Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 340: beetle house

    Roll for pink tickets! !


    Enduring the pain, An'er gave herself an injection of anesthesia. After much effort, she connected the bones, and then let Xiaoxue help fix the splint before it was completely loosened. Take a breath. Whether in the post-apocalyptic underground base or in this prehistoric society, An'er is the subject of key protection, and she is a physique enhancer with thick skin and flesh. .

    Fortunately, the bones were handled well, and there were no other symptoms such as fever. The killed mutant beetles were carried back to the tribe by the Xia people. This big guy caused the death of one big and two young people of the Xia clan.

    Fortunately, it is a female beetle, and the eggs in her stomach have higher nutritional value than egg yolks. Each egg is about the size of an egg and is orange in color. The people of the Xia clan do not have the ability to hunt mutant insects. Naturally, they do not know the deliciousness of their meat, and of course they do not know the benefits of insect eggs.

    The weather was hot, and neither the meat nor the eggs could be preserved for a long time. An'er distributed the eggs to the injured Xia tribe and children, and only kept six of them. The worm meat is wrapped in the beetle's hard shell as hard as steel. An asked Yingye to take her dagger, carefully take out the worm meat, and let him try to keep the integrity of the beetle's shell, but she wants to point at the worm. Shells make mining tools too!

    After packing up the mutant beetles, it is almost evening. An'er looked at the sky and found that at some point in time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, obscuring the entire sky. The rest of the Xia tribe hurriedly set up tents, the warriors of Atayal. In addition to Ying Ye and A Tu, they all went to help. It's a matter of courtesy, who said that when An'er first arrived a few days ago, people also enthusiastically offered help?

    Moist wind. The soft grass on the grassland was scraped up and down, blowing away the sultry heat in the air. An'er frowned, it seemed that a heavy rain was inevitable. She looked at the sleeping children with their hands and feet curled up like little frogs on the mat, and she was a little worried—if it was a light rain, it would be fine, the rain would not flow in through the gaps in the tent, if it was a heavy rain... she Hate the chirping feeling in the tent!

    She walked out of the tent with her arms dangling, and Xiaoxue and Yingye, who were preparing dinner outside, looked over at the same time. Eagle Leaf came up. Said: "How come out? Does your arm still hurt?"

    Ann shook her head. Said: "I took painkillers. I don't feel anything yet. Let me see if there is anything that can block the rain..."

    Her gaze stayed on the relatively well-preserved beetle shell not far away. Eagle leaves to keep the shell intact. Between the beetle's stomach and back, a man-high hole was dug, and it was all hollowed out. The body of the beetle is as hard as iron on all sides, and the hardest is the pair of black wings. Although the flesh of the beetle has been hollowed out, it still maintains the integrity of the beetle.

    An'er's eyes lit up, and she had a good idea in her heart. She looked around and called A Tu, who was not far away from helping the old patriarch to set up a tent, and said, "Go! Pack out the shell and use it as a house!"

    "Insect shell? Can it be used as a house? Aren't you afraid that the meat left in it will rot. Is it smelly and smoked to death?"

    An'er glared at him and said in her heart: Look down on me, my mother has a lot of preservatives on her body! This is made by her exclusive secret recipe. After applying it, it not only has no peculiar smell, but also has a fruity fragrance!

    When she used to do research, she not only dealt with human corpses, but also some low-level half-corpses. The rancid smell of their blood can smoke people to death. Therefore, after more than half a month of experimental research, she made an antiseptic agent with fruit and floral fragrance, so that the corpse odor in the room where the corpse was stored was replaced by the fragrance of various fruits. The research on "not doing the right thing" has been well received by colleagues in the laboratory.

    An'er took Ah Tu and entered the inside of the worm shell through the "little door". The space inside is quite large, at least 20 to 30 square meters. On the inner wall of the insect shell, there is still a thin layer of insect flesh, which is very uncomfortable to look at. An'er put the dagger into A Tu's hand and gave an order: "Hang the remaining worm meat, you can use this to make soup at night."

    A Tu resignedly scraped the insect flesh, and An'er used charcoal strips to draw several window patterns of different shapes on the inner wall of the insect shell. When the heavy rain fell, she and the children had already lived in a beetle-shaped house with round, heart-shaped and apple-shaped windows on all sides, which made it feel like entering a fairy tale world.

    An'er sniffed the orange-scented air, looked up and saw Ah Tu who was soaking wet, walked in, she frowned and said, "I changed the wet clothes at the door, Clean your feet before you come in."

     Her words made the feet that raised the roots behind Ah Tu like a small tail lowered again. He picked up the snow-white cloth in front of the door, looked at his muddy feet again, hurriedly reached into the rainwater to rinse it off, and wiped his body and feet with the cloth towel with a little reluctance. Suddenly, his movements froze, looking at An'er with apologetic eyes.

