Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 230: Dar's buddy

    Thanks to Star Official 1969 for the reward, and the pink ticket I gave in my heart.

    Today I am looking for pink!


    When darkness enveloped the entire sky, the refugees began to collect their own food as a tribe. An'er and Xiao Xue'er were in charge of the food for the sixty-six people in the Xingxing tribe where Tuwa was located.

    More than 60 people, children in front, women in the middle, men and old people in the back, lined up in two long queues to receive their food in an orderly manner. At the other places where the food was served, the teams also lined up, but some of them were not from a tribe, and were just a little messy. However, there was no scramble for crowding.

    The amount of food allotted to everyone in the camp is about the same. They are about two kilograms of barbecued meat and a bowl of thick meat porridge. The utensils for the meat porridge are bamboos with thick mouths. The bamboo tubes are sawn from the middle, and the porridge is filled with about two catties.

    The refugees, who were worried about the lack of food, showed joy on their faces after receiving the food. After eating these hot food, a small appetite will definitely be full, and a large appetite will be 80% full. If they were treated like this every day, they would definitely survive this winter.

    Didn't the Atayal chief say it? Participate in the hunt, and prey distribution! In this way, it can also guarantee two meals a day in the past, and the poorer tribes, at the best time, do not have this treatment!

    In the hearts of many refugees, the idea of ​​staying in Atayal and becoming a member of Atayal arose. In their opinion, people like them who have not decided whether to join or not have such treatment, those Atayal people. It must be better and more moisturizing than them.

    Those who planned to join Atayal early in the morning thought they should perform better during this time, lest so many people request to join at the same time, they will be rejected. Primitive people with such a mind. Most are retail investors whose tribes no longer exist, and there are also survivors of small tribes who have lost their patriarchs.

    Many people have the same idea. In the future, the Atayal tribe will reduce a lot of trivial matters in the placement of refugees. And when something happens. Most asylum seekers participate enthusiastically, offering to help…

    Atayal always rewards those who help. Let’s just say that the cooks selected this time, everyone received an extra piece of barbecued meat, and when they helped to clean the clay pot for cooking porridge, they were able to scrape out a lot of residual porridge with their hands!

    At the camp, the well-fed refugees, together with the Atayal warriors, made a stand. Weaving straw curtains. Busy busy. Because they are helping themselves. The stomach is full again, and the whole body is full of strength. Before midnight, each room was erected with bamboo. The straw curtains were densely surrounded by a thick layer of thatched grass sheds. It's all set up.

    The snow in the grass shed has been cleared, and a thick layer of thatch has been spread on the ground. Fifty or sixty people were crowded into each hut, and two fires rose at the door of the hut. Although there is still wind in the gap, it is a hundred times better than being drenched in the snow with your head open!

    After more than ten days of fear, they finally have a safe place for them to sleep peacefully. There were night watchmen who took turns looking after the fire, and soon everyone was huddled together and fell asleep.

    After dividing the barbecue and meat porridge, An'er felt a little tired, so she asked Xiao Xue'er and Da'er to help her back. The task of taking care of the aftermath was handed over to Ding Ding, who was quick-witted.

     It's a meal!" Ding Ding dragged Tuwa over, not allowing him to refuse, scraped the residual porridge into the bowl in his hand, and said:

    "An'er's craftsmanship is really good. After eating barbecue for more than 20 years, she never knew that meat could be roasted so deliciously. And this meat porridge, what do you use to cook it? , how can it be so fragrant?" As she said that, she swallowed her saliva with an exaggerated expression on her face.

    Tuwa shoved the bamboo bowl in her hand and said, "You can keep this half bowl of porridge and eat it. I'm small and my appetite is small, so An'er will give it to us separately. The reward is enough for me to eat tomorrow!"

    Ding Ding glared at him, put the bamboo bowl back in again, and said, "Go go! Don't get in the way, I still have to clean the pot! An'er said, after cleaning the pot, let I'll help them take the clay pot back to the village. Tuwa, do you want to come with me? Let's go and see what the red brick house looks like, is it comfortable to live in..."

    Tuwa carefully stuffed the piece of barbecue into the innermost part of the clothes, then found another place, hid the porridge bowl, ran to Ding Ding, and said: "I'll help you brush it !"

    "You are so small that a clay pot can fit you in it. Do you still want to wash the pot? Wait a few years before you grow up?" For Ding Ding, it was nothing at all. She divided the four pots by three, five, and two, and then waved like a Tuwa, motioning him to follow her to the village. An'er said that as long as she put things in the square in front of the cave, someone would remind her where to put them.

