body, little by little meticulous markings. leave his traces.

    "An'er, An'er..." He clasped her, who was trembling to the point of bliss, and called her name over and over. An'er replied gruntingly, she was drunk in his tenderness, in and out again and again, her eyes were filled with white light, and finally she fell asleep in his low voice.

    Abu bowed his head and kissed her sweat-soaked temples, sprinting several times. Hastily ended this Although he didn't enjoy it, it made him feel a different interest than before.

    He fetched hot water from the stove and helped her scrub the underside that was stained with a little milky white liquid. He also quickly cleaned himself up, got into the quilt made of snow bear skin, hugged the soft little man tightly in his arms, rested his left hand on the slightly bulging belly, slowly closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth With a smile, he gradually entered the dreamland.

    Dream. A little girl with the same snow-white complexion as An'er, but with the same amber eyes as him, waved to him. . With a soft and waxy voice, he called out, "Dad, Daddy..."

    Heavy snow, rustling for a whole night again The day after the passion. Abu wakes up to the crowing of the rooster. He had no intention of getting up. The little woman who was afraid of the cold shrank tightly in his arms, her legs and feet wrapped around him like octopus. Her face was ruddy, her breathing was light, and her thick black eyelashes hung down like small curtains...

    Suddenly, the silence of this room was interrupted by a violent knock on the door. Abu saw the little woman's eyelashes moving slightly in his arms. The little face was instantly wrinkled, and he hurriedly comforted softly: "It's still early. You sleep a little longer, what am I going to see?"

    "Hmm..." An'er's voice was full of drowsiness, she lifted her arms and legs from Abu, turned in one direction, and fell asleep again.

    The north wind whistled outside the house, and a snowball the size of an egg fell from the gray sky. There was a slamming sound from the courtyard gate, as if the wooden door of the patriarch's house was about to be demolished.

    Abu quickly put on his clothes, put on a snow wolf fur coat, and walked out of the house. Seeing that Yingye stepped out of the Westinghouse almost at the same time, the two of them looked at each other and walked towards the door that was knocked loudly. In such weather, there must be something urgent to knock on the door. Could it be that something big happened in the tribe?

    The door latch opened, and a man covered in snow, like Santa Claus, looked anxious. Abu took a closer look, and finally recognized the true face of the guy covered in snow, and said in surprise, "Adong, what's so urgent in the early morning?"

    "Patriarch! Xiaoli has been burning for two days, and she is dying! Can the goddess bring her magic medicine to show her?" It's his daughter. He held a ceremony on the same day as the patriarch, and soon made the woman pregnant, and he even boasted in private that he was better than the patriarch in that respect!

    When Abu heard this, his brows furrowed. He knew that Xiaoli was more important in An'er's heart than other children, so he couldn't help but say, "Burning for two days? Why not Get a witch doctor early?"

    "The snow was so heavy, and the child didn't burn very much at first, thinking it was caused by the heat of the kang, so drink more water. Who knows, last night, the burn When I came, the child was twitching all over, just looking at..." A Dong's voice choked, this is the first child of him and Yinghong, and the two of them, together with Yinghong's other partner, are in pain for her To the top of their hearts, if there are three strengths and two weaknesses, they don't know how to deal with it!

    "Nonsense! Can the child's condition be delayed so much? You go back first, An'er and I will be there soon!" From Adong's description, Abu heard the urgency of the child's condition. Although the herbal medicine prepared in Ming's hand can also treat fever, it is too slow to take effect. It seems that An'er must go out!

    Abu returned to the room, although he was very reluctant, he shook An'er awake and told her about Xiaoli's condition. As soon as An'er heard this, the sleepy worms flew away immediately, scrambling to get dressed.

    Abu helped and comforted: "Don't worry, maybe the situation is not as bad as Adong said! Be careful, don't scare our baby!"

    An'er put on the thick cotton trousers, patted her stomach, and said, "Our baby is the first warrior of the tribe, Abu, your kind, this little thing can't scare him! Ming, you came just in time, hurry up and pick up my medicine box, we will go to the doctor right away!"

    Ming heard the words, without saying a word, picked up the medicine box that An'er had placed in the outer corner, went to his own room, carried the medicine box full of various herbs, and waited by the door on.

    Abu helped An'er put on thick fur boots, put on a hat made of fox fur, and put his snow wolf fur coat over her head, wrapping it only After the remaining two eyes, I still feel a little uneasy.