    An'er followed his line of sight and looked over. It turned out that the snow-white cloth was wiped by him, and it suddenly turned into the color of a rag. She smiled, greeted her little friend, and said, "It doesn't matter, if it's dirty, let Ah Tu wash it with soap and it will be clean. Come in and sit, and dinner will be served soon!"

     Gener stuffed the dirty towel into Ah Tu's hands, ran to An'er's side and sat down, met Xiao Nianya's bright eyes in a blink of an eye, and clamped her hands at once Legs, moved to the side.

    When the beetle fell to the ground and died, the two wings were opened at first, forming a natural canopy in front of the "hut". Yingxue is cooking under that.

    Dinner is stir-fried worm meat, worm meat egg yolk soup, and a bowl of fragrant rice. Gener felt a little embarrassed at first, but when he saw Ah Tu, who also didn't belong to this family, he just ate and drank soup, so he became less cautious.

    This meal is the most delicious and unforgettable meal I have ever eaten in my life. Stir-fried worm meat that has been sauteed with garlic, the meat is tender and tender, the taste is excellent, the worm egg soup is delicious and delicious, the rice is fragrant and q, and you can eat as much as you want. When Gen'er was taken apologetically by the old patriarch, his stomach was about to explode, holding his bulging belly, he hummed.

    An'er added boiled eggs to the rice batter, pressed it into a paste with a spoon, and mixed it into the rice batter. The two little guys liked it very much and ate it happily. After they were full, they looked at Xiaoxue's hand holding the pottery bowl as if they were eating fish.

    After An Er's hand was injured, Xiao Xue sensible took care of the two children, including feeding the children complementary food. The two little babies also seemed to know that their mother's hand was injured, and they no longer pestered their mother as before. When An'er was feeding them with one hand, she just looked at her mother with bright eyes and sucked quietly. Milk.

    It rained a lot, and storms like this are not uncommon in summer. An'er hid in the insect shell, the windows on all sides were sealed with animal skins, and the inside was dry and refreshing. Lying inside, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the "roof", I gradually fell asleep.

    In the more than 20 square worm shell, there lived An'er, mother and son, Yingye, Xiaoxue, and A Tu, who was stubbornly squeezed in. There were six people in size, but they didn't feel crowded at all . It was very windy outside and the rain was urgent, but it didn't affect the people inside at all.

    Others are not as lucky as they are. This night, I don't know how many tents were blown over, and how many people huddled in the wet tents and couldn't sleep all night...

    The next morning before dawn, there was a knock on An'er's "door". The rain has not stopped outside, but it is a little smaller than last night. The one who knocked on the door was Xia Zhu, the son of the patriarch, holding a red-hot root in his hand.

    An'er looked at it, and immediately flew out of the sky: "What's wrong? It was fine last night..."

    Xia Zhu's bloodshot eyes looked at An'er with anticipation, and said, "Last night, our tent was blown over, the roots were soaked in the rain, and I was lying on the wet thatch again. I slept all night. When I opened my eyes today, he was like this, and he couldn't wake up no matter what he called. Lord Goddess, I heard that you are good at medicine. You taught the medicine of Witch Doctor Ming, please help Gener. …”

    An'er touched Gener's armpit, and the burn was not light, at least 40 degrees. This is all in a coma, and I don't know how long it has been burning. An'er asked Ah Tu to hold Gen'er in, gave him a fever-reducing needle, wiped the rain off his body, raised his head and said to the honest and humane who was hovering at the door of the insect shell: "Let the child observe for a while, the fever will subside. I'll tell you to come pick me up."

    Xia Zhu left with great gratitude. In a corner of the "room", An'er covered Gen'er with a fast animal skin and covered his body with a thin little quilt. The flush on the little guy's face gradually receded, and although he hadn't woken up yet, it wasn't so hot to the touch.

    An'er looked at the sky, asked Ah Tu to guard the feverish patient, and then ran to sleep again - rainy days, sleep days, what are you doing if you don't sleep?

    After dawn, the first thing An'er did when she woke up was to touch Gener's armpit. The fever had completely subsided, the little guy noticed An'er's movements, his eyelids moved, and he opened his eyes. An'er fed him some cold medicine again, and soon he was alive again. At breakfast, I ate five worm meat buns in one go.

    It rained for three days in a row, and An Er, whose arm was injured, was strictly restricted from going out, and had to stay in the worm-shell house with her two little babies. When she came out this time, she brought rice and white noodles, enough to eat for half a month, so she didn't need to worry about the food, but the Xia people were not so lucky.

