Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 238: conspiracy

    "The hunting team is back! The hunting team is back!" Through the snow fluttering in the sky, a group of people shadowed in the wind and snow, and everyone seemed to be carrying their prey on their shoulders. The person who saw it first couldn't help screaming.

    An'er went up to meet her. The first team to come back was a team of 200 people led by Yingye in the fourth team. Looking towards the back of the team, they had gained a lot, and almost no one was empty-handed. However, the prey they hunt is relatively simple, mostly snow wolves with huge body and plump fur.

    The refugees in the camp cheered louder, because they all knew that the snow wolf was the most ferocious and cunning among so many wolf species. Most of them live in groups and in large numbers, making it extremely difficult to hunt.

    The Atayal tribe is indeed a race blessed by the gods. When encountering a snow wolf group of two or three hundred heads, even a large hunting party with thousands of people can only flee in a hurry. You see, there are only more than 400 people, half of them are refugees with simple weapons such as stone spears, bamboo spears, etc., but they can wipe out the entire snow wolf group.

    The taste of snow wolf meat is similar to that of dog meat, but it is slightly drier and harder than dog meat. It can be made into jerky as dry food and snacks. However, An'er has a method for cooking snow wolf meat, which is similar to beef, both crispy and chewy. The most precious is the snow wolf skin, which is an excellent thermal insulation material. In the Atayal tribe, only a few leaders and some well-behaved clansmen have coats made of snow wolf skins.

    An'er found that on Yingye's arm, there was a wound scratched by the snow wolf, which had stopped bleeding, but the **** appearance looked very scary.

    "Are you injured?" An'er frowned slightly and asked with concern.

    "It's alright, a little injury. It looks scary, but it's not deep!" Yingye gave her a look of indifference, and waved his hand at her, indicating that no bones were injured.

    A Tu from Yingye's first team stared angrily at a refugee in the hunting team, and said angrily, "If he hadn't rescued that guy, Ye wouldn't have been hurt at all! Coward, coward! When you see the snow wolves, you know to turn your head and run! If he hadn't taken the lead in running, it wouldn't have attracted the attention of the snow wolves so easily... I should just ignore him and let him be eaten by the snow wolves!"

    An'er glanced at a thin boy in the hunting team who was wearing tattered clothes and seemed to be about the same age as Ah Tu, stopped Ah Tu from complaining, saying: "He is still young, and this is the first time to hunt with Ataya. It's excusable for the team to go out. Since Ye's arm is fine, stop blaming."

    She turned to the guilt-ridden young man and said, "If you don't understand anything in the future, remember to follow orders in all actions. Don't make arbitrary decisions..."

    The boy bowed deeply to An'er and Yingye, and said: "Today is my fault, so many hunters in the team were injured, today... today's distribution, I won't participate, so it's a punishment for my cowardice!"

    An'er's smile flashed like a spring breeze: "Which excellent hunter did not grow up from a rookie who doesn't understand anything? Everyone may make mistakes, but the point is not Punishment, but remember this lesson, and don't repeat it again! You are also injured, let Ming help you bandage it, and go get the meal! Everyone has worked hard for a day, go eat something first, and participate in the distribution later. I Make the decision, the bravest one, whether it is a refugee or a Taiya warrior, can get a snow wolf skin as a reward!"

    When the hunting warriors heard this, they burst into cheers. Especially the few asylum-seekers who were wearing thin clothes were particularly outstanding today, and one of them even saved Ah Tu. Even though there was a fire for heating at night, there was air leaking everywhere in the hut, and it was unusually cold. If there is a snow wolf skin, the long snowy night will not be so difficult!

    "What's the matter, so happy?" Abu returned with another hunting team, and the team gained a lot, and everyone's faces were beaming. There are few injured people in their team, but there are many kinds of prey. Many of them are large beasts. They even hunted a cave lion. It seems that they have encountered a beast tide.

    The refugees in the camp were speechless. The horror of the beast tide is not that they have not experienced it. All kinds of beasts gathered together, and corpses were scattered everywhere. Many of their clansmen died in the beast tide, leaving only the remains of bones. The Atayal tribe's hunting team of 200 people wiped out a wave of beasts. What a terrifying fighting force.

    The hunting team led by Luo and Sea Shark returned almost at the same time. Luo's team was fine. Although the prey they caught was not that many, all the team members had to come back in full tail.

      There were ten people, and all of them were injured, especially the refugees who participated in the hunting. There were at least a dozen seriously wounded people with missing arms and legs, covered in blood, which was really appalling.

