Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 224: The legendary chest attack?

    Today, I am very dizzy, it is estimated that the cervical spine is guilty...

    Thanks for the reward


    After eating the fragrant dumplings, An'er stretched out her belly that seemed to be round again, lying on the warm kang, burping contentedly.

    Compared to the few days in the cave, the days when I lived in a red brick house and lay on the heated kang was called a real life. In the cold and damp cave, although there are thick bear skins, although there are little cats as pillows during the day, and men warm the bed at night, the hard and icy stones will still stifle people when they lie down. How can there be a warm kang with thick animal skins now so comfortable? The fly in the ointment is that Abu is not by her side.

    An'er took Da'er, who was huddled in the kang, as quiet as a cat, into her arms, and wrapped the two of them tightly with a snow bear skin. Listening to the whistling of the wind outside the house and the rustling of falling snow, the snow at night seems to be getting bigger again. I wonder what happened to the clansmen who stayed in the snow at night? Will it freeze? Her men must give the best to others, but they wronged themselves.

    She turned over and heard Ming who was laying on the floor outside standing up. Ming is also true, the east wing has already burned the ondol, and has to live in the outside room that is almost as cold as the cave, saying that she is worried about her and can take care of her nearby. She's doing fine, she's not about to give birth, she doesn't need anyone to take care of her at all.

    Just as he was thinking, Ming's head stuck in, and through the faint snow light, he saw An'er's wide-open eyes and asked, "Can't sleep? Thirsty or not, do you want to? Drink of water?"

    An'er shook her head and said: "I'm not thirsty, if I want to drink water, I can go to the kitchen to get it myself. You've been tired all day, hurry up and go to bed. It's not cold outside. It's cold, do you want to come in and sleep?"

    Ming's fair and handsome face, a touch of pink, his forehead began to sweat, stammered: "No... No. It's much better than being in a cave, you... you should go to bed earlier. !"

    An'er looked at the silent and gentle boy and hurriedly backed out. He smiled silently. What a shy boy. Last winter, in order to take in the peach, the Lulu tribesmen did not sleep on the kang with him. However, there was Abu and Da'er in the middle at that time, and this shy boy was only huddled in the corner of the kang.

    She thought about it for a while, then called out to the outside: "Ming, don't you want to take care of me nearby? Come in and lay a floor next to the kang. The inner room is much warmer than the outer room, so you are not afraid. You are fast asleep, what do I need, I can't wake you up."

    It was quiet for a moment outside. Only then did I hear Xi Xi Susuo's voice again. Soon, the thin boy. He came in blushing, and silently spread the straw and animal skins beside the kang, near the stove. Then he lay down and covered his head with the hide.

    An'er smiled again, perhaps with familiar family members around her, she was a little nervous and worried. gradually eased down. Soon, accompanied by the sound of the wind and snow outside the house, I fell asleep...

    Inscribed under the skin of the animal, his eyes widened, and a wave of excitement surged on his face. He and An'er are sleeping alone together! (Uh, Daer's little friend was automatically blocked) Her breathing sounded like the cry of a lark, and he seemed to be able to feel her body temperature (you think too much. That's the heat of the kang). It would be great if I could sleep with her forever (sleeping in the same room)!

    My brother said that his happiness is to be fought for by himself, should he take the initiative to fight for it? What if she refuses? How embarrassing would it be to live under the same roof in the future and not look up to see you?

    However, more and more people are showing her goodwill. If he doesn't show it again, I am afraid that the position of the third man beside her will be taken by A Tu! That guy, he's been going to An'er's side all the time recently. When she was in the cave, she helped her catch fish every day. Her man was by her side, and she didn't know how to avoid suspicion at all. He was angry in his eyes, and he didn't know how his brother could endure it.

    An'er too, just let the other party be courteous, there is no meaning to refuse. Could it be that she is also interested in Ah Tu, who is not good-looking and is not tall?

    Alas! An'er treats herself as if she has always been a younger brother. Although she treats him well on weekdays, she treats many people well. He didn't want to just be her brother, he wanted to be the man who silently guarded her by her side.

    Although, his physique is not as majestic as his brother and Yingye, nor does he have a strong arm to protect her. However, he is unmatched by others, and is famous for the medical skills of dozens of tribes around him. After knowing that she was pregnant, he has been learning about the care and cooking of pregnant women and mothers, and has also studied the precautions for delivery. Although he is thin, he is not useless. He is confident that he can take better care of her. This is something no one else can give!

