Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 226: ice wall



    "Come, come, come! Drink some hot porridge to warm up, it's the third snow, why is it still so cold? A little water outside will immediately freeze into ice, I'm afraid of this The jar of hot vegetable porridge has become cold when you bring it in! Boy, why don't you drink a bowl too, come over from Taiya early in the morning, and your whole body is not hot, right?"

    Hu Niu walked in, holding a pot of steaming vegetable porridge with an attractive aroma. Yingxue followed, carrying a white steamed bun wrapped in white cotton in her arms.

    Atu took off his smelly shoes and sat cross-legged on the hot kang. An'er blocked her nose with her fingers in disgust, and said, "Stinky boy, how many days have you not washed your feet? You stink to death, put on your shoes quickly, and get me down there and sit down!"

    A Tu said with a smile on her face: "An'er, don't be like this! I'm braving the wind and snow to run all the way, it's easy! Just let me come up and warm up! Does it smell bad? Why didn't I think? Didn't I wash my feet for seven or eight days? After living in a cave for so many days, do you think everyone is like you and can have a special clay pot to boil water to wash their feet?"

    An'er choked on his words, opened her mouth, but had no reason to refute him. Indeed, when they were in the cave, more than 400 warriors, with only a few jars, could drink hot porridge every two days. In addition to her, the special clay pot can cook porridge and soup three times a day, and you can also boil some hot water and use the stone basin that Abu helped her to make for her feet.

    After coming out of the cave, Atu sent the saber-toothed tiger Xiaomiao, and went back with Yingye, how could there be any chance to wash his face and feet? He glanced at his shoes again, the soles were already very thin, and the uppers were fluffed. And it's too dirty to see any other color. The fire came so suddenly, the warriors of the tribe were walking to salvage food and coal, and everything in the house was burned. Where are the replacement boots?

    Thinking about his own man, he is probably the same as Ah Tu. It's so sloppy. Coupled with the rush to repair walls and houses, shoes and clothes will wear out. It seems that it is necessary to mobilize the women in the clan to help the Atayal warriors make clothes and shoes.

    Yingxue saw that An'er sighed deeply, thinking that Ah Tu had made her angry. Xiao Xue'er is a frequent visitor to An'er's house, so she naturally knows that she is a person who loves cleanliness very much, so she said, "Brother Ah Tu, there is hot water in the kitchen, let me make a basin of bubble feet for you. And your shoes. It's too heavy. I just helped my brother make a pair of wool boots. Your feet are about the same size. You can wear them first!"

    Seeing that everyone was pinching their noses and showing disgust, Ah Tu jumped off the kang, put on his boots, and said, "Xiao Xueer is really capable, that guy Yinghuo has lost his **** luck. Now, there is actually a good girl like you. It seems that I have to make my fathers work hard, so that my mother can help me give birth to a good sister who has good cooking skills and can make shoes! "

    Everyone in the room was amused by him, and An'er laughed. Said: "Even if Ah Cai can give birth to a sister for you this year, it will take seventy or eighty years to make shoes for you to wear. If you have that skill, why don't you find a capable woman? In our tribe, are there any Younger sister. I mean so much to you! Do you want my sister to match you?"

    A Tu's face changed immediately, if it were someone else, he would have rushed back, but it was An Er who said this. Alas, no matter how capable you are, who in the clan can compare to you, An'er! You're fine, just accept me?

    These words, Ah Tu could only repeat them a few times in his heart, but he didn't dare to take the risk of saying them out, he was afraid that if An'er didn't accept him, he would ignore him in the future. That guy Ming, who lives under the same roof with her, doesn't have all his thoughts in his heart, doesn't he dare to say it?

    He pretended to cough twice, put on an arrogant look, and said: "With the best marksman in my tribe, do you still need someone else to lead you? Tell you, I just don't like it. Yes, or I'll get it sooner! You eat first, don't get cold. I'll go to the kitchen and soak my feet hard, which will affect your appetite!"

    Hu Niu helped everyone with the porridge, took out the pickled radish and spicy cabbage from her own house, sat down politely and took a steamed bun to eat. The level of Yingxue steamed buns really can't be said. She has learned it a few times, but no one's steamed it softly.

    She took a bite of the steamed bun, took a dried radish, chewed it crunchly, and said, "This young man named Atu is very interesting. He runs here more often than your man, Look at the patriarch man in your family, he doesn't ask you about your affairs when he is busy. Alas! The same is true for mine. If something happens in the tribe, I won't see others for several days. No way, who calls them the patriarch? What? A tribe is on their shoulders!"

