Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 221: Domineering Eagle Leaf

    Thanks to Star Official 1969 and Lovely Xi Li for their rewards, and thank you for the full score of the steamed mandarin fish's pink color and the moonlight like Huashang.



    An'er was still hesitating, but Yingye didn't trust her, so she took time to take a look. Seeing a few people stalemate, after asking about the situation, without saying a word, he carried An'er on his shoulders, turned around and left, saying to Ming and Da'er: "Go, I will support you all on a raft to cross the river. Ming, You follow along and take good care of An'er, she must have suffered a lot in the cave these days..."

    An'er was stunned for a moment, and then she thought of struggling: "Put me down, let me down!"

    Seeing Yingye, doing her own way, she still carried her to the small pier. She rolled her eyes and used a bitter plan: "Oh, be careful of my stomach. Ye, you squeezed into my stomach. baby!"

    Ying Ye heard the words, copied his hands, changed from carrying it to the bride's hug, and walked forward with great strides, regardless of An'er's angry shouting. Ming and Da'er looked at each other and hurriedly took a few steps to follow.

    A Tu, who just came out of the cave, came here excitedly with a full of underground river fish in both hands. Seeing this posture, his expression instantly became stunned: "This... which one are you playing? Yingye, where are you taking An'er?"

    Only then did An'er realize that the busy clansmen around were staring at them with curiosity, and changed the subject slightly embarrassedly: "A Tu, where have you been? Your mother has been looking for you for a long time! "

    A Tu had a smile on his face. Showing off to her, he waved the transparent fish tied with a straw rope in his hand, and said, "Don't you like to eat this kind of fish? I went deep into the cave early this morning and caught several in the underground river. When I think about it, I find that you are all gone! Also, An'er, you actually abandoned me and ran out first, so I'm still thinking about making up for you!"

    Looking at A Tu's aggrieved look of "abandoned woman", An'er's cheeks twitched. But still very moved. Since the day she discovered the transparent fish, Atu found out that she liked to eat, so he ignored the darkness and roughness of the cave every day, and spent most of the day catching some fish for her to eat. Even if the tribesmen went into the depths of the cave in batches to catch fish, he did not lie in the hands of others and insisted on catching them himself.

    Because I reunited with Ying Ye Da'er today, I was so excited that I forgot about this young man. Just before coming out. When A Cai was looking for her son everywhere, she never thought that the boy was catching fish for her.

    Da Er curiously leaned over and looked at the crystal-transparent underground river fish. He was shocked and said: "Wow! It really has no eyes! This fish. It looks like it was carved from the crystal collected by Ann, and even the bones and internal organs can be seen! It's so strange! Ah Tu, are these fish for An? Then I will accept them for her!"

    The little guy is really welcome, and happily takes the fish from Ah Tu. Ah Tu caught a dozen or so transparent fish, which he originally planned to eat together, with a total of more than 30 catties. Dal struggled to lift it up. He handed Ming a few more pieces and asked him to help him carry them. He said happily: "Xiao Xue'er is still in Hucheng, let her steam it for us at that time!"

    A Tu looked at his empty hand and opened his mouth. In the end, he only asked, "Brother Ye, where are you going to take An'er?"

    Da Er hurriedly replied: "The house at home can't be lived in. Hushan Patriarch invited An to live in Hucheng for a few days. It's still snowing now, it would be cold without Kang An!"

    A Tu also nodded in agreement, and said, "It's fine to stay for a few days! I have seen all the way, and the houses of the tribe have been seriously damaged, and it is snowing, which makes it more difficult to repair. However, you go to the tiger. What about saber-toothed tigers and mammoths?"

    Ann frowned. Saber-toothed tigers are fine, they can hunt on their own without anyone worrying about them. When the two mammoths were in the cave, they ate a lot of sweet potatoes and cabbage that they had brought over. The fodder in the cave was tense, and the horses and oxen had lost a lot of weight from hunger, but they had never been short of Dameng and Xiaomeng's food.

    Now, all the forage stored in the tribe has been burned, and the grass for horses and cattle needs to be cut across the river. The clansmen are busy repairing the city walls and houses, and no one will serve them.

      Right? These days, the little mammoth has learned a lot of survival skills from the big mammoth, and should be able to adapt to life in the wild."

    Da Er heard the words, threw away the transparent fish in his hand, and threw down the little mammoth that rolled up the fallen tree with its nose not far away, and shouted: "Don't! The wolves in the grassland are so fierce, There are also many tribes that hunt mammoths for a living. If Xiaomeng is driven away, it will die! An, don't send it away, I will be responsible for mowing grass and feeding it and the lambs in the future, Xiaomeng will not drag everyone down !"

    Da'er's lamb was also brought with him when he crossed the river to the Hu Clan. At this time, he was nibbling on the forage in the sheep pen of the Hushan Clan head. However, the food intake of lambs, compared with that of mammoths, is the stomach of birds. The fodder that a mammoth consumes every day is nothing before a fire. However, now the grass and trees around the tribe have been burned to ashes, and the closest person who wants to mow the grass is on the other side of the river. Although Daer is capable, after all, he is only a six-year-old child. He can't support the pole to cross the river, and cut grass to feed the mammoths. It's just a good idea.