    Yingye had prepared the sled-like board in the yard. After An'er sat on it, Abu and he pulled the rope in front and walked outside.

    Saber-toothed tiger cat heard movement. He ran out of his room and surrounded An'er with joy. An'er smiled and said: "Actually, I don't think a sled is needed. I ride on Xiao Miao's back, which is much faster than you pulling the sled!"

    Abu looked at the saber-toothed tiger running fast without obstacles in the snow more than one meter deep, and shook his head worriedly: "No! How can your current body withstand its toss? Wan If there is something, who should I go to to regret it? Although Yingye and I are dragging slowly, the victory is smooth, isn't it?"

    An'er opened her mouth and was about to say something, but was blocked by the oncoming wind and snow. She hurriedly pulled up the fur coat. As Abu walked with difficulty, he turned his head and warned, "Don't talk, be careful you catch a cold!"

    An'er nodded obediently, she didn't want to get sick. Taking medicine is not good for children!

    From their home to Eagle Red's house. In other seasons, the distance was only five or six minutes, and they walked for nearly twenty minutes. The main reason is that the snow is too heavy, and the snow on the ground is too deep, and people are trapped in the snow more than one meter deep, making it difficult to walk.

    An'er was surrounded by two men and Ming, and entered Yinghong's inner room. Yinghong raised her bloodshot eyes, looked at An'er with tears in her eyes, and rushed over eagerly. He grabbed An'er's arm and said, "An'er. An'er! You are a goddess in the sky, you can definitely save my daughter, right? You can save me from a mortal infectious disease, and you will definitely It can cure Xiaoli, right, right?"

    Because she was too impatient, she didn't grasp the strength in her hand well, and An'er's arm hurt. Seeing this, Yingye was afraid that she would hurt An'er, so she hurriedly tore her hand from An'er's arm and shouted, "Don't get in the way here, let An'er show Xiaoli quickly! To be saved, it depends on what God means!"

    Yinghong heard the words, tears came down. She also knew that disease cannot be cured by cure. Although An'er is the messenger of the gods, she is not omnipotent.

    An'er had come to the kang, and saw that Xiaoli was wrapped in layers of animal skins like a zongzi. Her cries were intermittent like that of a newborn cat, and her body had a tendency to twitch.

    An'er frowned tightly, and swiftly untied the animal skin on the child's body. Yinghong cried: "The child must have caught a cold, so she has a fever, and I wrapped her in so many animal skins..."

    An'er shook her head and said, "When you have a high fever, you should pay attention to cooling the child. If the wrapping is too tight, the heat in the body cannot be dissipated, which will aggravate the child's condition."

    Yinghong heard the words and helped An'er to remove the animal skin from the child's body, looking at An'er eagerly, hoping to get good news from her mouth.

    As Adong said, the five-month-old baby was burning red all over. An'er clamped the thermometer on the little guy's fleshy fingers, took out the syringe that was rarely used, took out the last injection of antipyretic, and knocked it open without hesitation.

    The little guy has had a high fever for so long, and the fever can’t be relieved without injections! After putting a needle on Xiaoli's chubby little butt, she said to Yinghong who was at a loss: "Go, prepare some salt water, do you have honey? It's better to add some honey! When you have a high fever, your body will When you sweat, you lose a lot of water, which must be replenished in time.”

    Yinghong roared at Adong who was standing blankly: "Do you hear me? Hurry up! I also tried to feed the baby yesterday, but she didn't eat it, she just cried, just cried I can't even feed water..."

    Adong took out a bowl of warm water from the stove, and another man behind Yinghong held honey and salt. The honey from Yinghong's house is still An'er who loves Xiaoli and gives her a small jar to induce her to drink more water. In winter, the Ondol is burning, and children should add more water.

    "I don't know how much salt and how much honey to put, An'er, look..." Adong said cautiously.

    An'er made a preparation according to the proportion of glucose and saline, then washed the syringe in her hand, took a syringe of saline and sugar water, and let Yinghong hold the child and carefully into her mouth inside. The little guy's mouth moved slightly, swallowed some unconsciously, and some flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

    ps: Recommend September Moyu's <Boiled Woman Difficulty>:

    The foodie is reborn as a silly daughter-in-law and leads the whole family to a well-off!


     Earn money to build a house to make snacks, open a shop and store grain to be a landlord.

    See how I can impress my husband with delicious food!

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