    Abu and An'er looked at the sea shark with a nonchalant expression and asked, "Why is this? Didn't I tell you that if you encounter a large beast tide, you should avoid it first, safety first? ?"

    "Hi! Don't mention it! My luck is relatively unfortunate. At the beginning, it was just a small wave of beasts. When we were fighting happily, the smell of blood not only attracted There was a wave of beasts, and a few giant eagles came to join in the fun. I was reluctant to hunt the prey, but in the end it became food for other beasts. A giant eagle is so difficult to deal with, and it has killed dozens of our clansmen..." The leadership style of the sea shark is a very strong one. After all, he was the head of the clan!

    An Er took a long sigh and said: "The seriously wounded, take them to Ming to treat their wounds, and take them back to the village to recuperate. Don't be reckless in the future. should be respected..."

    Sea Shark scratched his head and laughed a few times.

    The hunters who participated in the hunt, except for the seriously wounded, all quickly received meals, and then gathered on the square in front of the Atayal tribe cave, waiting to receive the prey assigned today.

    In general, today's harvest is still very good, everyone has received 20 pounds of prey, for those refugees, this 20 pounds of prey is enough for them to eat two or three Oh my god. For those who showed bravery, who made outstanding contributions to hunting, and the dozen or so seriously wounded, they were all assigned a snow wolf skin as a reward.

    The assignment will be disqualified for sea sharks who have made serious miscommands during the hunt. For those who were unfavorable in combat and timid behind their teammates, their prey was halved, and they were disqualified from participating in hunting for five consecutive days.

    This clear distribution strategy of rewards and punishments has obviously been well received by everyone. These refugees used to be in the tribe, regardless of their performance, they were all distributed equally. Over the long term, it naturally dissuaded some people from their enthusiasm. In Atayal, there are rewards for good performance, and punishment for bad performance, which greatly improves everyone's enthusiasm. In the subsequent hunting, I never saw the phenomenon of the prey retreating and running behind the Atayal warriors to seek protection.

    At night, An'er lay in Abu's arms, the two of them clasped their hands together and placed them on her bulging belly. Abu said strangely: "Huh? Why is the little guy so honest today? Didn't he say hello to his father?"

    The fetal movement has been significantly reduced these days, and An'er is also a little nervous. Later, in the medical book on the laptop, she read the knowledge about the pregnancy and knew that in the middle and late pregnancy period, the fetal movement As the body grows up, the range of activities in such a small place is reduced, and it becomes more and more lazy to move. Therefore, she is already six months old, but the fetal movement has not been more than four months.

    Abu listened to An'er's words and was completely relieved. An'er told Abu about the fact that she had taken in the escape team of more than 100 people today. And she carefully explained to her man the guy in the team that she thought was a little strange: "That guy looks very strange, although he is hunched over and looks timid and cowardly, he gives me a ruthless feeling... Abu, do you think it's because of pregnancy that makes me suspicious? Besides, I always feel that the guy is familiar, and the tribe he mentioned has really never intersected with me. Do you think that guy is lying? "

    Abu frowned and said, "I also find it suspicious when you say that. Think about it, since the grasslands have also suffered disasters, the beast tide is not limited to the forest. Around. Those tribes that have no connection with us or are hostile, if they are forced to live, what will they do when they see our strong city walls? "

    "Of course they will envy us and want to take this strong city as their own. With our current defenses and weapons, their frontal attack will definitely not be good, and they will come up with crooked ideas. And we kept taking in refugees from other tribes. If I were those guys with ulterior motives, I would definitely try to mix in them. Atayal tribe..." An'er made a "kill" gesture with a vicious expression.

    Abu scratched her little nose and said: "Win it in one fell swoop? You are vegetarians when you are our Atayal warriors? Are all of our bows and crossbows just for viewing? Hmph? Don't worry, I will arrange it to keep people watching the group of refugees of unknown origin. If they really have dissent, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

     "That's right! Treat your enemies as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, and treat your friends as warm as a spring breeze!" An'er raised her small fist and waved it hard!

    "Hehe, you! You talk about it one by one. After thinking about it carefully, it really tastes like that!" Abu bit her upturned little nose and said with a smile .

    An'er bit back without showing weakness, looked at the teeth marks on her man's nose with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "What does it mean to have such a little taste, is it very good?"

    "Oh? What's the smell? The smell? The smell? The smell of your stinky feet?"

    "Your feet stink, I wash them every day, okay? You smell it, it smells good... Hey, you are a dog! Why are you biting my feet..."

    "I bite, you bite back! Not only will I bite your feet, I will bite..."

    "You... um..."

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