Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 242: count up

    Thanks for the reward ^^, lovely Xi Li, please be pink!


    The night is late! The lights in the room did not go out. Inside the house, it was lonely. An'er sat quietly on the kang, lifted a corner of the animal skin curtain, and looked into the yard.

    In the hazy darkness, there is a faint sound, which penetrates the silence of the night and flows into the room through the window wall. Milky white snowflakes scatter on the silver-white ground, creating a vast white world.

    The snow at this time was silent, and surrounded by the night, it was quiet and elegant. Endless snowflakes fell from the sky, and the snow on the ground was thickly piled up into white sponges.

    An'er sighed deeply, this is destined to be a restless night, I'm afraid this pure white snow will be covered with dazzling blood tonight. Her men, in this quiet snowy night, will lead the warriors of the whole clan to fight to protect the clan.

    There is no worry in her heart, only sadness. Fighting and slaughter are everywhere. Before the time of crossing, there is no conflict between right and wrong. After crossing, they are both prehistoric human beings, but they plot against each other and kill each other... However, she is not afraid of killing and protects the people and things she cares about, as long as she goes beyond her bottom line. , you must suffer the consequences you deserve!

    Wolf! A wolf-like race, a beast-like tribe. Last winter, I had paid the price of blood for my stupidity and greed, and finally had to give up my territory and wandered deep in the prairie. For a whole year, this tribe had a notorious reputation on the grasslands, living by invading weak tribes, killing their clansmen, robbing their prey, and even feeding on people, being vicious and brutal.

    I didn't expect this tribe to remember to eat or fight, and to provoke the Atayal tribe again. The Atayal tribe is no longer the small tribe with only 100 members from last year. More than the norm for a medium-sized tribe, and honed after a year. After a year of enrichment, even if thousands of people attacked at the same time, they were not afraid, and the custody made them come and go.

    When Patriarch Abu returned from hunting, he had already verified the identity of Scarraface. I didn't realize that he was so skinny. The guy who was hunched all day turned out to be Langyan, who was showing off his might in the Wild Wolf Tribe a year ago. At that time, he was strong and sturdy, and his momentum was even more different.

    An'er also finally thought of where she had seen him. That time, when she and the tribe crossed the wild wolf tribe to dig salt, on the way back, they met the wild wolf tribe hunting mammoths. Rescued a dying female elephant. The female elephant was on the verge of giving birth, and An Er personally helped it deliver the baby and brought the baby mammoth home to feed. At that time, they only had a team of ten people. The team of more than 30 people led by Langyan was destroyed, but this guy escaped. Just looking at it from such a distance, there has been such a big change in more than a year. No wonder An'er thought about it for a long time, but she didn't know who this guy was.

    And last winter, the wild wolf tribe besieged Atayal with ten times the strength, but the Atayal tribe, only the old, weak, women and children, wiped out nearly half of the warriors and fled in despair . Didn't get half a cent!

    Unexpectedly, after a year, the wild wolf clan did not give up, and wanted to come and take a bite on the big fat of the Atayal tribe. It's a pity that this piece of fat is just bone spurs. If you can't eat it, it will make your head bleed.

    However, this time the wolf clan has grown. He actually came up with the opportunity to take advantage of the Atayal tribe to take in a large number of refugees, let people mix inside, and then cooperate with the inside and the outside to take the opportunity to win Atayal in one fell swoop. The guy at Wolf Rock even came up with the idea of ​​inciting negative emotions in the refugee camp and creating chaos to confuse the public. Gee! These savage guys know how to use their brains!

    However, you have your plan, and I have mine. Tonight, it's time for you wild wolves to suffer the consequences!

    An'er's mouth curled into a cruel smile. Although she was a scientific researcher before crossing, she was well protected, and she was pure and kind, but she also knew that being kind to the enemy was cruel to herself. Wild wolves, she is not going to tolerate them jumping around anymore.

    The snow outside was falling slowly, just what she wanted. Taking advantage of the cover of this snowy night, I will do whatever I want. Please enter the urn, close the door and beat the dog, and surround and destroy it in one fell swoop... Ruoya, you didn't talk about the thirty-six strategies in vain in front of me... An'er closed her eyes gently and fell into the memory of the past.

      If you look closely, you will see that his back is hunched and his feet staggered. When you get closer, the hideous scar on the man's face is unforgettable at a glance.

    "Hahaha... Snow, you should go bigger! God, you should be colder! Let those guys who guard the city gate hide in the house and sleep with the stove to death. Atayal tribe, your death is coming tonight!" Lang Yan's expression became even more ferocious, and a ray of madness flashed in his eyes.

