Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 234: not in the camp

    Thank you for the reward ^^ and the pink ticket.

    Today’s second update is for pink…

    For four more!

    Snow Fairy 01's (Yamada Love of Crossing) Introduction: Divide your family to get rich and go to a well-off society. If you like farming culture, you can go and see it!


    At this time, a few twelve or thirteen-year-old boys came to the front of the four teams, holding horses full of steamed buns and bamboo baskets. The white steamed buns, although they have lost their heat in the wind and snow, shone with an incomparably attractive luster.

    The team that had gradually calmed down began to riot again. There are even stronger men in the back, pushing away the old and weak women and children in front, increasing their chances of getting food.

    Peach took these cold eyes in her heart, picked up the strong crossbow hanging from her waist, and shot a crossbow at the guys who kept pushing and pushed a child to the ground. The crossbow arrow swept across the calves of those people and sank into the snowdrift.

    The guys were startled by the pain in their calves, and looked down to see that there was a long wound on their leg, and blood beads were oozing out. Raising her terrified face, she found that the tall and fit woman was holding a black and black artifact and aimed it at her head.

    "You, you, and you! Today's dinner has been canceled! In our Atayal, we must remember one sentence - all actions follow orders! If you want to make any small actions, it is not just deducting dinner It's that simple!" Taozi walked to the little girl who was knocked to the ground and whimpered, took out a steamed bun from her arms, stuffed it into her hands, and helped the little guy wipe away the tears.

    The little guy got the buns and didn't put them in his mouth. Instead, he ran to the side of an injured man, broke the bun in half, and delivered the large piece to the man's hands, with a milky voice: "Puba, eat, eat! Wow! There's meat in it! "

    The little guy looks like three or four years old at most, but he already knows how to take care of his injured dad. Taozi looked at the cute little guy with a smile on her lips, and felt a little regretful in her heart: if her child hadn't shed. Will it be so kind in the future?

    The little girl's face was a little pale, lying in the thatched pile, covered with dirty animal skins. The wound has been treated by Taiya's witch doctor, Ming, yesterday, and the ointment is applied, although the injury is a little serious. but not life-threatening.

    The man raised his hand and patted the little girl's head lightly, and said with a smile: "Baba lay down and didn't move, not hungry at all! Eat it yourself. If you eat it cold, your stomach will hurt. !"

      It's very yummy! It's delicious on the outside, and the meat on the inside is delicious too!

    The man pointed to a woman who was queuing in the snowstorm and said, "Send it to mom, I'm really not hungry!"

    "Well, you can get the steamed buns in a while, you can eat it with Tutu, and the wound won't hurt! Tutu's wound is healed, and you can go out to hunt. You'll get the meat!" Although Yanyan was young, she saw the first Atayal hunting team that went out to hunt. Infinite awe rose in my heart, and I hoped that Baba could also become one of them.

    The man smiled and carefully placed the half of the bun in the haystack beside him. It is not often encountered that food can be distributed in the morning. If the Atayal tribe has no work to do for them, breakfast is not provided. He and his woman can survive when the child is hungry. Will be listless, he looked distressed. Hide and save the little guy to eat when he's hungry.

    "Baba, why don't you eat it? It's delicious! It's better than meat!" Black claws, with a few gray marks, look very cute.

    The man wiped the black ashes off the little guy's face and said with a smile: "Baba was too full last night, and I'm not hungry now, eat when I'm hungry! It's delicious! just eat more..."


    Peach looked at this warm moment, and her heart that had been irritated by a few guys jumping in the queue just now gradually calmed down. The scenes in the snowstorm full of family and friendship made her feel that it was not a wrong decision for Taiya to take in these refugees.

    The number of people was counted. Originally, there were fifty-two mothers of the little girl. Taozi specially ordered two more people per team. These two hundred and eight people happily lined up, and one by one, they took a big steamed bun from the hands of the teenagers. Although it is already cold, such a big steamed bun can make a person with a moderate appetite half full!

    Many people devoured the steamed buns after they received them. I have to work later, I don't eat anything, I am afraid that I will not have the strength to resist. If there is an impression of "not working hard" in the eyes of Atayal people, will they find someone to work next time, and it will be nothing to do with them?

    Some people eat half of it and give the other half to the injured family members. Taozi noticed that the little girl's mother only ate a small piece, and handed the other half to the little girl and asked her to take it back to the shed for Baba.

    The little girl is very happy to have another meal to eat, and the wound heals faster. In her young heart, eating more food can grow fleshy flesh, and the fleshy flesh that is pulled out is broken, and if there is something to eat, it will grow back quickly.