    An Er was drinking the refreshing vegetable porridge gently, this taste must be made by Xiao Xue Er. With Hu Niu's carefree temper, it is impossible to boil the porridge so densely. She smiled and said: "Yeah, the tribe has done such a big thing, and it's all pointing at the men to support it. A Tu, like my younger brother, has a lively temperament and loves to be funny, it's very interesting! He has fast legs, Abu He likes to tell him to do anything. In a few years, he will definitely be elected as the elder of the tribe!"

    Hu Niu laughed and said: "The elders of your tribe are neither old nor old, they are a group of young and strong guys. This is also good, young people dare to dare to fight, the future of your tribe will be The development definitely surpasses the surrounding tribes."

    Just joking, breakfast just passed. Atu Hulu Hulu drank two large bowls of hot porridge, and ate three large steamed buns. Before leaving, he stuffed a few into his arms. The wicker basket was instantly empty.

    An'er laughed and coughed, thinking that luckily he didn't have only two stuffed, and said, "If you want to eat steamed buns, let Xiaoxue use a basket to help you pack a few more, as for how to put them in your arms? Are your clothes clean? How can you eat steamed buns?"

    A Tu smiled and said: "Anyway, I eat it myself, and I don't think I'm dirty. Pack it in a basket? Go out and immediately turn into an ice bun, and it will collapse if you bite your teeth. I keep it like this, Warm it with body temperature, and when I get hungry at work, I will eat one to replenish my stamina!"

    The hot steamed buns turn into ice lumps as soon as they go out? Just now Hu Niu also said that the water immediately turned into ice when splashed on the ground. An Er thought, since the weather is so cold, it is better to use this feature to repair the broken city wall!

    "A-Tu, wait a minute!" An'er stopped the young man who was in a hurry to rush back, thought for a moment, and said, "You ask Abu to try water instead of mud to bond bricks to bricks. the gap between..."


    An'er glared at him and said, "Listen to me! You can build up the bricks first, then pour water on them, and pour more layers... If they all collapse, you need a large area When the city wall is rebuilt, use a bone knife to cut ice bricks in the Biqing River, and use ice to deal with it..."

    Seeing that A Tu was still confused, she sighed - genius is really lonely. She put on the snow bear skin, got off the kang, walked out the door, turned back to the confused Ah Tu, and said, "Follow up, I'll show you how!"

    In one corner of the yard, there was a pile of bricks left over from building the house, and An'er noticed it as soon as she arrived. She came to the pile of bricks and bent down to push aside the snow pile to remove the red bricks. Seeing this, Ah Tu hurriedly stepped forward and stopped her: "I just stand and move my lips, I can do it!"

    He moved out more than 20 bricks, and An'er said it was okay, and he stopped immediately.

    "You stack these bricks in the order you normally build the wall." Ah Tu immediately followed suit, but the bricks became unstable when the base was not high.

    An'er immediately instructed Hu Niu and Xiaoxue: "You two go to the kitchen and get all the rest of the hot water!" After listening to her instructions, the two turned around and entered the kitchen.

    Soon, the two of them came out with a pot of hot water, Hu Niu said: "The water is not very hot, do you want to reheat it?"

     pour the water on it, pour it on both sides, and pour it evenly!"

    The steaming water was poured on the bricks, and almost immediately a layer of ice formed. An'er didn't stop, Hu Niu and Yingxue were just like that, when Atu built up a little, they poured a layer of water on top. As the brick wall got higher and higher, the outer layer of the bricks below was covered with a thick layer of ice. At the beginning, the hot water flowed to the ground, and the wall was almost integrated with the ground, and it could not be pushed down even if pushed hard.

    A Tu was overjoyed, so as long as you boil more hot water, it will avoid the situation where the hot water freezes into ice and cannot be used when stirring the clay. He thought for a while, and said, "An'er, when you say using ice cubes, do you also use this method to water it?"

    An'er nodded and said, "Yes! The wall built by this method can only be used when the spring is warm. However, you can use this method first to build the city wall. In the future, you will live in In the tribe, it is much safer."

    An'er's inspiration came from before crossing, I saw on the picture in the 21st century, an ice sculpture exhibition in a certain city, a person built a lifelike Great Wall with ice Can stand people!

    Atu left happily. He walked in such a hurry that he even forgot to take the steamed buns he had taken.

    Two days later, there was news from Taiya that the city wall had been repaired. The clansmen who are on duty on the watchtower see wild beasts wandering around the city every night, and some even want to climb the city wall and enter the tribe to conduct sneak attacks.

    Unfortunately, the city walls are covered with a thick layer of ice, which can be described as slippery. Those beasts slid down from the city wall again and again, and after failing n times, they could only give up the "prey" on the city wall and left in despair. The herd is also wise and will not do useless work!

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