Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 296: illness

    The school just started, meeting, making various plans, writing and preparing for lessons... I am very busy.

    Thanks to the Luo family for the two pink votes per month, thank you lovely Xi Li, Zhe Lian^^, Yunsha Ruoli for the rewards, and thank you for the pink tickets that are not willing to marry the spring breeze.


    The next morning, the people of the Lime tribe woke up with the strong aroma of beef bone soup. Although last night, I ate a full meal for the first time in the past six months, it was still very hungry roast beef. The taste of the thick soup that had been simmered overnight on a low fire still made them swallow their saliva involuntarily.

    Lyle approached an Atayal warrior eagerly, added a few sticks of wood to the fire, and asked, "Is this the food this morning? It smells so good! "

    The warrior was about the same age as him, and he had a cheerful personality. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "How can you only eat bone broth in the morning? Last night's beef, there are still more than 300 catties left. If it's not enough, there are rice balls."


    The young warrior, with a smile on his back, added water to the huge bronze pot, and said, "The rice noodles we brought were ordered by the barbarian tribe last time, so we can't cook them all to eat. Brother, if I get a rice ball in a while, I will give it to you to taste!"

    "Good brother! Enough loyalty! What else do you have to do? I'll help you!" Lyle smiled until his eyes narrowed, and he walked diligently beside the young warrior.

    The rice is already cooked, the Atayal warrior. Looking at the hundreds of kilograms of beef, he laughed a few times and said: "Elder Ye said, you are weak. You are not allowed to work... But if you really want to help, go there and help. Cut the beef into thin slices and roll it in the beef bone soup. It tastes so fresh and tender! Did you see the Chinese cabbage on the back of the car? Cut a few and put them in the soup, I guarantee you have this one and think about the next meal! "

    Lyle exaggeratedly sucked in his saliva again, and said loudly: "Okay! I'll cut the beef, I promise to complete the task!"

    Several healthy Lyme people also washed their hands. around the beef. Help cut the beef slices. And An'er woke up from Yingye's warm embrace. Looking at the little head wriggling in front of his chest, he hurriedly picked up the little thing, seeing that it was his younger brother, Xiao Siruo. With a smile, he nodded his nose and said, "Our little Ruoruo woke up early. What? Hungry??"

    The child is nine months old, and his body is almost as strong as other people's children about one year old. An'er is planning to wean her sister and brother from breastfeeding, so she reduces the number of breastfeedings every day and focuses on complementary foods. So, it's a slow walk, stopping every now and then to get food for the kids.

    Xiao Siruo tore the clothes on her chest with force, but fortunately, An'er's underwear today is a pullover, or else look at his blushing face due to the force, I am afraid that the buttons have already been taken by him torn apart. An'er teased him for a while. Afraid of waking up Xiao Nianya's domineering, she opened the front of her shirt, revealing one side of her snow-white plump chest.

    Xiao Siruo couldn't wait to pounce on it, grabbed the dark pink dogwood, and sucked it hard, her little face was dissatisfied with the triumph after she succeeded.

    After feeding Xiao Siruo with milk for a while, An'er saw that her sister hadn't woken up yet, so she dressed Xiao Siruo first. On an autumn morning, the valley was filled with light mist, and the cold air made her shiver. Her shoulders suddenly warmed, and when she looked back, Yingye was putting a bearskin over her shoulders.

    An'er gave him a sweet smile, and added a thin animal skin coat to the children's jackets. Throwing Xiaosi Ruo to Da'er, she began to list the children's food. She simmered a bowl of egg custard for the children, and made a bowl of noodle soup with thick bone broth.

    The meal was almost ready, and Xiao Nianya woke up with her fleshy little hands rubbing her eyes. Darer, who was guarding her, dressed her clumsily. Xiao Siruo sat next to her with a smug smile. This little guy is still complacent because he ate a few more mouths of milk than his sister.

    "Egg, egg..." Sister and brother Xiao Nianya would simply collapse word by word. It was estimated that she had slept all night. Xiao Nizi was hungry and pointed to the wooden bowl in An'er's hand. , screamed eagerly.

    An'er patted the little meat hand that Xiao Nizi grabbed, and snorted: "Have you brushed your teeth? If you want to eat without brushing your teeth, there is no way!"

    Since two little things have grown eight teeth, An'er has been brushing the children's teeth with a soft brush every day, saying that it is necessary to develop a good habit of brushing their teeth in the morning and evening. Xiao Nianya once resisted brushing her teeth because she desperately wanted to eat, and was punished for starvation all morning. That day, the little thing cried miserably, but no matter how troubled she was, her mother just looked at her with a sullen face. Her mother didn't speak, and her fathers and brothers didn't dare to coax her, so she could make trouble.

      Since then, the two children have been tossing their little milk teeth by their mother every morning and evening, and they are incredibly well-behaved.

