Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 36: tiger father meow son

    Updated 2013-9-2019:01:46Words: 3212

    Saber-toothed tiger father and son, are there two cute things? Still in Hefei, go back tomorrow!


    In the grass when Lin An'er came, a giant saber-toothed tiger with a golden belly and blue stripes jumped out. The two long teeth exposed in its mouth made people tremble. Its left foot was slightly lame, and its huge round eyes were full of fatigue—it was the poor saber-toothed tiger that An'er encountered not long ago.

    "Little cat, come back soon! Dangerous!" Seeing the little guy who was staggering towards the saber-toothed tiger, An'er was so anxious that she didn't even care to run for her life. Open your feet and chase after it!

    "Ow—" The saber-toothed tiger was the first to discover the little cat, and it rushed towards it with a fierce look, and its roar was full of anger.

    Lin An'er was so anxious, she threw the half of the liver she had cut for Xiaomiao at the saber-toothed tiger. The saber-toothed tiger had already come to Xiao Miao, and was opening its mouth wide, trying to bite it down, but was hit on the forehead by a piece of meat full of **** smell.

    The saber-toothed tiger raised its head, only to realize that someone had broken into its territory, feeling that his authority was being challenged, he opened his mouth and let out an angry roar, shaking the surrounding leaves , all fell to the ground.

    "Little cat, come back quickly, come to my sister-" Her voice stopped abruptly. It turned out that she saw the gray-blue creature she mistook for a kitten, and ran to the saber-toothed tiger's claws, which were about the same thickness as its body, and rubbed the other's claws with its small round and soft head. After the saber-toothed tiger patted it lightly somersaults, it quickly got up and surrounded the tiger, Sa Huan'er, who was hundreds of times bigger than it.

    Uh... did she get something wrong? Although she is a post-apocalyptic biologist, she has only seen prehistoric creatures like saber-toothed tigers in pictures, and the saber-toothed tigers in her impression do not have such bright colors, nor do they have such a huge figure. It is even more impossible for her to know that the cubs of saber-toothed tigers are so miniature and cute, so infinitely similar to cats...

    Just when she was stunned, the saber-toothed tiger obviously recognized her and was about to rush over.

    The little milk tiger who was begging for attention under its feet accidentally tripped over and made a solid somersault. Maybe it hurt from the fall, and made a thin "meow...meow..." sound.

    The big saber-toothed tiger has a black line, and it has been swollen for a long time. Its little baby actually makes such a strange sound? Are you starving? No, it clearly caught a rabbit yesterday, and it was reluctant to eat it, and would rather leave it all to the little guy. Not hungry, is it sick?


    "Meow...meow...meow..." Little Milk Tiger's soft and delicate cry, accusing the father of being unkind to it. It rolled around like a ball on the paws of the great saber-toothed tiger.

    When the saber-toothed tiger was about to attack, all the hairs on An'er's body stood up and saluted, and her legs were frightened. Given the distance between her and the saber-toothed tiger, she could be caught by someone with a pounce. It's over, this little life is definitely over.

    Unexpectedly, the next warm scene rescued her from the cold. Although the saber-toothed tiger is vicious, it is quite gentle with its own baby! While its attention is all on the little cub, if it doesn't leave at this time, when will it be?

    An'er quietly retreated back, her eyes closely watching the movements of the saber-toothed tigers - although, she was very puzzled why the male tiger took care of the cubs - one step, two steps, three steps... very Well, the saber-toothed tiger still didn't pay attention to her movements.

    However, what made Lin An'er laugh and cry was that the little guy, after flirting with his father for a while, jumped and ran in her direction. And the eyes of the big saber-toothed tiger followed her little baby, and the warmth in her eyes was quickly replaced by vigilance and hatred.

    You...why do you hate us? We and you don't have any hatred for killing your father and taking your wife, so don't we just scare you? It's not a big deal, because we've worked so hard to feed your cubs, let's even out?

    An'er's gaze collided with that of the saber-toothed tiger. Good risk, no sparks were hit. The saber-toothed tiger stared at her fiercely for a long time, pacing gracefully and slowly approaching her.

    Is it too late to escape now? An'er's understanding of the habits of beasts is very clear that as long as she turns around and tends to run away, this saber-toothed tiger will definitely pounce on her and bite her neck. Well, we're just left to fate! An'er prayed that the saber-toothed tiger had eaten elsewhere and had no stomach to eat her.

    "Gululu..." It seems that the gods and the heavens did not hear her prayers. The big guy, who was less than one meter away from her, made a sound in his stomach, in the quiet forest. , seems so clear.

    Now, An'er finally understands why she never met a single animal. The saber-toothed tiger's territory, that animal dares to stay, isn't that giving food to the tiger?