    Peach noticed that there were some malicious guys around the little girl holding half a steamed bun, and glared at them, warning them to be honest. The Atayal tribe has taken in more than 800 people, and there are naturally mixed good and bad, and some bullying guys have mixed in. It seems that without giving them some deterrence, they will not be safe.

    Peach said to the Boy Scouts who had finished handing out the steamed buns, and said, "Send some Boy Scouts to patrol the refugee camp. If there are guys who bully the weak or rob other people's belongings, don't talk nonsense with them. Just drive them out. If there are any who refuse to obey the discipline and make trouble, you are allowed to shoot them on the spot!"

    Her voice did not lower, and it reached the ears of everyone in the camp through the wind and snow. The young and middle-aged people in those clans all go out to hunt and work, and only the old, the weak, the sick and the young are left. With this sentence, there is an extra layer of protection. The little girl Yanyan and her Baba looked at this female captain who was even stronger than a strong warrior with grateful eyes.

    Yanyan murmured to Baba: "Baba, I will be like her in the future, become a very powerful woman, so that others will be afraid when they see me!"

    "It's not fear, it's awe! I heard that Atayal also has female marksmen, Yanyan wants to cheer!" The man smiled and encouraged his daughter.

    "Well, um! I want to become one of the best female shooters in the tribe, to participate in hunting, to protect the tribe... But, Baba, will the Atayal tribe agree to join us?" Yanyan's eyes were full of worry . Although Baba hunting is very powerful, but he lay down and couldn't move when he was injured. Well, neither she nor she could join the hunting team. Can Taiya take in such a family?

    The man joked: "Yes! With you, the future female shooter, Ataya will definitely agree to take us in!"

    He has noticed that although there are seven or eight hundred people in Taiya, half of them are women and underage children. From this point of view, the Atayal tribe will not reject women and children. After the winter passes, when the camp decides to stay or stay, his injury can be healed. He believes that with his own strength, Ataya will not look down on him. After all, if the strength is slightly weaker, they will not escape the forest fire with women and children and come to Atayal alive.

    Yanyan's mother waved to her man and daughter with the basket on her back, followed behind Taozi and walked towards the city gate. Finding charcoal that can be used as fuel is also directly related to the interests of refugee camps. A fire for heating at night requires charcoal; for dinner in the evening, charcoal is also needed. Everyone wants to leave a good impression in front of the Atayal people, work hard, and naturally work hard.

    An'er rode on Xiao Miao's body, contacted the women of each family in the tribe, and steamed buns at home together. The snow in the village is almost one meter deep at the deepest part, making it very inconvenient to walk.

    The weather was so cold, she felt that the people in the refugee camp were very pitiful, so she thought of doing more work for them, so that they could get more food in disguise. So she decided to mobilize some of the remaining people to clear the snow in the village. If you have enough time, clear out a path leading to the city gate.


    So, An'er, who couldn't rest, braved the cold, contacted all the women in the tribe, steamed a lot of steamed buns, stuffed with pork cabbage or mutton cabbage, and also had wolf meat tiger Meat... Anything that can be chopped into minced meat is wrapped in buns.

    An'er rode a little cat all the way to the refugee camp. Xiao Miao hasn't been so close to An'er for a long time. It carries An'er and jumps and runs in the snow, making a low roar of excitement from time to time.

    In the refugee camp now, apart from the wounded and young children, there are idlers who have not received work. They lie in the haystacks and occasionally talk to each other.

    "Listen! What's the sound?" The strong man who pushed down Yanyan spat out the grass stem in his mouth and asked in a little panic.

    Others also listened carefully, and saw the word "frightened" in each other's eyes.

    "Okay...I think it's a tiger's roar..." A person trembled.

    "Don't... don't scare yourself... How can there be tigers in the Atayal tribe? Say... Maybe it came from outside." The other person swallowed hard and stammered to comfort himself on.

    Yanyan's father, also aware of the danger of being mixed in the wind and snow, called his daughter who was playing in the shed and guarded him tightly. His eyes looked around alertly. If it weren't for the pale complexion and the wound on his chest, he would definitely be an excellent hunter...


    Xi Zhen's freshly finished article: "Ancient Martial Arts Female Agent" - Reverse the city with magical ancient martial arts, the Anbu Battalion commander transferred to work as an agent, and finally achieved both career and love success. Xi Zhen's freshly concluded article: "Ancient Martial Arts Female Agent" - Reverse the city with magical ancient martial arts, the Anbu Battalion commander transferred to work as an agent, and finally achieved both career and love success.

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