    Xiao Nianya opened her mouth to let her mother brush her teeth, but her eyes were fixed on the egg custard, and she gave her brother a warning look, as if to say: Be careful, if you dare to grab the egg custard, you will be beaten You are looking for teeth all over the place.

    Xiao Siruo gave her a disdainful glance and said in her heart: Humph! What's so great about egg custard, brother ate more milk than you in the morning, and now my stomach is not hungry at all, who would **** your egg custard!

    The kids always eat well. Xiao Nianya ate most of the bowl of egg custard, and then pointed at the egg custard and then her brother in a benevolent way, meaning: I have almost eaten, feed my brother. Then I happily ate a small bowl of noodles.

    And Xiao Siruo, who was half full after breastfeeding, didn't dislike her sister's dirty saliva. After eating half a bowl of egg custard, she could no longer eat noodles.

    An'er served Lacey a bowl of noodles with two frangipani in it. The little girl lived in the tent with her brother yesterday. Maybe she had not been exposed to antibiotics before. The injection that An'er gave her was very effective, and she did not have a fever in the middle of the night. That is, the inflammation in the lungs has not completely disappeared, and there is still some cough.

    Perhaps because of the medicine and a full meal yesterday, Lacey's complexion has improved a lot and her spirits have improved. The thick bone broth seeped into the noodles, coupled with the green and delicious vegetables, the little girl's appetite widened, she ate a bowl full of noodles, and drank half a bowl of soup before she stopped feeling satisfied. So full! I haven't felt this full in a long time. Thinking about yesterday, I was so hungry that my stomach cramped, and Lacey felt so happy today...

    After breakfast, An'er was going to let Assan bring five Atayal warriors to **** the Lime tribe back to Atayal city. It would take two days and two nights to go to Taiya by carriage. If the members of the Lime tribe were to rush out on their own, with their current physical condition, they would be powerless to hunt while on the road. We can't just leave them alone. To save people to the end, An'er chose six excellent hunters, including Asan, to **** them back to Atayal and ensure food supply along the way.

    An'er glanced at Lacey, who was coughing from time to time. In this age of backward medical skills, pneumonia can kill people accidentally. The Lime tribe walked back to Taiya, and it is estimated that four or five days are not enough. In the past few days, Lacey's illness has not been suppressed by drugs, and I am afraid that it will recur.

    She thought for a while and said to Ryan, "Your sister's illness has not yet recovered, I will take her with me, you should rest assured..."

    Although Lacey is very fond of An'er, she was brought up by her brother since she was a child, and she has never been separated from her brother. After the forest fire, she became more attached to Ryan. Even if her brother went to war, she would still be in the team escorting food and cooking and cooking. No matter how hard or tired, as long as she could be with her brother, she was not afraid.


    Ryan looked at An'er a little embarrassedly, and said, "Lacey has been very attached to me since she was a child, she has never left me for more than a day, I... give me some time, and I will persuade her again! "

    "Don't~~~~ I want to be with my brother. Brother, don't leave me alone..." The little girl's voice trembled, and her eyes gradually filled with water.

    Yingye, who packed up her things and waited to set off, said impatiently: "The little girl's illness cannot stop the medicine, since she is reluctant to leave her brother, let her follow him! Don't waste time, if you go on like this, when will you be able to reach the Hot Spring Villa?"

    "Cough cough...Brother, Lacey has caused you trouble again. I feel much better today, and I can eat. It doesn't matter if I don't take medicine, I'll follow you to Atayal." Lai Xi thought for a while, he didn't want to cause trouble to An'er, and the most important thing was that he didn't want to leave his brother.

    An'er shook her head and said, "Your illness is not as simple as you think. If pneumonia is not treated in time, it will be fatal. No, you must follow me, otherwise the medicine will be given to you. , it's all wasted!"

    As soon as Ryan heard that his sister would be in danger without medication, he nodded without hesitation: "Okay, I'll go with you! Wait for me a while longer, and I'll arrange the clansmen!"

    He came to the people of the Lyme tribe and told Lacey's condition again, saying: "Lacey has never left me, and I am not worried about her illness. Lemon, you If you have a stable temperament, the clansmen will leave it to you for the time being. When you arrive at the Atayal tribe, they can do whatever they want. Just follow it. Lyle, you have a better brain, and mention Lemon on the side..."

    "Patriarch, don't worry! We will not lose the face of the Lyme tribe. Sister Lacey, you can rest in peace, and when you are healed, I will catch you a rabbit..." Lai Er waved at Lacey. When the Lyme tribe was in decline, Lacey's father once caught her a little rabbit, but unfortunately she raised it to death. The little girl was very sad. Lyle often played tricks in front of her to make her laugh, and promised to help her again. She grabs one. However, before he could fulfill his promise, disaster struck. They lost their relatives, lost their homes, and later, lost their freedom...

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