Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 214: War Madman Zoya

    Second delivery, call for pink tickets...

    The third may be a little later, I can't wait to see it tomorrow...


    "Boss, boss! A group of people said they would come and ask us to take them in, saying that they had escaped from the forest fire area over there!" , wrapped in messy animal skins, still climbed the hill in the wind and snow, and reported to the woman who was looking in the distance!

      The visitor shrank his neck.

      The forest fire a few days ago destroyed most of the forest tribes. It seems that the battle plan of our Zhuoha tribe needs to be slightly changed."

    The woman's expression did not change at all, she just shook her body and lost the white snowflakes in the past, and her voice was full of disgust: "Damn volcanic ash, the falling snowflakes are all covered with gray matter. Tell me. Clan people, don't try to be lazy and save trouble, use snow water to melt and cook!"


      Bother me?"

      The patriarch is such a mighty person. In the hands of the head, he is more tame than a lamb!

    "Humph! I ask you for instructions, doesn't it mean respect for you? Ruoya, I have left everything in the tribe to you! Now, the clan In people's hearts, your orders are much more effective than my patriarch!" The burly man is the young patriarch of the Zhuoha tribe, an excellent leader who is rough and refined.

    The one was clothed in animal skins. A woman with a wild temperament. Just like An'er. Ruoya, who has passed through from the end of the world. Since the market, she has purposely led the Zhuoha tribe to conquer the city and conquer the land. Every time a tribe was conquered, they carried a broken basket and asked them if they knew it and if they knew how to make it.

    In her mind, she had long believed that the person who made such a beautiful back basket, like her, had come across. That fair-skinned and petite woman in the market, she vaguely felt that this transmigrator was probably her confused sister, An'er.

    Think of this prehistoric harsh environment. Even an agent with rich field survival experience like himself suffered a lot when he first passed through. Especially before she met the Zhuoha tribe, when she was alone in the forest, she was almost eaten by a few mutant animals with her hands.

    Damn it, her laser gun and some advanced weapons suddenly broke down and couldn't be used. Even the supernatural powers she was born with suddenly failed. She changed from a top secret agent to an ordinary person. Fortunately, the dagger in her hand was exactly the same as that of An'er, which helped her through difficulties time and time again.

    After she came out of the forest, she spent a few days on the grassland before she met the hunting team of the Zhuoha tribe who were besieged by the grassland wolves. The leader of the team was her current man, Zhuo The head of the Ha tribe, Kelu.

    At that time, the idea of ​​saving people came up, just to see this man, surrounded by hundreds of wild wolves, so he didn't panic, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner. Even though his body was covered in scars, even if there were corpses of clansmen lying all around him, even if he was so tired that he could barely stand, he still mechanically waved the

    The crude stone axe gives the wolf a fatal blow.

    Ruoya is a very proud person at the base, not a really powerful person, so she can't get into her eyes at all. It was such a naked and primitive person that made her cherish her talents. Holding a dagger, she rushed into the prairie wolves like a ferocious tiger entering a flock of sheep, making fatal moves, leaving the corpses of wild wolves on the ground, and rescuing Kelu, the leader of the Zhuoha tribe, who had lost his strength.

    When another hunting team in the tribe arrived, they could only help carry the wolf corpse back to make food. Of the fifty or sixty hunting team led by Kelu, there were only less than ten people left, and all the others were killed in the wolf's mouth.

    The seven or eight surviving warriors later became the fierce generals under Ruoya. Each of them could lead their own team to fight, and each had their own fighting skills. Become the "Eight Tigers" feared by the surrounding tribes!

     Ruoya calculated silently in her heart that the crops harvested in autumn in the tribe seemed to last until spring. He nodded and said: "Accept them, and after the spring ploughing, they will be incorporated into the death squad. In the next month or so, Kelu, you have to train the guys who have just arrived. Don't treat us as a charity organization, is the Zhuoha tribe? Raise idlers!"

    Ke Lu nodded and said, "In spring, do we want to change our plan to expand to the north?"

    The north he was talking about was the forest that burned for five or six days in the north, and then gradually extinguished because the third snow came early. According to the people of the forest tribe who escaped, it seems that no one can survive in a huge forest. Even if they escaped, it is impossible to return to the forest after the forest fire is extinguished. Because the Mang Mang Forest has almost disappeared, and the living space of the forest tribes has been completely destroyed.

