Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 21: Prehistoric "first" archer

    Updated 2013-9-520:11:39Words: 2269

    Ask for recommended tickets, clicks and favorites... If I shout like this every day, will it cause disgust? Well, the new book period, Sang can't afford it, hum hum hum...


    After being allowed to eat a bowl of overcooked meat, Abu felt that he had finally ended the bitter days of drinking soup and porridge, and the whole person seemed to be alive. The primitive people who are accustomed to eating large pieces of meat are just like the southerners who are used to having rice at every meal, and the northerners do not feel full without eating steamed buns. It is the same reason.

    Although Lin An'er changed his method and used limited resources to cook porridge of various flavors for him, such as minced meat porridge, crab yellow porridge, chicken shredded wild vegetable porridge... Although the taste is good, Abu still Miss the feeling of gulps of meat. Tonight, after An'er checked his wound, she tutted, and his ban on only eating porridge was finally lifted!

    After listening to Assan's words, Abu couldn't help but get excited. Although the hunting team has multiplied the number of prey they hunted in the past two days because of the mantis bone weapon made by An'er. However, the thought of being able to hunt with an artifact-like weapon made Abu feel his whole blood boil. So, he carefully moved his body in An'er's direction, and listened carefully to her answer.

    An'er thought about it, and couldn't help but slap her thigh! Yes, why didn't she think of it? In the late primitive society, bows and arrows appeared! Although the conditions around you are very limited, the possibility of making crossbow arrows is relatively low, but the power of bows and arrows is also good! Otherwise, in the era of cold weapons, this ancient weapon has not been eliminated, but has been widely used!

    The making of the bow and arrow...the making of the bow and arrow! An'er's fingers flew over the laptop keyboard and quickly found what she wanted. The material about ancient weapons was downloaded by Ruoya when she was not paying attention. Fortunately, she didn't delete it after she discovered it, but she didn't expect it to be really useful!

     Found it! Lin An'er quickly swept across the screen with her eyes, trying hard to memorize the process of making bows and arrows, closed her eyes and recalled it, and nodded slowly with a smile. It's quite simple, and the materials are all common in the forest. If it wasn't already late, she would be eager to try it!

    "How about it, do you have it? Do you have it?" Ah Sang leaned forward, and the beard swept An'er's face, causing her to retreat sharply and fall behind her. In the arms of Abu, who was trying to find out the results.

    Ha! Wenxiang nephrite embraced her arms, and naturally Abu would not miss the benefits of her sudden rise. He wrapped his arms around her chest possessively. The soft bouncy touch made him scratch and rub it again. Knead it!

    Stinker! An'er tried hard to remove the salty pig's hand in front of her chest, but she realized how small her strength was. Out of humiliation, she turned around and gave the guy who was enjoying it a big ear scratch!

    Uh...the primitive people of the Atayal tribe, as if they were immobilized by Sun Wukong, opened their curious eyes and looked over.

    "Ming, why is Ann fighting?" Da'er touched his face, his voice seemed so clear in the silence.

    With complex eyes, Ming looked at the big hand still resting on An'er's chest, and lowered his head to sort out the herbs he collected. But Da'er kept asking questions, and Ji next to him helped him out: "That's because An'er likes Patriarch Abu! My family's Nana, when her mood is at its peak at night, likes to beat people. Pinch, twist, bite or whatever..."

    "Coax..." The other clansmen heard it and laughed so much! Nana is the most coquettish of the three women in the tribe. Sometimes, three men are required to serve them together in one night! Everyone lives in the same cave, and there is no privacy at all. Ji is full of ambiguous explanations, which arouses everyone's reverie.

    "Ji, you're itchy, but I'll see how I'll take care of you at night!" But Nana was completely shy and waved her fist at Ji stubbornly.

    The clansmen laughed even louder, and a man laughed loudly: "Ji, you have to be careful, don't let your legs go soft when hunting tomorrow! Do you want to stay in the cave tomorrow to rest... "

    An'er finally broke Abu's hand apart, her ears were full of **** ridicule, and she sighed in her heart: The same theme that men talk about is the same in ancient and modern times.

    "I thought of a weapon that is suitable for you to use. Although it is not the same as mine, it is quite powerful. I have learned how to make it. If you stay tomorrow, give me a hand ?" An'er stood up, away from the danger zone, and said loudly.

    "Me!" "I will!" "I'll stay!" the hunting party shouted scrambled.

    Abu was also unwilling to be lonely, he leaned over to An'er, blinked his eyes and said, "An'er, isn't there me? Why..."

    "Stay away from me! The wound hasn't grown well, so why join in the fun! If you want to rupture the wound, the intestines will flow out again!" An'er said angrily at him.

    Abu touched his nose and said nothing more. Baba once said that an angry woman had better take it easy, otherwise the unlucky man would still be the man.

    In the end, An'er chose the child A Tu as her assistant, helping herself with the rough work of logging, cutting leather, and grinding arrows.

    The next day, the hunting team set off reluctantly, and the gathering team also started activities. An'er starts her bow and arrow making career.

    The main body of the bow must be made of flexible and flexible materials. An'er chose yew wood as the material for making the bow. Fortunately, there are several trees around the tribe. She chose a thick bowl, and used the tibia of the mutant mantis as a saw. After sawing it down, Atu brought it back.

    She cut the yew wood into 120 cm long strips, processed a bow handle with a slightly wider middle and tapered ends, and carved grooves at the beginning of the handle. After slowly sanding it to a smoother surface, get the grease from the pine tree and apply it evenly.

    The bowstring is ideally made of raw cowhide. It happened to have the skin of the bison that was hunted the day before yesterday to use. She cuts the cowhide into tough 3mm strips, loops the string around the groove of the shank, and wraps it two and a half times. The first bow in prehistory was made in An'er's hands.

    There is no need for a bow without an arrow. An'er asked Atu to pick up the scraps of mantis shells left over from making bone knives and bone spears. That guy is tough and sharp, and it's perfect for arrows. If you run out, you can use some animal bones in the future, or make bamboo arrows directly. Although the power is almost, it is better than nothing!

    Any straight wood can be used as the shaft material, but Ann chose birch, which is one of the most suitable materials for the shaft. The shaft is about 60 cm long and 6 cm wide and must be absolutely straight and absolutely smooth. She carved the end of the shaft with grooves to support the bowstring. In order to improve the accuracy, An'er also specially fixed feathers on the shaft to make a feather arrow!

    After the bow and arrow was completed, An'er was very proud to be the first person to draw the bow and shoot the arrow, and shot the first arrow, but it was a pity... just like when she shot the bow and crossbow.

    In fact, there is a trick to archery, draw the bow and shoot the arrow, and the center of the bow is parallel to the line of sight. Hold the bow in your left hand, hold the arrow in your right hand, pull the full string back in a horizontal direction, and release it—the arrow will fly freely and rapidly towards the target.

    Atu and Abu competed to be the second person in prehistoric archery, and the patriarch Abu finally won. He was obviously a lot more talented than An'er. He shot a few arrows, and soon found the feeling, and almost hit the arrow. An'er couldn't help sighing, how incompetent she was in archery...

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