    He has already investigated, the Atayal tribe relies on the strong city gate and city wall, and only two gatekeepers are left at night. Because after closing the city gate at night, few dangers come, and over time the gatekeepers relax their vigilance. And at this time, it was the time when the defense was the most slack, as long as he opened the city gate and let the people in. Taking advantage of the cover of the snowy night, he touched the place where the Atayal people lived, and he was caught off guard.

    Hey! As long as Atayal is captured, those refugees will be useless. At that time, the wild wolves are the masters of this paradise, and the refugees in the camp need their shelter! Those children and old people are kept in captivity as food reserves, as for those men! Those who are willing to surrender sincerely will be used as cannon fodder to lure wild beasts, and the stinky stones that are unwilling to be left behind will be kicked out and left to fend for themselves.

    He Langyan played such a big role in this operation, can he at least be an elder or a deputy chief? Langhui, what ability do you have to take the position of the patriarch? When I stabilize my position in the clan, I will definitely not make you feel better. The position of the patriarch is mine! It's my wolf rock!

    Wolf Rock laughed again, and in the quiet snowy night, it was creepy.

    "Damn! Is he the deaf and blind man when we Atayal warriors? He went to the city gate so blatantly and laughed so loudly! If he hadn't fought with the brother who guarded the gate Greetings, I'm afraid the horn has already been blown!" A Tu, dressed in white cotton cloth, stuck his head out of the snowdrift with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

    Beside him lies Assan, who is wearing a sheepskin jacket and a snow fox hat on his head. He rubbed his frozen hands and said impatiently, "This guy is walking really slowly. It's been almost an hour since he walked from the camp to the city gate, and he's still grinding there. This guy thinks that Taiya is already their bag. Is it something in the middle?"

    "Shh! Be quiet, don't scare away the big fish of the wolf clan..." A Tu glanced at the clansmen in ambush beside him, clenched the strong crossbow in his hand, ready to use his gods The advantage of the shooter, and then make military exploits!

    Langyan, who was unaware of this, had come to the gate of the city. He quietly climbed up the city tower and looked inside. As expected, the two gatekeepers had already fallen asleep leaning against each other.

    He was about to turn around when he saw a horn hanging on the neck of a guy who guarded the door. After thinking about it, he slipped in, stretched out his hand and carefully picked the horn hanging from the other side. Get this guy, even if these two idiots wake up and find out, they won't be able to report. hey-hey! The old paper is too smart.

    He took the horn and was about to take it off the other's neck. Suddenly, the gatekeeper moved, making him tremble with fright, and quickly let go of the horn, lying on the ground like a toad seeking cover.

    The warrior who guarded the door just raised his hand and scratched his nose, then lowered his hand, and the snoring sounded again. Langyan had a false alarm, and his nervous heart slowly relaxed. He took off the horn lightly, and walked out of the tower lightly again. When he went out, he stumbled on his foot and almost fell into a dog's shit.

      I can wake up. I thought I was doing it flawlessly, shit! I can't even pretend!"

    "This guy wants to destroy our Atayal too? It's really ants shaking the tree, it's ridiculous - hey! Brother, I used this idiom right?"

    "How do I remember that it was the mayfly shaking the tree?"

    "What kind of oyster?

    "There are too many ants, and the elephants are killed! Some trees were devoured by ants, and fell down when the wind blew. Wouldn't this shake? Don't tamper with idioms!"


    Well, these two guys don't take the wolf clan too seriously. At such a moment, they are arguing about idioms and not idioms!

    Wolf Rock, who stole the horn, came to the city gate, tried her best to get rid of the latch. He hummed back the cumbersome wooden door, looked left and right, and found nothing else, so he sprang out from the crack of the door and ran quickly towards the distance.

    A dark head stuck out from the tower and looked at his distant back: "Fuck! Just leave like this? Brother, if we go down now, close the door for him, What will happen?"

    "What will happen? What will happen to him, I don't know, I only know that you will be miserable!"

    "What a horrible way?"

    "You ruined An'er's plan to catch turtles in the urn, do you think the patriarch will spare you? Maybe in spring, you will be punished for picking dung. Hahaha..."

    "Fuck you! You're picking manure! Didn't An'er say it? Those refugees in the camp are going to help us plough in the spring, when the time comes to pick manure, It's definitely not our brother's turn! Those new members of the clan must not behave..."

    The two guys retreated into the city tower. The patriarch said that they will be responsible for pretending to be dead tonight. Everything that happened in front of the city gate pretended not to be seen. The rest, leave it to the hunting warriors in ambush.

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