Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 268: warm moment

    Thanks to the Luo family's Yueyue, the pink ticket sent by the lovely Xili, thank you for the lovely Xili and the love ^^. Thanks for the full rating...



    An'er has been in this prehistoric world for two full years. In the first year, she still had the idea that maybe one day, she would wear it back again just like she came here out of nowhere.

     But as the years passed, she had Abu who cherished her like jewels, and there were so many friends and clansmen who truly relied on her and trusted her. She was disappointed that she could not go back, Gradually it was wiped out.

    Now, she has two healthy and lively children who are super coquettish and cute. If there is a chance to go back at this time and let her choose, I am afraid that she will be very confused about what to do s Choice.

    In the underground base of the last days, except for Ruoya and their family, there are very few things that can make her nostalgic. Just thinking about it, I am a little worried about my research work and the future of the base and humanity in the face of more and more mutant creatures...

    "What are you thinking? Sitting on the kang in a daze early in the morning?" After washing up, Abu sat beside her and hugged her recovered slim body. In fact, Abu still likes his little woman to be a little fatter, but these days, An'er's appetite is also good, and she eats and eats in different ways, but this little woman is still gradually thinning to her original form. Fortunately, I don't know if it's because of breastfeeding, but her **** haven't shrunk at all.

    Busty bodice. Slim waist, slender legs. Arms like jade snow... This made Abu, who had already enjoyed himself last night, react again in a certain part of his body.

    An'er noticed his change and quickly patted the small tent between his legs, watching the man grinning in pain, but he laughed heartlessly!

    "Do you want to be a widow in the future?" The key parts of men are very fragile. And at this time, little Abu was still in a state of congestion. Although An'er's strength was not great, it also hurt the man's face.

    An'er looked innocent, quietly leaned over, looked at Abu and said, "Does it hurt? I'm sorry, I didn't know you, who was always strong, was so fragile there."

    Abu took a few breaths. Forcing himself to ignore the pain between his legs, he gritted his teeth and said: "Even a tough man. Little brothers are fragile, okay? When I was a kid, I didn't have enough animal skins. When hunters go out hunting in summer, they all use them specially. A plant's shell is placed on the **** to prevent injury there when hunting!"

    An'er's little hand gently caressed his wound, and said apologetically, "Does it still hurt? Or... let me blow it for you?"

    Blow? Looking at An'er's rosy and soft mouth, she thought of it coming between her legs. Facing the high place, getting closer and closer... Abu felt that his nose was hot, and something was about to flow out.

    An'er placed in the palm of the man's legs. It was found that there was another piece of hard stuff resisting it. sweat! Didn't I just say that I was injured and the pain was unbearable? At this time, why does the swelling have a tendency to raise its head again? The resilience of men is amazing!

    An'er giggled, took her hand away, and jumped into the innermost part of the kang, so that the man couldn't reach her even if he stretched his arms. The little woman has a pink face, a bright smile, and her eyes are full of the carefree brilliance of childhood. For a moment, Abu was stunned—his little woman, who watched it thousands of times a day, didn't get bored.

    "Wow—" Xiao Nianya, who was awake for a long time, but no one paid any attention, became impatient, and used her cry like a lion's roar in Hedong to give the two men and women full of ambiguous atmosphere. woke up.

    Abu moved the fastest, picked up his little daughter, touched her little **** skillfully, and said with a smile, "Yo, our little Nianya is wet! Come on, Dad, help me change into a dry diaper..."

    As the weather gets hotter, the swaddles of the two children have been removed, and the little ones are wearing thin quilted one-piece open-crotch clothes in the house, holding cotton diapers on their butts . At this time, the baby can already distinguish the voice of the father and the mother, and the neck can move freely with the sound. If the little guys can lift their heads briefly when they are on their stomachs, like a clumsy little turtle, it is very cute.

    And the two children, when adults tease them, will smile the most brilliant, but unfortunately still can't laugh. The little guy's fingers are also very flexible, he can grab what he likes, and sometimes he sticks into his mouth and sucks.

