Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 228: Refugees in the snow

    Thanks to the lovely Yuri and Natsu Igniel for the tip. Today's second update is coming...


    In three or five days, the Atayal tribe has taken in more than 800 refugees, most of whom are survivors of the nearby forest tribes and grassland tribes. There are also those who came from the other side of the forest after a long journey. These people all have a common feature, that is, the face is yellow, the muscles are thin, and there is no long thing.

    The third snow did not seem to stop, and the amount of snow was almost comparable to the second snow. How can these primitive people, most of whom only cover their bodies in animal skins, survive the severe cold in the wind and snow?

    When An Er brought the Atayal women, carrying large pottery pots, to the refuge. It was found that it was even worse than the ordinary people's settlement in the ground base in the early days of the end of the world.

    Snowflakes were flying in the sky, and in the thick snow, groups of primitive people hugged each other and kept stomping their feet to keep warm. The cold and hungry little baby was carried by its mother in her arms, crying feebly. The little child who lost his parents, his face flushed from the cold, and he was so hungry that he had no strength, but kept running. Because, as soon as they stop, their body heat will be lost, and they are likely to freeze to death in this snowy night...

    An'er's eyes were slightly hot, and there were sparkles in her eyes. Da'er looked at a child about the same size as him, found a place to shelter from the wind at the base of the wall, and sat down tremblingly. Perhaps because he was too hungry, he held a handful of gray snow with his red and swollen hands, and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

    Da'er rushed up, knocked off the snow in his hand, and said loudly: "Don't eat it! This snow is contaminated by volcanic ash, you can't eat it! If you eat it, you will get sick, and if it is serious, you will die. of!"

    The boy who was five or six years old, but was half a head shorter by Dar, looked up blankly. The boy who was wearing thick cotton underwear and a precious snow wolf skin coat outside had a glimmer of envy in his eyes, but soon lowered his head again.

    His body was covered with dirty and torn animal skins, and he was wrapped in a blood-stained, blood-stained, large animal skins coat. Only the head and upper body of the dead man were left. His mother, who did not escape from the forest fire. Dad was lucky to escape from the fire on his back, but was killed in the beast swarm. Pulled by a kind-hearted clan, he desperately escaped, only to face the threat of hunger and cold.

    The few people in the tribe say that Atayal is a tribe blessed by the gods. With the protection of tall and strong city walls and divine tools in hand, those terrifying herds of beasts must have no way to deal with them. So they traveled long distances to seek refuge.

    The hardships along the way, he finally persevered to the destination. When seeing that tall city wall and grand gate. He could hardly believe his eyes. Such a building should only exist in the sky, right? On that wall, there were still people walking back and forth, and through the wind and snow, they could vaguely see strange weapons in their hands. That was the legendary artifact that no prey could escape a hundred steps away, right?

    What a powerful tribe, they were obviously right next to the forest, but when the fire came, they did not choose to flee, nor were they burned by the forest fire. After the gate opened, the Atayal warriors came out. His clothes were neat and tidy, his face was red, and he was more energetic than the warriors of their tribe before the disaster.

    This is a powerful tribe blessed by the Protoss, and he really wants to be one of them. But... he looked at the hundreds of people gathered outside the door, and his heart was full of worry - with so many people, can the Atayal tribe take care of them? What will they do? Won't drive them away?

    Fortunately, a tall and mighty young man came out riding a tall black prairie wind beast. He ordered the Atayal warriors on the tower to open the gate and let them in. They were placed in designated locations before dark. That tall young man, everyone else called him the patriarch. Such a young patriarch. It was this young patriarch who created the Atayal myth...

    However, to his disappointment, he did not see the legendary red brick house. The young patriarch said that due to the large number of people, Ataya could only save them from the danger of the beast tide and provide them with a meal. Others, Taiya has just suffered a disaster, and there is no more spare energy to help them.

    He and his people are already grateful. If Taiya does not open the city gate, I am afraid that all these people will most likely be attacked by the beasts tonight or tomorrow night and become the belly of the hungry beasts.

    Snow, still falling. He is so cold, looking at the children who are held by their mothers or Baba, he is so envious! His parents also held him in their arms when they slept during the second snow. Their arms were so warm and warm that he was reluctant to leave. But…

    He sniffed, moved away from the clan, came to a corner, and squatted against the wall. The tall city wall blocked the whistling northwest wind... However, the thick layer of ice on the wall made him not dare to stick his back firmly. It would be great if there was a bowl of hot soup to drink at this time!