    An'er gritted her teeth and shook her head: "I have already decided, Da'er, Xiaomeng is very powerful, and fights with saber-toothed tigers every day, don't underestimate it! Maybe in the coming year, Xiaomeng will I can find my daughter-in-law and come back to see us with the baby... Ah Tu, this task will be handed over to you, you must help Xiaomeng find a place with fertile water and grass..."

    The baby mammoth was delivered from her hands, and they have been with her for more than a year. An'er saw that it was unstable from the road, and now it has become a majestic and mighty mammoth , her feelings for it are similar to her own children. However, she also knows that the child has grown up. It is necessary to have its own world, only imprison it by oneself, it can never become a beast!

      She blinked away the tears in her eyes, buried her face in Yingye's chest, and said sullenly, "Let's go! You can't see my words. It will leave without concern..."

    An Er and his party came to the small pier, and suddenly a gust of wind came over. Looking back, the saber-toothed tiger Xiaomiao flew over from the back mountain with an unknown prey in its mouth. Father Tiger followed behind him, his head downcast, and at a glance he knew that he had returned empty-handed.

    The back mountain was also burnt bare. I don't know where this guy hunted the little beast. Xiao Xiao saw An'er. Pidianpidian leaned forward, put down the prey in his mouth, and stretched his head over to be petted.

    Anner on its huge head. Gently patted. He was hugged by Ying Ye and jumped onto the bamboo raft. A layer of ice had formed on the Biqing River, perhaps because the third snow had just begun, the ice was not thick, and he could not remember the weight of a person.

    Saber-toothed tiger cat saw that everyone got on the bamboo raft, and it was a little afraid of water, and walked around anxiously on the shore. From time to time, he called out to An'er twice.

    Send An'er to Ah Tu on the shore, seeing this: "Xiao Miao is reluctant to part with you, anyway, it can hunt by itself, so let it follow you to the tiger clan? You sit on the bamboo raft. No, I'll hold them up!"

    Then. Not allowing An'er to say anything else, she jumped onto another bamboo raft. He turned back and waved his hand towards the saber-toothed tiger and said, "Come on, Xiao Miao, I'll take you to the other side of the river!"

    Xiao Miao hesitated for a moment, then overcame the fear in her heart and jumped up. Father Tiger lowered his head and picked up the prey dropped by Xiao Miao, and followed without hesitation.

    Hushan Patriarch also jumped on An'er's bamboo raft and took a wooden stick to break the ice in front. An'er, Ming, and Da'er sat in the middle, with Yingye propped up at the end of the raft. When Ah Tu saw this, he was dumbfounded. His skills were not enough to keep up with the bamboo raft. Who would help him knock the ice in front of him?

    Seeing that another bamboo raft had set off, the little saber-toothed tiger walked back and forth on the raft in a hurry. Later, this smart guy found the crux of the problem, sat in front of the raft, and hit the ice hard with his thick whip-like tail. The two-finger-thick ice shattered into pieces under its tail.

    "Little cat, great!" Ah Tu got out of his depression instantly and lit up a mouth of white teeth. Xiao Xiao kept swinging her stout tail proudly, acting as an icebreaker along the way.

    Arrived on the other side of the river, stepping on the thick gray snow, half an hour later, An'er had already seen the "Tiger City" which she carved on wood chips and stained red with animal blood. " lettering. That majestic tower is a match for the Atayal tribe. Unfortunately, Atayal's city gate has been burned beyond recognition.

    "Wow! Saber-toothed tiger! Saber-toothed tiger attacked the city! Alert! Alert! Hurry up and sound the horn to notify the clansmen to come for reinforcements!" Closed gates. The tiger clansmen who were in charge of guarding on the city tower shouted in panic. Immediately afterwards, a dull and distant sound of bull horns came out.

    The Hushan Patriarch explained with some embarrassment: "A few days ago, the beasts that were driven to the grassland by the forest fire attacked the city gate. The warriors are vigilant. The boys guarding the door today are all warriors who have just grown up in their clan. They have never been to Taiya, and they have never seen two saber-toothed tigers..."

    An'er smiled and shook her head: "It's better to be vigilant. After the forest fire goes out, I'm afraid that the beasts that used to live in the forest will gradually return. They have lost their living space. It may attack the surrounding tribes and form a beast tide. Brother Hushan, we must be careful recently!"


    Recommend my friend Hou Qiyao's "Silly Girl Farming" - silly girl loves to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and all the best relatives cry father and mother.

    Silly girl has the best spiritual spring, and she uses it to make money while maintaining her health. By the way, I accidentally created a reputation as the iron lady of the mall.


    Silly girl, why don't you wash your hands?

    —This hand is precious, and today I touched the small buttocks of a very handsome man.

    Silly girl... The tiger's **** can't be touched. Now you are miserable.

    Stupid girl sees a certain man's gloomy white teeth grinding, ... this is really miserable!

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