    Chapter 287 Going Home

    Thanks to Mosquito Love Niuniu, lovely Xili for the pink tickets, thank you lovely Xili for the reward. Two more today.


    The warriors of the Xia tribe still go out early and return late every day to hunt for food in the rain. The daily harvest is not abundant, the elderly and children of the clan only eat one meal a day. Even the warriors who go out to hunt can only eat half full, and the quality of hunting has dropped a lot.

    An'er doesn't have to worry about food, but in terms of meat dishes, if you don't go hunting, you can only eat jerky. Yingye was afraid that his woman would be wronged, and every day he brought a dozen Atayal warriors, put on scorpions, and went hunting with the Xia clan's hunting team.

    In the first two days, Yingye and Atu went hunting alone. Due to the hot weather, the prey could not be kept for a long time, and they did not rely on meat as their main food. They only hunted one or two prey before calling it a day, and it only took an hour to go back and forth.

    It was An'er who heard from the root of her family's recuperation that during the rainy season, their family could only eat one meal a day, and then she came up with the idea of ​​letting Yingye help them. Gener's illness was cured the next day, but An'er made an excuse to stay and ate with them every day. The originally thin body began to gain weight.

    With the help of the Atayal warriors, the food brought back by the Xia tribe's hunting team began to increase, and some large grassland beasts were not uncommon. Occasionally, An'er's two saber-toothed tigers would bring back some unfinished prey from the territories of other tribes. As for the prey brought back by the saber-toothed tiger, although there were no wounds, An'er would generally not eat it, and it was also cheap for the Xia clan.

    During the time when she was temporarily living with the Xia clan in An'er. It was the happiest moment for the Xia people. I can eat two meals a day that is 80% full, and I also learned to use straw hoods and bamboo hats in An'er, so I can go out to collect or hunt in the rainy season without worrying about getting wet.

    The rain stopped for six full days. There was no cloud in the entire sky, and it was as blue and blue as if it had been washed with clean water. The grassland looks more green, and a breeze blows, and the grassland seems to have green waves.

    The black beetle hut looks like a unique boat in the green waves. An'er stepped out of the hut and stretched a lot. She hates the feeling of being wet when it rains, and as long as it is raining, she stays at home and does not go out. Fortunately, the streets of Atayal are paved with bluestone slabs. It dries up easily after a rain.

    Ann came out of the hut. Didn't take a few steps. The feet are advanced in the grass mixed with cement. She quickly retracted her feet, took off her shoes in disgust, and let them dry in the sun. Gener ran over with bare feet. Pointing to the horizon, he exclaimed excitedly, "Lord Goddess, look! The Immortal Bridge in the sky!"

    Xianren Bridge? God horse Dongdong? An'er stood in front of the room and looked in the direction pointed by Gener's little black finger. turns out to be a rainbow!

    A colorful rainbow spans the entire western sky, adding a charming color to the blue sky. Seeing a rainbow on the grassland is a unique experience.

    "Master Goddess, you must have walked over this fairy bridge, right? With so many beautiful colors, the place where the gods live must be beautiful!" Until the rainbow disappeared. Gen'er reluctantly withdrew his gaze and muttered to himself with longing.

    He led a freshly weaned wild goat tethered to the worm's shell, ready to herd the sheep around the tribe. This little wild sheep was killed by Ah Tu when he was hunting. The little guy stayed beside the mother sheep and didn't want to leave. He was caught alive by Ah Tu and brought back with hemp rope.

    It is rare to see live prey. Every day, I put on my little scorpion and go to cut fresh grass to feed it. One person and one sheep have gradually become familiar with it. When the sky clears, Gener can't wait to lead the lamb out to show off!

    The appearance of the little guy made her think of Da'er, when the noose looped around a lamb for the first time, he would lead the lamb wherever he went. The brothers look good. The lamb grows up, and is not willing to kill it. Fortunately, that lamb is a ewe, giving birth to one litter a day. She is now more than two years old and enjoys the treatment of "Tai Shang Huang" in their sheepfold.

    When Gener was leading the lamb, this wild and untamed wild sheep was not obedient at all. Almost fell into the muddy water! Gener kept scolding the lamb, holding on to the hemp rope tying the sheep desperately, playing a "game of tug-of-war" with the lamb. Seeing this scene through the window, An'er couldn't help laughing and bending over.

    Fortunately, after the lamb tried several "escape" actions without success, it gradually settled down and let Gener pull it. The lamb took two steps, then stopped to nibble on the grass for a while, and the root also stopped to wait for it, one person and one sheep, stopped and walked, and did not leave the insect shell house a hundred meters away for a long time.