    Ever since he studied medicine, Ming has become more and more confident, and has completely shaken off his previous image of shrinking and inferiority. His position in the tribe is second only to the patriarch and the great witch.

    However, in front of An'er, he was still the pure and dazed boy, full of all kinds of insecurities.

    Sighed silently, listening to the even breathing sound not far away, he couldn't fall asleep for a long time. In the middle of the night, he heard the sound of An'er turning over and hurriedly sat up to look over, and found that she had turned over several times, sat up in a daze, rubbed her eyes, and groped to get down.

    Ming put his voice softly, afraid of disturbing her, and asked, "What do you want? Sit down and I'll get it for you?"

    Although his voice was very soft, in the quiet night, in the dark room, a voice suddenly came, which still shocked An'er, and the sleepy insects were startled. Left: "You... why are you here?"

    Ming's mouth moved, and he thought, "Didn't you insist on letting me in?" How come you don't recognize people? Hearing that An'er patted her forehead again, she said, "By the way, it's cold outside. I let you in. Haha, I'm dizzy!"

    "Drinking water? Still want something to eat? Don't come down, I'll get it for you!" Ming saw her fumbling with her feet to find shoes, fetching flint, and knocking hard several times , lit the torch, and asked with concern.

    An'er's face turned red and her voice was like a mosquito humming: "I...I don't want to take anything, I...I want to go to the toilet..."

    When eating dumplings at night, she drank an extra bowl of dumpling soup. Pregnant women already have symptoms of frequent urination, so... Ming is only his uncle after all. Telling him that he wants to shush is really a bit Excuse me.

    "Toilet? Oops, I forgot to ask Patriarch Hushan how far is the nearby toilet, and in which direction. Do you want to shush, or hmm? If you shush, just at the door If you want to hmmm... in the yard, I'll help you deal with it tomorrow morning!" Ming thought very thoughtfully, although the women in the tribe are pampered like treasures, but willing to help women deal with excrement, also Can't really find a few.

    Alas! This handsome young man will definitely be a good man in the future. I don't know which woman has such a blessing!

    It was too cold outside, so An'er put on a cotton coat and a thick animal skin before leaving the warm kang with nostalgia. Ming held a torch in one hand and supported her in the other. Opening the door, a gust of cold wind rushed towards her. An'er fought a cold war, her teeth chattering.

    "That... if you just shush, you'll be in the room. If you go out like this, I'm afraid you'll get sick!" Ming hurriedly closed the door and came up with a bad idea.

    An'er glared at him, urinating in the house, so angry, how could she live in the future? What's more, it was lent to them to live in, and it will be Hutian's new house in the future. Is it just such a waste?

      Ming was afraid that the snow would slip, so he hurriedly walked a few steps and supported An'er tightly.

    An'er braved the wind and snow to come to the small vegetable garden in the courtyard. Ming's little face was particularly vivid in the torches. Seeing An'er looking over, he blinked a few times, looked at her suspiciously, and said, "I'll light it up for you, hurry up and shush!"

    "You're watching here, why am I peeing?" An'er asked angrily. This kid really doesn't understand the style, she can't hold it anymore, and she's still chirping.

      ,I do not watch!"

    An'er gritted her teeth secretly, thinking: You can't see, can't you hear? Let a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old boy listen to her pee, she really can't do it. However, this guy seems to be determined and does not intend to leave. She... she couldn't hold back.

    The third year in the world is the most urgent, she can't take much care of it, she pulls down her pants, and squatting down to solve the physiological problem.

    In the wind and snow, this discordant sound is so obvious. An'er felt her face hot, she quickly pulled up her cotton pants, without even tying her belt, she hurried into the house.

    "Slow down, you are inconvenient, be careful to slip!" Ming closely followed after a few steps, shouting in his mouth.

    What's more annoying than a crow? Crow mouth! An'er walked too hastily and didn't pay attention to her feet, and inadvertently, she lost the cup...

    Seeing her belly down, Ming fell heavily towards the ground. He threw the torch in his hand and rushed forward, his arms wrapped around An'er's body in time.

    However, An'er fell too fast, and her body was heavy (you are heavy, but the whole family is heavy), and Ming was taken by her and fell into the snow.

    Ming used herself as a meat pad, for fear that she would fall down on him and squeeze the baby in her stomach, so she stretched her arm and pushed it towards An Er...

    Huh, huh, huh? God horse Dongdong, soft, fleshy? Does it feel good?

    When he landed on his back, pushed his hands on An'er's chest, made her toes on the ground, and his upper body was suspended above his body, did he see his hands, actually grasping the other party accurately of the chest.

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