    This month, An'er's favorite thing is to talk to the two babies, make fun, and sing to them. Although the tone of An'er's nursery rhyme was not so accurate, the two children listened carefully. If the children are crying, as long as the mother hums the song, she immediately stops crying and listens carefully. Be as well-behaved as possible.

    An'er also helped the children to make bone toys, that is, using many very smooth bone fragments, dyed with various colors of flower juice, strung into a string, in the hand Shaking and making a crisp sound to attract the children's attention.

    In the past, among the stones of various colors collected by the tribe, An'er cut out the first-class jade, the glass species with very high transparency, and the color was bright green. Although An'er doesn't understand the types of jade, she knows that this kind of jade is very precious, and wearing jade jade for a long time is good for the human body.

    When An'er was at home with her children, when she was bored, she carefully carved the jade meat she dug up with a dagger into jade pendants for rabbits and tigers, and strung a few jade beads with cotton ropes , hanging around the necks of the two little ones.

      If you don't catch her, I will cry for you to see!

    In desperation, the elder sister wore a tiger that symbolized domineering and ferociousness, while the younger brother was reluctantly wearing a rabbit that symbolized gentleness and cuteness.

    An Er also asked her father to make a wooden stroller for the children, the two children could lie side by side in it, and their mother pushed them out for a walk every day, basking in the sun and breathing fresh air. Children have formed a regular life of eating, playing and sleeping.

    Every two hours, the children are fed and diapers changed. At noon, I have to take a two-hour nap, get up in the middle of the night to eat milk, and dream of dawn. As the weather was getting hotter, An'er chose to take her children to see flowers and weeds in the wild, or go to the fields to look at the endless paddy fields or wheat fields. In the evening, I would bask in the sun in the yard and play parent-child games with my father who returned from hunting. Little days have passed, not to mention how moisturizing it is.

    "Yingye hasn't come back yet? It's been more than a month since I've been there. Could it be that there are beautiful girls in the Manman tribe who have caught the footsteps of our handsome Yingye?" At the beginning, An'er was still a little nervous, afraid that Yingye would make such demands on her.

     An'er is also like a little ostrich, sticking her head in the sand, not wanting to face the embarrassing and shy situation.

    Perhaps seeing An'er's escape, the smile on Yingye's face became less and less, and the time he stayed in the tribe became shorter and shorter. He is in charge of the foreign trade among the tribes. For more than a month, he has always been traveling with horse teams between various alliance tribes and some more distant tribes.

    Since An'er showed his interest in the hot springs of the Manman tribe, he volunteered to go to the Manman tribe, where he negotiated with the old patriarch, and marked a place for An'er to do something for him Build a yard.

      More than 100 people from the Manman tribe, led by the old patriarch, started a hard life of hunting and planting at the original site of the tribe not far under the volcano.

    Because the patriarch never came back, the old patriarch can only be regarded as the acting patriarch and has no right to establish a blood alliance with Atayal. Their planting techniques were learned when they helped Atayal. Before leaving, An'er gave them a piece of animal skin about planting knowledge, and asked them to send someone to Atayal or several other Atayal blood tribal tribes to ask if they didn't understand anything. To do this, the Atayal tribe can be considered to be benevolent and righteous.

    As for the techniques of building houses and firing red bricks and blue tiles, they cannot be taught to the non-blood tribes outside. Therefore, barbarian tribes still live in hide tents. However, they have lived in Taiya for so long, and it is not without gain. The tribesmen of the barbarian tribe dug a lot of traps around the tribe, leaving only a safe passage where the tribesmen often go in and out. In this way, if there is a beast at night, you must first pass the trap.


    The people of the Manman tribe expressed their sincere welcome to the arrival of Yingye. I heard that the goddess of Atayal took a fancy to the hot springs here, and wanted to exchange a place near the Manman tribe and build a house as a courtyard.

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