    The children in the tribe saw the lamb in Gen'er's hand, and they all gathered around them and said greedily: "Wow! A lamb, a live lamb! It must be eaten when it is roasted. So tender!"

    As if she understood what he said, the little wild sheep that was nibbling on the grass rushed towards him and slapped the six- or seven-year-old child on the leg. Although the little wild sheep has no horns, its strength is not small. The guy was frightened, and when he stepped back, he tripped over the grass and fell on his back.

    Gen'er and the other children laughed together, and Gener pointed to him and said, "You know what to eat! How much meat can the lamb be so small? The goddess said, this lamb is fed every day. Green grass grows up in a few months. The grown lambs can give birth to lambs again. One sheep becomes two sheep, and two sheep become four sheep... As long as they are fed well, they can become a flock in a few years. Sheep! You said, if we keep a large flock of sheep in our tribe, when there is no food in winter, the tribe will not starve to death!"

    "Wow! That's great... But, where do we go to get a lamb to raise? This one seems to have been caught by a Taiya warrior, right?" The sheep's eyes were a little hot.

    Gener puffed out her small chest and said proudly: "The goddess said that when they leave, the lambs are not easy to take, and they also said they would give them to me! Look, this is not allowed. Why don't I lead the lambs out to graze! The goddess said that in autumn, a lot of grass should be cut, dried, stored, and kept for the winter to feed the sheep."

      The little girl, looking at Gener eagerly, expressed the desire in her heart!

    Gen Er nodded and said, "Okay! Let's go, let's gather some wild vegetables nearby. I'll take the lamb out, and the lamb should be full when I come back..."

    A group of children surrounded Gener, chattering away from Aner's sight. The pure happiness of the children infected An'er's mood, and she felt happy all day.

    When the midsummer sunshine evaporates the water on the grassland after the rain almost. An'er began to ask Ataya's warriors to divide the mutant beetle's shell and polish it into various digging tools. He also taught the Xia people how to collect minerals.

    When the first carload of tin ore came back, Ann began to teach them how to refine tin ore. Of course, the conditions are limited, and only the most primitive and simple earth method "blast furnace smelting" can be used.

      The wall should be thick, and a slanted hole should be left under the tin. In front of the hole is a sand pool, and tin flows into the pool. Between the front and rear walls is the furnace body, in which ore sand and charcoal are placed, and each charcoal layer is sandwiched with a layer of tin sand. Eight hundred catties of ore and five hundred catties of charcoal are loaded each time, and the mines are loaded every six hours. After the ore is loaded, the tin flows into the sand pool one after another, and the tin is taken out of the pool and poured into the sand mold. After condensation, it becomes a tin ingot.

    When the tin mines were being mined, the Atayal tribes had already shipped red bricks and charcoal one after another. Later, An'er felt that it was too much trouble, so she sought the consent of the old patriarch of the Xia clan, and simply built a brick kiln on the territory of the Xia clan. After the tin ingots are refined, the first batches are exchanged for weapons and bricks. Soon, a sturdy red brick wall was erected on the territory of the Xia clan. Two years later, the Xia people jumped from the poorest tribe in the southwest to a wealthy tribe with strong red walls and blue tiles, and brick houses that are not afraid of wind and rain. This is something!

    When the first batch of tin was extracted, An'er breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, she had been living in the Xia clan for nearly three months, the hot summer was over, and the footsteps of cool autumn were gradually approaching. She stayed in the Xia clan for a few more days, after confirming that the carefully selected workers had mastered the blast furnace tin smelting method before leaving the Xia clan.

     Gener took his half-grown lamb and reluctantly sent it away. In the past three months, Atu has caught a few lambs one after another, both male and female. I believe that this time next year, the breeding industry of the Xia clan will have a certain development.

    The old patriarch of the Xia clan, in order to appreciate the help of Ataya, also agreed to make a blood oath and become a blood alliance with Ataya. The tin ingots produced by their tribe are only traded with Ataya. The wisdom of prehistoric human beings should not be underestimated. The ancient refining methods in An'er's hands are also the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient Chinese working people. Although Ataya has mastered the method of refining bronze in the short term, there is no guarantee that other tribes will not be able to make bronze in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary to monopolize the minerals first to prevent it from happening.

    When An'er and the children returned to Atayal again, they were very warmly welcomed. Darling's little friend rushed into her arms like a locomotive, crying hard, shouting that next time you go out for so long, you must take him with you. Abu hugged An'er and the children tightly in his arms, and was reluctant to let go for a long time. Although he also transported charcoal or bricks in the middle, and met women and children several times, but he had never been separated from An'er for so long, and he dreamed that An'er came back to him in his dreams...

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