    Although Tuwa was very tired, she was very excited. After walking for five or six miles, she didn't feel tired. The Atayal people in other groups who were cooking all packed up their things and brought them back. Seeing two complete strangers entering the village with a backpack full of clay pots, he cast a curious glance at them.

    Tuwa grabbed the corner of Ding Ding's clothes, after all, she was only a child under seven years old, and in an unfamiliar environment, she would still be a little timid. Under the guidance of the Atayal people, they soon came to the square in front of the cave that An'er said, a handsome boy of sixteen or seventeen, beckoning to them: "Come on, I'll wait for you! See there. Is the warehouse out of here? Put the jar in it, and you can go back..."

    "Tuwa! Tuwa!" Da'er ran over from a distance and shouted the name of Tuwa.

    The boy who greeted them raised his eyebrows, stared at Tuwa and said, "You are Tuwa? You are too skinny, what is Tuwa called? Change it, let An'er be tomorrow. Give you a new name!"

    Tuwa, his dead father helped him get it. He was frail when he was a child. He was not the patriarch at that time. After giving him such a name, he never got sick again. . Mom said that a cheap name is good to support...

    The little guy didn't care about his fear, he stood up and shook his head resolutely: "No! I don't want to change my name! My name is Tuwa, so why do you want me to change my name?"

    "Hey! You little bastard, if you want to change it, you can change it, so much nonsense, be careful of me..." The boy raised his right hand.

    Tuwa closed her eyes in fright, Ding Ding hurriedly hugged him behind her, and accompanies her smiling face in a good voice.

    "A Tu! You bully the newcomer, be careful I tell Aunt A Cai and let her spank you!" Da'er had already run to Tuwa's side, took his little hand and pointed at A Tu made a grimace.

    A Tu gave him a childish grimace and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, you treat me as you, if you make a mistake, you will spank! Brother is already an adult, and my mother will no longer Hit me!"

    Lord Da'er said, "Tuwa is a friend I just met, if you dare to bully him, I will tell Ann that you are bullying the small and force others to change their names. In the future, you can't think of my house for food!"

    "Don't, don't! I didn't see the little guy was cute, so I made a joke with him! Haha, ha... We are very destined for the little guy, and there is a 'soil' in the name" A Tulai Going to the little boy's side, he rubbed his somewhat clumped hair affectionately, rubbed his back and rubbed his body, hehe laughed dryly.

    Da'er held Tuwa's little hand and said, "Tuwa, are you full? Under the stove at home, there are sweet potatoes I baked. Let's dig them out and eat them together? Are you curious about what the red brick house looks like? There is a warm Kang? Don't go back tonight, I will sleep with the hot Kang..."

    "But..." Tuwa was aroused, biting her lip and looking at Ding Ding.

    Ding Ding already knew that Da'er was the son of the Atayal patriarch. He had a high prestige among the tribe's children, and he took good care of the Tuwa, so he gave him the Tuwa with confidence, saying: "Go ahead, we don't know when the grass hut in our clan will be ready. You are weak since you were young... Since Da'er invited you to be a guest at his house, let's go... What will the red brick house look like tomorrow? What does it feel like to live on the kang? Tell me in detail, so that I can also satisfy my cravings!" If you can get along with the son of the patriarch, Tuwa won't be bullied in the future, right?

    Tuwa watched Ding Ding go to the warehouse and looked back at Da'er. While cooking, he and Dar have become good friends who talk about everything. The world of children is so simple, and when they meet, they open their arms.

     I can give you the clothes you want to wear. However, our family has finished tanning a few pieces of leather, let An help you to make a new set, and I will wear mine for the time being today..." Da'er took Tuwa's small hand, On the way home. In the thick snow, there are two rows of small footprints...

    That night, Tuwa will never forget that night. Even after a few years, he himself was assigned a house made of red bricks and blue tiles. In his memory, the night with snowflakes still remained...

    On the way, I saw tall and neat red brick houses, although many of them left burn marks, they still left a deep impression on this ignorant child. He silently exclaimed in his heart: After all, a tribe blessed by gods can actually build such a majestic house!

    "This is it! The triangular roof that used to be a layer of thatched above the gate was very beautiful and grand, but unfortunately it was burned by the fire. And these walls. There are some collapsed over there. , wait for the spring to be repaired..."

    Da Er's voice was not finished, when suddenly a low tiger roar, a huge colorful tiger rushed out from the side. She was so frightened that there was no color on the face of the Tuwa, and she let out a harsh scream. While screaming, he did not forget to pull Darr behind him. This made Da'er more determined to become a confidant with him.


    Recommend your friend You Feiya's new work "Snatch the Shu", ISBN: 3045968 One-sentence introduction: The black-bellied police flower, the second change!

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