    "Huhuhu..." Saber-toothed tiger lowered its head, and sprayed on An'er's face with its hot and humid breath—so fishy! Given the IQ of this saber-toothed tiger, An'er did not dare to show a trace of disgust, and had to squeeze out a pleasing smile on her stiff face.

    "Meow—" The little saber-toothed tiger turned around at An'er's feet, and found that the other party didn't focus on him, but just stared at his father. Uneasy about being ignored, she used her little furry head to rub against An'er's exposed calf.

    So soft, so itchy! An'er resisted the tickling feeling on her legs, and her expression became a little distorted.

    The saber-toothed tiger tilted its head, and there was a look of doubt in its eyes. It looked down along An'er's quietly twisting legs, but saw its own little baby, holding someone's leg with its fleshy little paws, with a look of begging for hugs and caresses in its eyes. eager.

    What a shame! It's shameful for a dignified saber-toothed tiger to make such a bizarre cry, and to act coquettishly with a human being! The big saber-toothed tiger snorted its nose vigorously, expressing its displeasure. It lowered its head and used its front teeth to gently grab the skin of the back of the neck of the little milk tiger, and tore it away from An'er's legs.

    Out of the corner of An'er's line of sight, she saw the saber-toothed tiger with a big mouth, heading towards her legs. She was terrified and terrified! damn! I'm about to become a disabled person without legs! No, with the medical conditions here, it's still a question of whether or not you can save your own life. This saber-toothed tiger is so big, two legs must not be enough for it to eat... woo woo woo, she will soon be dead.

    The expected pain did not come. She quietly opened her closed eyes and found the saber-toothed tiger holding the struggling little guy in her mouth, looking over with an idiot expression.

    Seeing the saber-toothed tiger, holding the cub in his mouth, he turned around and left with heavy steps. Huh? God horse situation? Could it be that this saber-toothed tiger is so kind and doesn't eat her anymore?

    An'er touched her beating heart and saw the piece of hyena liver that fell on the ground, she hurriedly said, "That... little meow... no, little saber-toothed tiger is not full yet. , will you let it be full before taking it back?"

    Saber-toothed tiger stopped, looked back at her, looked at the attractive liver she had just picked up in her hand, hesitated for a moment, then turned back, gently put the Put down the cub.

      The liver in his hand, the pink tongue kept licking his mouth.

    Saber-toothed tiger's eyes are filled with helplessness! Saber-toothed tigers and humans are also considered natural enemies. Why is their little treasure so easily bought by humans? However, this human is not that bad. He didn't shoot it with a short spear just now, and he didn't hurt its little cub while it wasn't there.

    This little **** is getting more and more courageous, and dares to sneak out of the cave while it is out, and go back and teach it a lesson. Fortunately, there are threatened animals nearby, and they have been cleaned up by it, but it does not mean absolute safety. Wasn't the little guy's mother tiger killed by a large insect passing by?

    Saber-toothed tiger is very happy that its cub met this skinny little human.

    An'er has squatted down and helped the little milk tiger cut the liver into small pieces that it is easy to swallow. The little guy ate the minced meat that An'er put in his palm in big mouthfuls, and his long little tail swung playfully to and fro.

    "Gulululu..." The fishy smell from the crushed liver is quite attractive to every carnivore. The saber-toothed tiger sat opposite An'er, lovingly watching the child eat, but its tongue kept licking its mouth - it was so hungry, the harvest was not good these days, and most of the prey was saved for the little guy to eat, it I've been hungry for two days...

    "That...if you are hungry and don't dislike it, you can take that hyena and enjoy it?" Serve. Saber-toothed tiger is full, shouldn't he change his mind to eat her again?

    Saber-toothed tiger lowered its head and sniffed the food delivered to its feet. Although he felt that as a saber-toothed tiger, it was very contemptible for the prey to be hunted by weak humans. However, it was too hungry, and the **** aura emanating from its prey made it completely unable to resist.

    "Eat, little meow... Your child is still young and needs your care. If you are starving, what will he do?" An Erba knew what she said, could saber-toothed tiger understand , but she continued to ramble on and on.

    "Meow?" The little milk tiger raised his head from the food when he heard his name, tilted his head and looked at An'er in confusion.

    "It's fine, let's eat yours!" An'er stretched out her hand and touched the little guy's head lightly, suddenly remembering that the other people's Baba was still there, and her hand was frozen on Xiao Miao's head For a moment, he quickly shrank back. The little guy didn't care at all, and lowered his head to eat delicious food.

    The saber-toothed tiger hesitated for a moment, making sure that An'er would not hurt her child, so she picked up the hyena meat, found a corner, and devoured it. The flesh that has been stripped of its skin is much better than what it hunts on weekdays, but unfortunately, even if it hunts food, no one will help it skin it... The saber-toothed tiger suddenly felt a trace of regret.

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