    The survival of the forest tribe is inseparable from the resources in the forest. After the fire, the perimeter of the forest was basically completely burned, and the animals inside were either burned to ashes or had fled elsewhere. go back? what to eat? Should they nibble on the charred black wood? And only a small part of the inner forest was burned down, which is the territory of various giant animals, rashly entering, only to be used as food.

    Therefore, Ke Lu estimates that there is no need to attack in the northern forest area!

    Ruoya raised her eyebrows and nodded: "Then turn to the northeast. Take down the Guantao tribe first! The pottery of their tribe is too expensive! Those prey, old lady It's not that I can't afford it, but I just don't want the food I hunted so hard. It all went into the pockets of the old guy from the Guantao tribe!... That's it! The first bullet in the spring - attacking Guantao! After getting the Guantao, It's not too late to come back to farm!"

    Roya is naturally gifted with weapons. Before crossing, there were no weapons that she would not be able to assemble. Even if the high-tech photonic products were in her hands, she would be able to figure out the principles inside in just an hour or two, and successfully assemble an identical one.

    The reason why the Zhuoha tribe can run rampant in the south, from a small and medium tribe of less than 500 people, has annexed no less than thirty tribes in the south in more than a year. And use tough tactics. forcing their patriarch to surrender. Not for my use. Those who resolutely resist to the end will use **** means - genocide! Those who are aware of current affairs take the initiative to seek refuge, and teach them how to cultivate. Make them Zhuoha's granary, and backup force.

    So far, Zhuoha has become a huge tribe with seven or eight thousand people. Rather than a tribe, it is a huge city with houses built of stones. Although it is far from the Atayal tribe. However, in the eyes of the surrounding barbarian tribes, it is extremely luxurious.

    Speaking of Ruoya, she also has an advantage in force. Various other life skills, almost equal to idiots. In the end. It's just a martial arts idiot. Therefore, although the Zhuoha tribe has expanded very rapidly, other conditions are far from the level of the Atayal tribe.

    The house is a jagged stone house. Clothes are the simplest animal skin trousers. Ruoya's hands are only focused on holding weapons. Letting her take embroidery needles is more uncomfortable than killing her. Her clothes are sewn by women in the clan according to the style she said. Not to mention the style, it can only be said that it can cover the body. As for food, it is limited to cooking. The seasoning is only salt. Is it not a fool's dream to ask a person who can't tell the difference between green onions and garlic sprouts to identify new edible wild vegetables?

    Fortunately, the base attaches great importance to the collection of all kinds of seeds. Ruoya has also participated in the training of identifying seeds, but she has collected a lot of seeds of staple foods such as wheat and rice. In the spring, I tried to plant some, and it was harvested. She doesn't know anything about field management, she just depends on the sky for food. However, the amount of food she planted was far from the Atayal tribe. Fortunately, there are more prisoners of war and slaves in her hands, and there is also a lot of cultivated land, which greatly reduces the food pressure on the tribe.

     Ruoya looked at the gray snow on the ground with disgust, and the crooked animal leather boots stepped on it, leaving irregular footprints. She put a whole animal skin on her head and walked down the mountain.

    Because of the volcanic ash, the temperature dropped several degrees compared to the same period. The third snow was also bigger than in previous years.

    She came to Zhuoha City not far down the mountain, and saw a team of about 200 people standing outside the wooden fence. The young warrior at the front had a straight back, but there was an uncertain gleam in his eyes. After all, there are more than 200 people in the tribe waiting to be taken in, and all their arrogance must be restrained, but their natural arrogance has never been wiped out.

     Ruoya quietly looked at his figure, estimated his physical state, and nodded secretly in her heart. This young man should be the leader of the tribe, more than 200 people, although they lost their stored food due to the forest fire, and they looked bad after being hungry for a few days. Newly sanctioned this year. Before the fire, it should have been a self-sufficient small tribe!

    Looking at the crowd, there are women, old people, and children in their arms. From this, it can be seen that this tribe should be very humane. As the young man of the tribe, he should be a very capable person.

    Perhaps, these people do not need to be incorporated into the category of slaves. Because this patriarch is the type she admires and is likely to become another helper for her.


    Title: The History of Guan Niu's Struggle Living conditions, but also forced to become illiterate, the future is dark, fortunately, my father is a scholar, and there is still hope to become an official girl, and since then the history of the struggle of the official girl!

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