    His stomach growled non-stop, he covered his shriveled belly, his cracked mouth moved, and he reached out to hold a pile of snow from the ground, trying to moisten his throat...

    Suddenly, a young but energetic voice stopped him: "Don't eat it! The snow is polluted by volcanic ash, you will get sick if you eat it..."

    Many years later, when he became his loyal follower, he still clearly remembered the not tall figure standing in front of him, the sincerity and concern on his face...

    Dal saw the little boy holding the snow and stared at him blankly, thinking he was hungry and stupid, so he stepped forward and patted the snow in his hand, and pointed to the river flowing toward the Biqing River not far away. The cold spring came out with water and said, "If you are thirsty, you can drink the water there. However, you must also remove the snow on the top, and use a bone knife to chisel the top layer of ice. The water below is flowing, and it contains There are relatively few toxic substances, and Ann said it can be cited!"

    An'er walked to Da'er's side, patted his shoulder lightly, pointed at the little boy who was about to freeze, and said, "We are going to cook soon, do you want to come? help?"

    Help? Cooking must have a fire. If he goes to help, he can get close to the fire to warm himself up. The little boy nodded stiffly, struggling for a long time to stand up. It was Daer who kindly gave him a hand, and he managed to stand up.

    After standing firm, he glanced at the snow wolf fur coat on Da'er's body, took two steps back, and said in a low voice: "Thank...Thank you, don't stain your clothes, I... Sorry!"

    Da'er smiled brightly, and said boldly: "If it's dirty, it's dirty! Don't you just wear clothes? Go, help me make a fire! Tonight, I, Xiao Xue'er and An'er , I have to take charge of a big pottery pot, boil a pot of thick meat porridge, and roast a big wild bear!"

    Porridge? Bear meat? ? The little boy secretly swallowed his saliva, his stomach growling louder. Darer, who was holding his hand, heard it too, looked back at his stomach, and carefully took out a piece of steamed bun left over from lunch.

    Because there is a rule in their house, no leftovers are allowed. At noon, he didn't finish a steamed bun, so he hid it in his arms for fear of being discovered by his father. Unexpectedly, this time it came into use.

    "This steamed bun was kept at noon because I was afraid that I would be hungry in the afternoon. If you don't dislike it, take it and eat it! After a while, the meat porridge is boiled and can't be eaten. An and Xiaoxue's cooking skills are the best in the whole clan, if you miss it, it's your loss!"

    Steamed bread? Could it be the food made by the Atayal tribe with flour? At the end of autumn, a team of Atayal horses once passed through their tribe. His father, also the tribe's patriarch, exchanged a few pockets of flour and rice. That night he was given a piece of bread, which tasted really good!

    The little boy raised his eyes and glanced at Da'er, his eyes were fixed on the half of the steamed bun, and he kept swallowing, but did not reach out to take it. The kind-hearted clansman who saved him, at some point, came behind him, pushed him gently, and urged in a low voice, "Wozi, you are stupid! This is food, so don't hurry up and take it. We've been together for a while. I haven't had a bite to eat."

    When Da'er saw the people around him, they all stared at the half-sized steamed bun in his hand, which was about the size of his fist. of. Ann once said that a good warrior must have strict self-control, otherwise he will never become No.1.

    This little boy looks smaller than himself, but has such self-control, he will definitely become a leader in the tribe in the future. Such a person must be firmly grasped in his hand before he becomes a talent. This is called emotional investment, talent cultivation...

    Da Er put the steamed bun in the hand of the little boy, took his hand and walked towards the stove that had been set up, while introducing himself to him with a smile: "My name is Da Er , you will be six years old after winter, how about you?"


    The little boy clenched the steamed bun tightly in his hand and was silent, Daer didn't rush him, just looked back at him quietly. Finally, the little boy said, "My name is Tuwa, I am six years old... I will be seven years old in the beginning of spring."

    "Tuwa? Hehe, there is a marksman in our tribe. His name is similar to yours, and he also has a local character. I'll leave it to you to add firewood to the fire, and I'll bring some more charcoal!" Da'er is very capable of leadership. After arranging the work for the younger brother he just received, he carried a small backpack and placed it not far away. charcoal place to walk.

    An'er watched the snow fall endlessly. Except for a very few of these refugees, they made a simple tent with their own animal skins, and they all drenched their heads in the snow. Down one night, I am afraid that many people will freeze to death! She didn't want these people to escape from the fire and the beast tide, but died in the wind and snow...

    She called Little Cher over and whispered a few words. The little girl Yingxue ran towards the tribe...

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